List of Journal Publications from RRCAT in 1990

By Author(A-Z)

B(1) D(1) G(2) M(1) N(1) S(1) T(1)


1. Biswas D.J.*; Nath A.K.*; Nundy U.*; Chatterjee U.K.*
    Multiline CO/sub 2/ lasers and their uses
    Progress in Quantum Electronics vol.14, no.1, p. 1-61,


2. Dixit S.K.*; Singh B.*; Nakhe S.V.*; Mittal J.K.*; Bhatnagar R.*
    Negative-branch unstable-resonator copper-vapor laser
    Optics Letters vol.15, no.8, p. 428-30, 15 April 1990


3. Ganguli A.; Baskaran R.*; Pandey H.D. Feed optimization for the slotted line antenna for high-density plasma production IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science vol.18, no.1, p. 134-41, Feb. 1990 4. Ganguli A.; Baskaran R.* Slow wave radiation fields of a slotted line antenna Journal of Applied Physics vol.67, no.1, p. 501-7, 1 Jan. 1990


5. Mishra S.R.*; Rustagi K.C.* Contribution of longitudinal electric field of a Gaussian beam to second harmonic generation Optics Communications vol.74, no.6, p. 419-20, 15 Jan. 1990


6. Nandedkar R.V.*; Kesternich W. Effect of boron on high-temperature creep behavior of austenitic stainless steel DIN 1.4970 Metallurgical Transactions A (Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science) vol.21A, no.12, p. 3033-8, Dec. 1990


7. Singh B.*; Dixit S.K.*; Mittal J.K.*; Bhatnagar R.* An unstable resonator laser with a modified output coupling scheme Journal of Applied Physics vol.67, no.8, p. 3880-2, 15 April 1990


8. Thirumaleshwar M.*; Pandey R.M.* Two stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator operated by gas balancing principle Cryogenics vol.30, no.2, p. 100-4, Feb. 1990

Note: The authors '*' marked are from RRCAT, Indore

Compiled by RRCAT Library