List of Journal Publications from RRCAT in 2002

By Author(A-Z)

A(4) B(9) C(6) D(4) G(6) I(1) K(10) L(1) M(9) N(5) P(6) R(5) S(16) T(4) U(4) V(1) W(1)


1.	Ahuja, B.L.; Ramesh, T.; Sharma, B.K.; Chaddah, P.*; Roy, S.B.*; Kakutani, Y.; Koizumi; Hiraoka, N.; Toutani, M.; Sakai, N.; Sakurai, Y.; Itou, M.
         Temperature-dependent magnetic Crompton scattering study of spin moments in Ce(Fe0.96Ru0.04)2 
         Physical Review B: Condensed Matter vol. 66, no. 1, p. 12411-4, Jul. 2002   

2.	Amirthapandian, S.; Panigrahi, B.K.; Srivastava, A.K.*; Gupta,         
        A.; Nair, K.G.M.; Nandedkar, R.V.*; Narayanasamy, A. 
         Irradiation-induced metastable phase formation and amorphization in an immiscible Co/Ag multilayer 
         Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 14, no.39, p. L641-L645 Oct. 2002

3.      Andrews, J.T.*; Sen, P. 
         Steady state optical gain in small semiconductor quantum dots 
         Journal of Applied Physics vol. 91, no. 5, p. 2827-32, 1 March 2002                      

4.	Angal-Kalinin, D.*; Banerji, A.*; Hannurkar, P.R.*;  Karmarkar, M.G.*;  Kotaiah, S.*; Mhaskar, S.P.*;Nema, P.K.*; Prabhu, S.S.*; Kumar, M.P.*;  Ramamurthi, S.S.*; Shukla, S.K.*; Singh, G.*; Soni, H.C.*; Vaidya, B.J.* 
         Synchrotron radiation source Indus-1
         Current Science vol. 82, no. 3, p. 283-90, 10 Feb. 2002 


5. Banerjee, A.*; Harbola, M.K. Calculation of van der Waals coefficients in hydrodynamic approach to time-dependent density functional theory Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 117, no. 17, p. 7845-51, 1 Nov. 2002 6. Banerjee, A.*; Singh, M.P.* Elementary excitations of a trapped Bose gas in the large-gas-parameter regime Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics) vol.66, no. 4, p. 043609/1-8, Oct. 2002 7. Banerjee, A.*; Sen, K.D.; Garza, J.; Vargas, R. Mean excitation energy, static polarizability, and hyperpolarizability of the spherically confined hydrogen atom Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 116, no. 10, p. 4054-7, 8 March 2002 8. Bhatnagar, R.*; Saxena, P.*; Vora, H.S.*; Dubey, V.K.*; Sarangpani, K.K.*; Shirke, N.D.; Bhattacharjee S.K. Design and performance of a versatile, computer controlled instrument for studying low temperature thermoluminescence from biological samples Measurement Science & Technology vol. 13, no. 12, p. 2017-26, Dec. 2002 9. Bhattacharya, P.*; Sharma, T.K.*; Singh, S.*; Ingale, A.*; Kukreja, L.M.* Observation of zincblend phase in InN thin films grown on sapphire by nitrogen plasma-assisted pulsed laser deposition Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 236, no. 1-3 p. 5-9, 1 March 2002 10. Bhaumik, I.*; Ganesamoorthy, S.*; Bhatt, R.*; Sundar, R.*; Karnal, A.K.*; Wadhawan, V.K.* Novel seeding technique for growing KTiOPO/sub 4/ single crystals by the TSSG method Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 243, no. 3-4, p. 522-5, Sept. 2002 11. Bhawalkar, D. D.* India's first synchrotron radiation source Indus-1: a historical perspective Current Science vol. 82, no. 3, p. 279-282, Feb. 2002 12. Borage, M.*; Tiwari, S.*; Kotaiah, S.* Damping of power-converter front-end averaging filters TechOnline 2002 13. Borage, M.*; Tiwari, S.*; Kotaiah, S.* Updated passive PFC circuit cuts inductor value and size Power Electronics Technology p. 28-37, Mar. 2002


