List of Journal Publications from RRCAT in 2001

By Author(A-Z)

A(1) B(5) C(8) D(4) E(1) G(5)J(2) K(4) L(2) M(6) N(2) R(4) S(7)T(1) W(1)Y(1)


1.	Arora, V.*; Chakera, J.A.*; Kumbhare, S.R.*; Naik, P.A.*;
        Gupta, N.K.*; Gupta, P.D.*
	 Angular distribution of X-ray line radiation from
 	 laser-irradiated planer targets
	 Laser and Particle Beams vol.19, no.2, p.253-257, Jun. 2001


2. Banerjee, A.*; Singh, M.P.* Ground-state properties of a trapped Bose gas beyond the mean-field approximation Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics) vol.64, no.6, p.063604/1-8, Dec. 2001 3. Bartwal, K.S.*; Bhatt, R.*; Kar, S.*; Wadhawan, V.K.* Growth and characterization of PbB/sub 4/O/sub 7/ single crystals Materials Science & Engineering B (Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology) vol.B85, no.1, p.76-9, 6 Aug. 2001 4. Bartwal, K.S.* Lead tetraborate: a new promising NLO crystal Laser Horizon vol.5, no.2, p.49-51, Dec. 2001 5. Bindra K.S.*; Bookey H.T.; Kar A.K.; Wherrett B.S.; Liu X.; Jha A. Nonlinear optical properties of chalcogenide glasses: observation of multiphoton absorption Applied Physics Letters vol.79, no.13, p.1939-41, Sept. 2001 6. Bindra, K.S.*; Kar, A.K. Role of femtosecond pulses in distinguishing third- and fifth-order nonlinearity for semiconductor-doped glasses Applied Physics Letters vol.79, no.23, p.3761-3763, Dec. 2001


7. Castellanos-Guzman, A.G.; Czank, M.; Kumar, A.*; Singh, G.*; Tiwari, V.S.*; Wadhwan, V.K.* Calorimetric, optical and electron microscopy studies of Co3B7O13Cl ferroic boracite Ferroelectrics vol.251, p.61-68, 2001 8. Chaddah, P.*; Manekar, M.* Calculation of minor hysteresis loops under metastable to stable transformations in vortex matter Pramana, Journal of Physics vol.56, no.5, p.657-65, May 2001 9. Chaddah, P.*; Roy, S.B.* Vortex matter and its phase transitions Current Science vol.80, no.8, 25 Apr. 2001 10. Chakera, J.A.*; Raghuramaiah, M.*; Naik, P.A.*;Gupta, P.D.*; Chevokin, V.K. On-line temporal characterization of an X-ray streak camera Optics and Laser Technology vol.33, no.6, p.421-5, Sept. 2001 11. Chakera, J.A.*; Arora, V.*; Kumbhare, S.R.*; Naik, P.A.*; Ganesan, V.; Gupta, P.D. Single shot twin X-ray microscopic imaging using simultaneously produced laser-plasma X-ray sources Review of Scientific Instruments vol.72, no.2, p.1421-4, Feb. 2001 12. Chaudhary, S.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.* DC-magnetisation studies in the La/sub 1-x/Sr/subx/CoO/sub 3/ (x < or=0.4) system Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol.326, p.112-16, 9 Aug. 2001 13. Chaudhary, S.*; Rajarajan, A.K.*; Singh, K.J.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.* Peak effect in the vortex state of V/sub 3/Si: a study of history dependence Physica C vol.353, no.1-2, p.29-37, 1 May 2001 14. Chaudhari, S.M.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddahb, P.*; Dasannacharya, B.A. DC magnetization studies in Nb/Fe superconducting multilayers Vacuum vol.60, no.4, p.407-10,


15. Deshpande, P.P.* Implementing a two-wire RS-485 network Circuit Cellar no.133, p.14-20, Aug. 2001 16. Divakara Rao, K.*; Anantha Ramakrishna, S.*; Gupta, P.K.* Nonlinear optical studies in tetraphenyl-porphyrin-doped boric acid glass using picosecond pulses Applied Physics B (Lasers and Optics) vol.B72, no.2, p.215-19, Feb. 2001 17. Dube A.*; Bock C.; Bauer E.; Kohli R.; Gupta P.K.* He-Ne laser irradiation protects B-lymphoblasts from UVA-induced DNA damage Radiant Environmental Biophysics vol.40, p. 77-82, 2001 18. Dubey V. K .*; Rao J. P.*; Saxena P.* Programmable source powers dc micromotors EDN Magazine p. 132, March, 2001


19. Englisch U.; Rossner H.; Maletta H.; Bahrdt J.; Sasaki S.; Senf F.; Sawhney K.J.S.*; Gudat W. The elliptical undulator UE46 and its monochromator beam-line for structural research on nanomagnets at BESSY-II Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research section A:(Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment) vol.467-468, no. 1-3 (1), p. 541-544, July, 2001


