1. Banerjee, A.* Interaction of squeezed light with a Kerr medium Quantum Optics vol.5, no.1 p.15-23, Feb. 1993 2. Baskaran, R.*; Heurtier, J.M.; Hill, C.E. Modeling of the electron cyclotron resonance sulphur source Review of Scientific Instruments vol.64, no.1 p.191-6, Jan. 1993
3. Dixit, S.K.*; Mittal, J.K.*; Singh, B.*; Saxena, P.*; Bhatnagar, R.* A generalized diffraction filtered resonator with a copper vapor laser Optics Communications vol.98, no.1-3 p.91-4, 15 April 1993
4. Harbola, M.K.* Density-functional calculations of electric-dipole polarizabilities for atoms Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics) vol.48, no.4 p.2696-9, Oct. 1993
5. Joshi, M.P.*; Mishra, S.R.*; Rawat, H.S.*; Mehendale, S.C.*; Rustagi, K.C.* Investigation of optical limiting in C/sub 60/solution Applied Physics Letters vol.62, no.15 p.1763-5, 12 April 1993
6. Krishnagopal, S.*; Rangarajan, G.*; Sessler, A. The multi-cavity free-electron laser Optics Communications vol.100, no.5-6 p.518-25, 15 July 1993 7. Kumar, S.* On the use of a photothermal technique for measuring thermal parameters of YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub3/O/sub 7-x/ Applied Physics A (Solids and Surfaces) vol.A57, no.1 p.87-90, July 1993 8. Kumar, S.*; Pai, S.P.; Pinto, R.; Kumar, D. Effect of thermal cycling on normal state thermal properties of YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7-x/ films Physica C vol.215, no.3-4 p.286-90, 1 Oct. 1993 9. Kumar, S.*; Roy, S.B.*; Pradhan, A.K.*; Chaddah, P.*; Prasad, R.; Soni, N.C. Second harmonic generation as a sensitive technique for estimating H/sub c1/ of high T/sub c/ materials Journal of Applied Physics vol.73, no.3 p.1539-41, 1 Feb. 1993
10. Mukhopadhyay, I.*; Gupta, P.K.*; Lees, R.M. Confirmation and prediction of far infrared laser emissions from excited torsional states of methyl alcohol Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy vol.157, no.2 p.290-300, Feb. 1993 11. Mukhopadhyay, I.*; Lees, R.M. High-resolution spectroscopy of methanol: Coriolis resonance and far infrared laser identification Optics Communications vol.97, no.3-4 p.194-8,15 March 1993
12. Nath, A.K.*, Kumar Manoj* Scaling of laser power with N/sub 2/ partial pressure in a convective-cooled CW CO/sub 2/ laser IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics vol.29, no.4 p.1199-204, April 1993
13. Oak, S.M.*; Bindra, K.S.*; Chari, R.*; Rustagi, K.C.* Two-photon absorption in semiconductor-doped glasses Journal of the Optical Society of America B (Optical Physics) vol.10, no.4 p.613-19, April 1993
14. Pradhan, A.K.*; Roy, S.B.*; Kumar, S.*; Chaddah, P.*; Prasad, R.; Soni, N.C.; Adhikari, K. H/sub c1/ measurements in sintered YBaCuO and Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO using remanent second-harmonic generation Physica C vol.216, no.1-2 p.169-72, 15 Oct. 1993 15. Pradhan, A.K.*; Hazell, S.J.; Hodby, J.W.; Chen, C.; Hu, Y.; Wanklyn, B.M. Magnetoresistance and upper critical fields in single crystal Y/sub 1-x/Pr/sub x/Ba/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7-y/ Solid State Communications vol.86, no.3 p.199-202, April 1993 16. Pradhan, A.K.*; Hazell, S.J.; Hodby, J.W.; Chen, C.; Chowdhury, A.J.S.; Wanklyn, B.M. Observation of negative magnetoresistance in single crystal Y/sub 1-x/Pr/sub x/Ba/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7-y/ Solid State Communications vol.88, no.9 p.723-6, Dec. 1993 17. Pradhan, A.K.*; Roul B.K.; Rao, V.V.; Kavey, V.R. Transport and magnetic properties of YBCO/Ag composites Cryogenics vol. 33, no.9 p. 910-3, 1993 18. Pradhan, A.K.*; Hazell, S.J.; Hodby, J.W.; Chen, C.; Hu, Y.; Wanklyn, B.M. Vortex motion and energy dissipation in single crystal (Bi-Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Physica C vol.204, no.3-4 p.325-30, 1 Jan. 1993
19. Ramaniah, L.M.; Nair, S.V.*; Rustagi, K.C.* Symmetry of the polarizability tensors for molecules with D/sub 5h/ and I/sub h/ symmetry Optics Communications vol.96, no.4-6 p.289-93, 15 Feb. 1993 20. Roy, S.B.*; Kumar, S.*; Pradhan, A.K.*; Chaddah, P.*; Prasad, R.; Soni, N.C.; Adhikary, K. Field-cooled measurements of harmonic generation in magnetization of high-T/sub c/ superconductors Pramana, Journal of Physics vol.41, no.1 p.51-60, July 1993 21. Rustagi, K.C.* Fullerenes and their nonlinear optical properties Indian Journal of Physics Part A vol.67A, no.6 p.493-517, Nov. 1993
22. Singh, B.*; Nakhe, S.V.*; Mittal, J.K.*; Dixit, S.K.*; Vora, H.S.*; Bhatnagar, R.* Large-bore copper vapor laser with a double thyratron pulse modulator Review of Scientific Instruments vol.64, no.2 p.314-18, Feb. 1993
Note: The authors '*' marked are from RRCAT, Indore
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