14. Chaddah, P.*; Radhakrishnan, T. S. Physics at ultra-low temperatures (News) Current Science vol. 82, no. 6, p. 616-617, Mar. 2002 15. Chatterjee, S.*; Kumar, Y.P.* Long-trace profiler with cyclic optical configuration Applied Optics vol. 41, no. 28, p. 5857-9, 1 Oct. 2002 16. Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaudhary, S.* Magnetic properties of Fe/sub 1-x/Co/sub x/Si alloys Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) vol. 65, no. 13, p. 132409/1-4, 1 April 2002 17. Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Singh, K.J.*; Nigam, A.K. Magnetic response of Fe/sub 1-x/Co/sub x/Si alloys: a detailed study of magnetization and magnetoresistance Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) vol.66, no.17, p. 174421-1-7, 1 Nov. 2002 18. Chaudhary, S.*; Singh, K.J.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.* Fluctuation effects and scaling behaviour in C15 Laves-phase superconductor CeRu/sub 2/ Physica C vol. 377, no. 1-2 p. 130-4, 15 Aug. 2002 19. Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Singh, K.J.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.*; Sampathkumaran, E.V. Thermomagnetic history effects in SmMn/sub 2/Ge/sub 2/ Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) vol. 66, no. 1, p. 014424/1-6, 1 July 2002


20. Datta, A.*; Dube, A.*; Jain, B.*; Tiwari, A.*; Gupta, P.K.* The effect of pH and surfactant on the aggregation behavior of chlorin p/Sub 6/: a fluorescence spectroscopic study Photochemistry and Photobiology vol. 75, no. 5, p. 488-94, May 2002 21. Deshmukh, S.V. Laser interferometric and faraday rotation techniques for plasma diagnostics Physics Education vol. 18, no. 3-4, p. 255-261, Mar. 2002 22. Diagaradjane, P.; Madhuri S.'; Aruna, P.; Gupta, P.K.*; Ganesan, S. In vivo pharmacokinetics of 8-aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyr in IX during pre- & post-photodynamic therapy in 7,12-dimethylbenz(a) nthracene-treated skin carcinogenesis in swiss mice: a comparision by three-compartment model Photochemistry and Photobiology vol. 76, no. 1, p. 81-90 Jan. 2002 23. Dixit, V.K.*; Bansal, B.; Vankataraman, V.; Bhat, H.L. Structural, optical, and electrical properties of bulk single crystals of InAsxSb(1-x)grown by rotatory Bridgeman method Applied Physics Letters vol. 81, no. 9, p. 1630-32, 26 Aug. 2002


24. Ganguli, T.*; Kumar, S.*; Kukreja, L.M.*; Rustagi, K.C.* Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of pulsed laser deposited undoped ZnSe/n/sup +/GaAs Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 14, no. 8, p. 1813-23, 4 March 2002 25. Ghodke, D.V.*; Muralikrishanan, K.* High repetition rate thyristor driver for a magnetic modulator TechOnLine 2002 26. Ghosh, H.*; Singh, A. Interplay of staggered flux phase and d-wave superconductivity Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) vol. 66, no. 6, p. 064530/1-9, 1 Aug. 2002 27. Ghosh, N.*; Datta, A.*; Gupta, P. K.* Diffuse reflectance studies of edible fats Applied Spectroscopy vol. 56, no. 8, p. 1094-97, Aug. 2002 28. Ghosh, N.*; Majumder, S.K.*; Gupta, P.K.* Fluorescence depolarization in a scattering medium: Effect of size parameter of a scatterer Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics) vol. 65, no. 2, p. 026608/1-6, Feb. 2002 29. Ghosh, N.*; Majumder, S.K.*; Gupta, P.K.* Polarized fluorescence spectroscopy of human tissues Optics Letters vol. 27, no. 22, p. 2007-9, 15 Nov. 2002


30. Ijspeert, A.; Allitt, M.; Hilaire, A.; Karppinen, M., Mazet, J.; Salmiene, J.; Karmarkar, M.*; Puntambekar, A.* Principles developed for the construction of the high performance, low-cost superconducting LHC corrector magnets IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity vol. 12, no. 1, p. 90-93, Mar. 2002