20. Ganeev R.A; Chakera J.A*; Raghuramaiah M.*; Sharma A.K.*; Naik P.A*; Gupta P.D.* Experimental study of harmonic generation from solid surfaces irradiated by multipicosecond laser pulses Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics) vol.63, no.2, pt.2, p. 026402(1-6), 2001 21. Ganeev, R.A.; Chakera, J.A.*; Raghuramaiah, M.*; Sharma,A.K.*; Naik, P.A.*; Gupta, P.D.* Polarization effects in harmonic generation from solid surfaces Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics vol.3, no.2, p.S112-17, April 2001 22. Ganguli, T.*; Vedvyas, M.; Bhattacharya, P.*; Kukreja, L.M.*; Ingale, A.*; Adhi, K.P.; Chandrashekharan, K.S.; Arora, B.M.; Rustagi, K.C.* Crystalline quality of ZnSe thin films grown on GaAs by pulsed laser deposition in He and Ar ambients Thin Solid Films vol.388, no.1-2, p.189-94 1 June 2001 23. Ghosh N.* ;. Mohanty S. K.*; Majumder S. K.*; Gupta P. K.* Measurement of optical transport properties of normal and malignant human breast tissue Applied Optics vol.40, no.1, p. 177, Jan. 2001 24. Gupta, P.D.*; Naik, P.A.*; Pronko, P.P.; Van Rompay, P.A. Comment on "Isotope enrichment in laser-ablation plumes and commensurately deposited thin films"[and reply] Physical Review Letters vol.86, no.7, p.1386-7 12 Feb. 2001


25. Jain, S.K.*; Jain, A.*; Hannurkar, P.R.* High current microwave proton ion source Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics vol.39, no.1-2 p.45-9 Jan.-Feb. 2001 26 Joshi, M.P.*; Ingale, A.* Photoluminescence in fullerene-doped porous glasses Applied Physics B (Lasers and Optics) vol.B72, no.8 p.941-5 June 2001


27. Karnal A.* Logic level selects direct or inverse-acting power control curve Electronics World vol.107, no.1786, P. 791, Oct. 2001 28. Kohli R.; Bose B.;* Gupta P.K.* Introduction of phr gene expression in E. coli strain KY706/pPL-1 by He-Ne laser (632.8nm) irradiation Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology vol.60, p. 136-142, 2001 29. Kumar A.; Bhatt R.B.; Biswas D.J.; Banerjee N.S.*; Mokhariwale A.*; Nundy U.* A novel method of measuring the delay between pre-ionizing and main discharges in TE gas lasers Measurment Science and Technology vol.12, no.10, p. 1739-42, Oct. 2001 30. Kumar, V*; Krishnagopal, S.* Start-up and saturation in self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron lasers using a time-independent analysis Physical Review E vol.65, no.1, pt.2, p. 016503(1-8)


31. Livin D.B.; Wadhawan V.K.* Latent symmetry and its group theoretical determination Acta Crystallographica section A: Foundtations of Crystallography vol.57, p. 435-441, 2001 32. Lodha, G.S.*; Raghuvanshi, V.K.*; Modi, M.H.*; Tripathi, P.*; Verma, A.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* X-ray multilayer optics: growth and characterization Vacuum vol.60, no.4, p.385-8, March 2001


33. Manekar, M.A.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Singh, K.J.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.* First-order transition from antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism in Ce(Fe/sub 0.96/Al/sub 0.04/)/sub 2/ Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) vol.64, no.10, p.104416/1-5 1 Sept. 2001 34. Mishra K.K.*; Khardekar R.K.*; Singh R.*: Pant H.C.*; Borisenko N.G.: Gromov A.I.: Merkul'ev J.A. Development of polystrene microshells doped with ultafine metal particles as radiation-preheated ICF targets using optimized multiple emulsion technique Plasma Physics Controlled Fusion vol.43, no.12, p.1723-1732, Dec. 2001 35. Misra, P.*; Bhattacharya, P.*; Mallik, K.*; Rajagopalan, S.; Kukreja, L.M.; Rustagi, K.C. Variation of band gap with oxygen ambient pressure in Mg/sub x/Zn/sub 1-x/O thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition Solid State Communications vol.117, no.11, p.673-7 Mar., 2001 36. Mohanty, S.K.*; Ghosh, N.*; Majumder, S.K.*; Gupta, P.K.* Depolarization of autofluorescence from malignant and normal human breast tissues Applied Optics vol.40, no.7, p.1147-54, 1 March 2001 37. Moorti, A.*; Sailaja, S.*; Naik, P.A.*; Gupta, P.D.*; Korobkin, Yu.V.; Romanov, I.V.; Rupasov, A.A.; Shikhanov, A.S. Laser-driven high-current-density pulsed electron emission from lead zirconium titanate ferroelectric ceramic Applied Physics Letters vol.79, no.8, p.1163-5, 20 Aug. 2001 38. Mukhopadhyay, P.K.*; George, J.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Kapoor, R.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* Measurement of sigma tau product of solid state laser materials by an alternative method: application to Nd/sup 3+/ doped YVO/sub 4/ crystal for /sup 4/F/sub 3/2/ to /sup 4/I/sub 11/2/ transition Pramana, Journal of Physics vol.56, no.1, p.77-85, Jan. 2001


