1. Baskaran, R.*; Jain, S.K.*; Ramamurthi, S.S.* An S-band high power waveguide system for 20 MeV injector microtron Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics vol.30,no.1 p.23-32, Jan. 1992 2. Baskaran, R.* Application of microwaves in accelerators-a review IETE Technical Review vol.9, no.1 p.51-9, Jan.-Feb. 1992 3. Baskaran, R.*; Jain, S.K.*; Ramamurthi, S.S.* E-plane horn excitation of slow wave structures for obtaining high-density electron cyclotron resonance plasmas Review of Scientific Instruments vol.63, no.3 p.1939-44,March 1992 4. Baskaran, R.*; Jain, S.K.*; Ramamurthi, S.S.* ECR ion source using slow wave structures Review of Scientific Instruments vol.63, no.4, pt.2 p.2525-8, April 1992
5. Chaddah, P.*; Bhagwat, K.V. Comment on `Magnetic-flux profiles of high-T/sub c/ superconducting granules: three-dimension critical-state-model approximation' Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) vol.46, no.22 p.14926, Dec. 1992 6. Chaddah, P.*; Roy, S.B.*; Kumar, S.*; Bhagwat, K.V. Minor hysteresis loops and harmonic generation calculations in a generalized critical-state mod Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) vol.46, no.18 p.11737-44, 1 Nov. 1992
7. Dixit, S.K.*; Mittal, J.K.*; Singh, B.*; Saxena, P.*; Vora, H.*; Bhatn agar, R.* Asymmetry in the characteristics of collimated and uncollimated outputs from a copper vapor laser with a confocal positive branch unstable resonator Optics Communications vol.88, no.4-6 p.397-402, 1 April 1992
8. Goulding, R.R.J.; Mukhopadhyay, I.*; Lees, R.M. Infrared-infrared double resonance study of methyl alcohol Infrared Physics vol.33, no.5 p.443-7, Sept. 1992
9. Jain, B.*; Gupta, P.K.* Theoretical study of the feasibility of dual-band multiline operation of a TEA CO/sub 2/ laser with intracavity Fabry-Perot etalons Applied Physics B (Photophysics and Laser Chemistry) vol.B54,no.6 p.534-7, June 1992
10. Khan, M.; Sarkar, S.; Bhattacharyya, B.; Chakrabrty, B.; Desai, T.*; Pant, H.C.* Faraday rotation of spontaneous magnetization in a laser-produced plasma from solid target Journal of Applied Physics vol.72, no.6 p.2144-8, 15 Sept. 1992 11. Kumar, S.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chaddah, P.*; Prasad, R.;Soni, N.C. History effects in harmonic generation in sintered pellets of YBaCuO Physica C vol.191, no.3-4 p.450-4, 15 Feb. 1992
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16. Pradhan, A.K.*; Roy, S.B.*; Chen Changkang; Hodby, J.W.; Caplin, D. Magnetic properties of the superconductor Pb/sub 2/Sr/sub 2/Y/sub 1-x/Ca/sub x/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 8+y/ Physica C vol.197, no.1-2 p.22-6, 1 July 1992 17. Pradhan, A.K.*; Hazell, S.J.; Hodby, J.W.; Chen, C.; Wanklyn, B.M. Observation of Lorentz force-independent dissipation and vortex-glass phase in single crystal Bi/sub 2/Sr/sub 2/Ca/sub 1/Cu/sub 2/O/sub y/ Solid State Communications vol.82, no.9 p.685-9, June 1992
18. Rangarajan, L.M.*; Mahadevan, S.*; Ramamurthi,S.S.* Developmental techniques and electron optical studies of high voltage, high current electron guns IETE Technical Review vol.9, no.1 p.46-50, Jan.-Feb. 1992 19. Roy, S.B.*; Kumar, S.*; Chaddah, P.*; Prasad, R.; Soni, N.C. Magnetic field dependence of the harmonic generation in sintered pellets of YBaCuO. The history effects Physica C vol.198, no.3-4 p.383-8, 1 Aug. 1992 20. Rustagi, K.C.*; Ramaniah, L.M.; Nair, S.V.* Optical nonlinearity of buckminsterfullerene and its derivatives International Journal of Modern Physics B vol.6, no.23-24,p.3941-5, Dec. 1992
21. Sawhney, K.J.S.*; Nandedkar, R.V.* Imaging characteristics of toroidal and ellipsoidal mirrors for synchrotron radiation source Indus-1 Pramana, Journal of Physics vol.39, no.2 p.177-80, Aug. 1992
22. Wadhawan, V.K.*; Boulesteix, C. Transformation twinning and related phenomena Key Engineering Materials vol.68 p.43-80, 1992 23. Wadhawan, V.K.*; Somayazulu, M.S.; Sastry, P.U.M. High-sensitivity experiment for continuous recording of birefringence of crystals by rotating nalyser modulation technique Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics vol.30, no.12 p.729-32, Dec. 1992
Note: The authors '*' marked are from RRCAT, Indore
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