31. Kannan, C.V.; Moorthy, S.G.*; Kannan, V.; Subramanian, C.; Ramasamy, P. TSSG of RbTiOPO4 single crystals from phosphate flux and their characterization Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 245, no. 3-4, p. 289-96, Nov. 2002 32. Kaul, R.*; Ganesh, P.*; Nath, A.K.*; Tripathi, P.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* Characterization and comparision of laser and gas tungsten arc weldments of AlSl 430 stainless steel Metals Materials and Processes vol. 14, no. 1, p. 41-48, Jan. 2002 33. Kaul, R.*; Ganesh, P.*; Tiwari, M.K.*; Singh, A.K.*; Tripathi, P.*; Gupta, A.; Nath, A K.* Laser assisted deposition of graded overlay of stellite 6 on austenitic stainless steel Lasers in Engineering vol. 12, no. 3, p. 207-25, Sept. 2002 34. Kaul, R.*; Ganesh, P.*; Ittoop, M.O.*; Nath, A.K.*; Kumar, A.; Bhati, R.B.; Kumar, A. Microstructural characterisation of a dissimilar weld of alloy D9 and 316M stainless steel produced using a 2.5kW CW Co2 laser Lasers in Engineering vol. 12, no. 2, p. 117-33, 2002 35. Kher, S.*; Srikant, G.*; Chaube, S.*; Chakraborty, A.L.*; Nathan, T.P.S.*; Bhawalkar, D.D.* Design, development and studies on Raman-based fibre-optic distributed temperature sensor Current Science vol. 83, no. 11, p. 1365-8, 10 Dec. 2002 36. Kher, S.*; Chaubey, S.*; Chakraborty, A.L.*; Bhanage, V.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* Design and development of an inexpensive, novel OTDR type system for detection of fiber cracks and breaks Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics vol. 40, no. 10, p. 750-3, Oct. 2002 37. Kumar, A.*; Pant, K.K.*; Krishnagopal, S.* Design and beam dynamics simulations of an S-band photocathode RF gun Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams vol. 5, no. 10, p. 103501/1-6, Oct.2002 38. Kumar, A.*; Pant, K.K.*; Krishnagopal, S.* Simulations and cold-test results of a prototype plane wave transformer linac structure Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams vol. 5, no. 3, p. 033501/1-7, March 2002 39. Kumar, M.*; Deshpande, A.; Gupta, C.*; Biswas, A.K.*; Nath, A.K.* Maximization of yield of C-13 isotope multiphoton dissociation of Freon-22 using high power TEA CO2 laser Procceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical Science vol. 114, no. 6, p. 659-73, Dec. 2002 40. Kumar, V.*; Krishnagopal, S.* Start-up and saturation in self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron lasers using a time-independent analysis Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics) vol. 65, no. 1 p. 016503/1-8, Jan. 2002


41. Litvin, D. B.; Wadhwan, V. K.* Latent symmetry Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography vol. 58, no. 1, p. 1-2, Jan. 2002


42. Manekar, M.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Singh, K.J.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.* Metamagnetic transition in Ce(Fe/sub 0.96/Al/sub 0.04/)/sub 2/: a dc magnetization study Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 14, no. 17, p. 4477-90, 6 May 2002 43. Mishra, K.K.*; Khardekar, R.K.*; Singh, R.*; Pant, H.C.* Fabrication of polystyrene hollow microspheres as laser fusion targets by optimized density-matched emulsion technique and characterization Pramana-Journal of Physics vol. 59, no. 1 p. 113-31, July 2002 44. Mishra, K.K.*; Khardekar, R.K.*; Singh, R.*; Pant, H.C.* Novel approach to produce polymerized hydrocarbon coatings using dielectric barrier controlled atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma Review of Scientific Instruments vol. 73, no. 9, p. 3251-7, Sept. 2002 45. Mohanty, S.K.*; Rapp, A.; Monajembashi, S.; Gupta, P.K.*; Greulich, K.O. Comet assay measurements of DNA damage in cells by laser microbeams and trapping beams with wavelengths spanning a range of 308 nm to 1064 nm Radiation Research vol. 157, no. 4, p. 378-85, April 2002 46. Mukhopadhyay, P.K.*; George Jogy *; Ranganathan, K.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* An alternative approach to determine the fractional heat load in solid state laser materials: application to diode-pumped Nd:YVO/sub 4/ laser Optics and Laser Technology vol. 34, no. 3, p. 253-8, April 2002 47. Mukhopadhyay, P.K.*; Ranganathan, K.*; George, J.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* Effect of absorbed pump power on the quality of output beam from monolithic microchip lasers Pramana-Journal of Physics vol. 58, no. 4, p. 657-68, April 2002 48. Mukhopadhyay, P.K.*; Ranganathan, K.*; George, J.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* Effect of Nd/sup 3+/ concentration on CW and pulsed performance of fiber-coupled diode laser pumped Nd:YVO/sub 4/ laser at 1064 nm Pramana-Journal of Physics vol. 59, no. 1, p. 75-89, July 2002 49. Mukhopadhyay, P.K.*; George, J.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Ranganathan, K.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* Experimental determination of effective stimulated emission cross-section in a diode pumped Nd:YVO/sub 4/ micro-laser at 1064 nm with various doping concentrations Optics and Laser Technology vol. 34, no. 5, p. 357-62 July 2002 50. Mukhopadhyay, P.K.*; George, J.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Gupta, P.K.; Nathan, T.P.S. Operational characteristics of dual gain single cavity Nd:YVO/sub 4/ laser Pramana-Journal of Physics vol. 58, no. 1, p. 59-66, Jan. 2002