39. Nanda D.*; Oak M.S.*; Pravin Kumar M.*; Maiti B.; Dutta P.K. Facilitated transport of Th(IV) a cross bulk liquid membrane by DI(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid Separation Science and Technology vol.36, no.11, p. 2489-2497, Nov. 2001 40. Navathe, C.P.*; Dashora, B.L.*; Jaiswal, A.*; Thakur, D.S.*; Roy, C.N.*; Kukreja, L.M.* An indigenously developed electronic control system for Langmuir-Blodgett film deposition set-up Sadhana vol.26, pt.3, p.213-25, June 2001


41. Raghuramaiah, M.*; Sharma, A.K.*; Naik, P.A.*; Gupta, P.D.*; Ganeev, R.A. A second-order autocorrelator for single-shot measurement of femtosecond laser pulse durations Sadhana vol.26, pt.6, p.603-11, December 2001 42. Ramamoorthy K.; Sanjeeviraja C.; Jayachandran M.; Sankaranarayanan K.;Bhattacharya P.*, Kukreja L.M.* Preparation and characterization of ZnO thin films on InP by laser-molecular beam epitaxy techniques for solar cells Journal of Crystal Growth vol.226, no.4, p. 281-86, Aug. 2001 43. Rashinkar, N.*; Pande, S.A.*; Prasad, M.*; Hannurkar, P.R.* Design of a 20 MeV drift tube linac (Tank-I 0.75-10.76 MeV) Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics vol.39, no.1-2, p.65-71 Jan.-Feb. 2001 44. Ray A.; Bhowmik R.N.; Ranganathan R.; Roy A.; Ghose J.; Chaudhary S.* Magnetic ordering in Fe/sub 2-x/Zn/sub x/MoO/sub 4/ (X = 0.1-1) spinel Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol.223, no.1, p. 39-49, Jan. 2001


45. Sailaja S.; Naik P.A., Gupta P.D. Absolute spectral distribution of soft x-ray emission from laser produced gold plasma IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science vol.29, no.6, p. 960-964, Dec. 2001 46. Sawhney, K.J.S.*; Senf, F.; Gudat, W. PGM beamline with constant energy resolution mode for U49-2 undulator at BESSY-II Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A (Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment) vol.467-468, pt.1, p.466-9, 21 July 2001 47. Sharma, T.K.*; Kumar, S.* Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of semi-insulating GaAs in the 800-1100 nm range Applied Physics Letters vol.79, no.11, p.1715-17, 10 Sept. 2001 48. Singh, G.*; Angal-Kalinin, D.*; Bhawalkar, D.D.*; Fakhri, A.A.*; Ghodke, A.D.*; Kant, P.*; Kumar,P.*; Nema, P.K.*; Raja Rao, A.S.*; Sahoo, G.K.*; Singh, B.* Commissioning status of Indus-1 SR facility Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics vol.39, no.1-2, p.96-103, Jan.-Feb. 2001 49. Singh, G.*; Tiwari, V.S.*; Wadhawan, V.K.* Crossover from relaxor to normal ferroelectric behaviour in (1-x)Pb(Mg/sub 1/3/Nb/sub 2/3/)O/sub 3/-xPbZrO/sub 3/ ceramic near x=0.5 Solid State Communications vol.118, no.8, p.407-11, 2001 50. Singh, M.P.* Hopfield model with self-coupling Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics) vol.64, no.5, pt.1, p. 51912(1-8), Nov. 2001 51. Sinha, A.K.*; Sawhney, K.J.S.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* Optimal design of a beam stop for Indus-2 using finite element heat transfer studies Sadhana vol.26, no.6, p.591-602, Dec. 2001


52, Tiwari M.K.*: Singh A.K.*: Sawhney K.J.S.* Analysis of stainless steel samples by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry Bulletin of Materials Sciences vol.24, no.6, p. 633-638, Dec. 2001


53. Weiss M.R.;Follath R.; Sawhney K.J.S.*; Zeschke T. Absolute energy calibration for plane grating monochromators Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research section A:(Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment) vol.467-468, no.1-3(1), p. 482-484, July 2001


54. Yadav D.P.*: Ramshiroman* : Shukla S.K.*: Rao A.S.R.* Development of UHV demountable joints for Al alloy chambers of Indus-2 IVS Bulletin vol.4, no.3, p. 21-25, Sept. 2001

Note: The authors '*' marked are from RRCAT, Indore

Compiled by RRCAT Library