51. Nair, M.S.; Ghosh N.*;, Raju, S.; Pradhan, A. Determination of optical parameters of human breast tissue from spatially resolved fluorescence: a diffusion theory model Applied Optics vol. 41, no. 19, p. 4024-35, 1 Jul 2002 52. Nakhe, S.V.* Ease capacitor ESL/ESR measurement with mercury-wetted relay Electronic Design vol.48, no. 24, p. 72-73, Nov 2002 53. Nandedkar, R.V.* Beamlines on Indian synchrotron radiation source Indus-1 Current Science vol. 82, no. 3, p. 291-7, 10 Feb. 2002 54. Nandedkar, R.V.*; Sawhney, K.J.S.*; Lodha, G.S.*;Verma, A.*; Raghuvanshi, V.K.*; Sinha, A.K.*; Modi, M.H.*; Nayak, M.* First results on the reflectometry beamline on Indus-1 Current Science vol. 82, no. 3, p. 298-304, 10 Feb. 2002 55. Nath, A.K.*; Sridhar, R.*; Ganesh, P.*; Kaul, R.* Laser power coupling efficiency in conduction and keyhole welding of austenitic stainless steel Sadhana vol. 27, no. 3, p. 383-92, June 2002


56. Pande, S.A.*; Prasad, M.*; Kulkarni, N.*; Hannurkar, P.R.* Preliminary design studies of a 100 MeV H/sup -//H sup +/ LINAC as injector for SNS synchrotron/ADS LINAC Pramana-Journal of Physics vol. 59, no. 5, p.859-69, Nov. 2002 57. Pant, H.C.*; Shukla, M.*; Senecha, V.K.*; Bandyopadhyay, S.*; Rai, V.N.*; Khare, P.*; Bhat, R.K.*; Godwal, B.K.; Gupta, N.K. Equation-of-state studies using laser-driven shock wave propagation through layered foil targets Current Science vol. 82, no. 2, p. 149-57, 25 Jan. 2002 58. Pant, H.C.*; Shukla, M.*; Senecha, V.K.*; Bandyopadhyay, S.*; Rai, V.K.*; Khare, P.*; Gupta, N.K.; Godwal, B.K. Laser driven shock wave experiments for equation of state studies at megabar pressures Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 44, no. 14, p. 10787-91, Nov. 2002 59. Paul, A.; Lodha, G.S.* Interface roughness correletaion due to changing layer period in Pt/C multilayers Physical Review B: Condesed Matter vol. 65, no. 24, p. 245416-14, Sept. 2002 60. Paul, C.P.*; Negi, J.; Nath, A.K.* Parametric dependence and fabrication time in laser rapid manufacturing Metals Materials and Processes vol. 14, no. 3, p. 163-72, Jul. 2002 61. Prakash, O.*; Dixit, S.K.*; Bhatnagar, R.* On the role of the coherence width and its evolution in a short-pulse fundamental beam in second harmonic generation from beta-barium borate IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics vol. 38, no. 6, p. 603-13, June 2002


62 . Rai, V.N.*; Rai, A.K.; Yueh, F.Y.; Singh, J.P. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for real time and online element analysis Bulletin of Laser and Spectroscopy Society of India no. 12, p. 1-27, 2002 63. Ram Shankar, P.*; Khattak, B.Q.*; Korgaonkar, A.V.; Jagannath, K.C.; Ratnakala, K.C.*; Tripathi, P.*; Vyas, S.N.* Chemical cleaning of aluminium alloy vacuum chambers of Indus - 2 Transactions of the Metal Finishers' Association of India vol. 11, no. 2, p. 83-87, June 2002 64. Rao, B. T.*; Nath, A.K.* Melt flow characterstics in gas-assisted laser cutting Sadhana vol. 27, no. 5, p. 569-575, Oct. 2002 65. Rao, B. T*; Nath, A.K.* Optimization of Si-steel cutting with co2 laser Metals Materials and Processes vol. 14, no. 2, p. 145-154, Apr. 2002 66. Roy, S.B.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Chaddah, P.*; Sampathkumaran, E.V. Interesting thermomagnetic history effects in the antiferromagnetic state of SmMn/sub 2/Ge/sub 2/ Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 14, no. 41, p. 9779-84, 21 Oct. 2002


67. Satapathy, S.*; Sharma, S.K.*; Karnal, A.K.* Wadhawan, V.K.* Effect of seed orientation on the growth of TGS crystals with large (010) facets needed for detector applications Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 240, no. 1-2, p.196-202, April 2002 68. Senecha, V.K.*; Zhang, J.; Wang, W.; Pant, H.C.* Numerical simulation study of laser-driven shock wave propogation in planer aluminium foils Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 14, no. 24, p. 10917-20, Nov. 2002 69. Sharma, M.*; Bansal, H.*; Gupta, P.K.* Photodynamic action of merocyanine 540 on carcinoma of cervix cells Indian Journal of Experimental Biology vol. 40, no. 3, p. 252-57, Mar. 2002 70. Sharma, M.*; Bansal, H.*; Gupta, P.K.* Photodynamic inactivation of antibiotic resistant strain of pseudomonas aeruginosa by porphyrins induced by d- aminolaevulinic acid Indian Journal of Medical Research vol. 116, p. 99-105, Sept. 2002 71. Sharma, S.K.*; Verma, S.*; Shrivastava, B.B.*; Wadhawan, V.K.* In situ measurement of pH and supersaturation-dependent growth kinetics of the prismatic and pyramidal facets of KDP crystals Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 244, no. 3-4, p.342-8 11 Oct. 2002 72. Sharma, T.K.*; Porwal, S.*; Kumar, R.*; Kumar, S.* Absorption edge determination of thick GaAs wafers using surface photovoltage spectroscopy Review of Scientific Instruments vol.73, no.4 p.1835- 40 April 2002 73. Sharma, T.K.*; Arora, B.M.; Kumar, S*.; Gokhale, M.R. Effect of growth temperature on strain barrier for metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy grown strained InGaAs quantum well with lattice matched InGaAs barriers Journal of Applied Physics vol. 91, no. 9 p. 5875-81 1 May 2002 74. Sharma, T.K.*; Kumar, S.*; Rustagi, K.C.* Frequency and intensity dependence of the sub-band-gap features observed in the surface photovoltage spectrum of semi-insulating GaAs Journal of Applied Physics vol. 92, no. 10, p. 5959-65, 15 Nov. 2002 75. Sharma, T.K.*; Zorn, M.; Bugge, F.; Huelsewede, R.; Erbert, G.; Weyers, M. High-Power highly strained InGaAs quantum-well lasers operating at 1.2 mum IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol. 14, no. 7, p. 887-89, Jul. 2002 76. Shinde, R.S.*; Karmarkar, M.G.*; Yadav, R.R.*; Rajarao, A.S.* Development of fast extraction kicker magnet for booster synchrotron of Indus-1 IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity vol. 12, no. 1, p. 262-5 March 2002 77. Shrivastava, P.*; Wanmode, Y.D.*; Hannurkar, P.R.* Preliminary design of high-power wave-guide/transmission system for multimegawatt CW requirements of 100 MeV proton LINAC Pramana-Journal of Physics vol. 59, no. 5, p. 829-34 Nov. 2002 78. Jeet Singh Sokhey, K.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Roy, S.B.* Anomalous magnetic transition and thermomagnetic irreversibility in polycrystalline neodymium Solid State Communications vol. 121, no. 9-10, p. 543-8, 2002 79. Singh, K.J.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Manekar, M.A.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.* First-order transition from ferromagnetism to antiferromagnetism in Ce(Fe/sub 0.96/Al/sub 0.04/)/sub 2/: A magnetotransport study Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) vol. 65, no. 9, p.094419/1-8, 1 March 2002 80. Singh, K.J.*; Chaudhary, S.*; Chattopadhyay, M.K.*; Roy, S.B.* Thermomagnetic irreversibility in rare-earth neodymium Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol. 246, no. 1-2, p. 243-6, April 2002 81. Srivastava, A.K.*; Tripathi, P.*; Nayak, M.*; Lodha, G.S.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* Formation of Mo/sub 5/Si/sub 3/ phase in Mo/Si multilayers Journal of Applied Physics vol. 92, no. 9, p. 5119-26, 1 Nov. 2002 82. Srivastava, A.K.*; Tripathi, P.*; Nayak, M.*; Lodha, G.S.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* High-temperature studies on Mo-Si multilayers using transmission electron microscope Current Science vol. 83, no. 8, p. 997-1000, 25 Oct. 2002


83. Tiwari, M.K.*; Gowrishankar, B.*; Raghuvanshi, V.K.*; Nandedkar, R.V.*; Sawhney, K.J.S.* Development of a total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for ultra-trace element analysis Bulletin of Materials Science vol. 25, no. 5, p. 435-41, Oct. 2002 84. Tiwari, S.K.*; Joshi, M.P.*; Laghate, M.*; Mehendale, S.C.* Role of host liquid in optical limiting in ink suspensions Optics and Laser Technology vol. 34, no. 6, p. 487-91, Sept. 2002 85. Tiwari, V.S.*; Singh, G.*; Wadhwan, V.K.* Modelling of relaxor-ferroelectric behaviour of P.M.N.-P.T. and P.M.N.-P.Z. ceramics Ferroelectrics vol. 281, p. 87-95, 2002 86. Tripathi, P.*; Lodha, G.S.*; Modi, M.H.*; Sinha, A.K.*; Sawhney, K.J.S.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* Optical constants of silicon and silicon dioxide using soft X-ray reflectance measurements Optics Communications vol. 211, no. 1-6, p. 215-23, 1 Oct. 2002


87. Upadhyay, A.*; Tripathi, V.K.; Sharma, A.K.; Pant, H.C.* Asymmetric self-focusing of a laser pulse in plasma Journal of Plasma Physics vol. 68, no. 1, p. 75-80, July 2002 88. Upadhyay, A.*; Tripathi, V.K.; Pant, H.C. Effect of hot electrons on stimulated Compton scattering of a laser in a self-sustained plasma channel Physics of Plasmas vol. 9, no. 5, p. 1698-703, May 2002 89. Upadhyay, A.*; Tripathi, V.K. Weibel instability of relativistic electron flows in a laser produced plasma Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion vol. 44, no. 11, p. 2357-63, Nov. 2002 90. Upadhyaya, B.N.*; Misra, P.*; Ranganathan, K.*; Vishwakarma, S.C.*; Golghate, H.N.*; Muthukumaran, A.C.N.*; Jain, R.K.*; Mundra, G.*; Nathan, T.P.S.* Beam quality considerations of high power Nd:YAG lasers Optics and Laser Technology vol. 34, no. 3, p. 193-7 April 2002


91. Vora, H.S.*; Upadhyay, J.*; Naik, P.A.*; Navathe, C.P.*; Gupta, P.D.* A data acquisition and analysis system for on-line calibration and measurements of optical density by a scanning microdensitometer IETE Technical Review vol. 19, no. 1-2, p. 65-9, Jan.-April 2002


92. Wadhawan, V.K.* Ferroic materials: a primer Resonance: Journal of Science Education vol. 7, no. 7, p. 15-24, July, 2002

Note: The authors '*' marked are from RRCAT, Indore

Compiled by RRCAT Library