Indo-German School on

Synchrotron Radiation Sources and their Applications

(Sponsored by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic

Energy (BRNS-DAE) and the Department of Science & Technology, India)

November 11-22, 2002

Venue: Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore



Advisory Committee


D.D. Bhawalkar    CAT

S.K. Sikka          BARC

B.A. Dasannacharya      IUC

W. Ebarhardt    BESSY

V.C. Sahni         BARC

R.B. Grover       BARC

Y.P. Kumar           DST

A. Gaupp          BESSY


Organising Committee


V.K. Bhatia        BARC

P. Chaddah          CAT

N.C. Das           BARC

A. Gupta               IUC

Gurnam Singh       CAT

M.S. Hegde            IISc

S.K. Kulkarni  PuneUniv.

G.S. Lodha           CAT

M. Sanyal             SINP

D.D. Sarma            IISc

B.K. Sharma   Raj.Univ.

P.R. Sarode   Goa Univ.

K.J.S Sawhney      CAT

S.M. Sharma       BARC


R.V.Nandedkar      CAT




Topics to be covered


Synchrotron Radiation Sources

Insertion Devices

Beamline Design


High Resolution Spectroscopy

Imaging Medical Applications

Infrared Spectroscopy

Magnetic Circular Dichroism (Magnetism)

Photo Electron Spectroscopy

Protein Crystallography


Small Angle X-ray Scattering

X-ray Diffraction

X-ray Microprobe



Synchrotron radiation has emerged as a powerful tool for pure and applied research in almost all branches of science and technology as well as for applications in industry. No wonder, research with synchrotron radiation is the fastest growing area of research today. The objective of this school is to impart specialized training in the field of synchrotron radiation and its applications to young faculty members of universities, national laboratories and research scholars involved in this field.


This school is especially relevant as India’s first synchrotron facility Indus-1 has been commissioned and is successfully operating for the last several months. Some beamlines on this machine are also operational and being used for performing various experiments. Indus-1 is a 450 MeV electron storage ring that emits synchrotron radiation predominantly in VUV and soft x-ray region. On the other hand, the up coming Indus-2 is a 2.5 GeV storage ring that will produce high intensity synchrotron radiation in the hard x-ray region. BESSY-II, which is a 1.9 GeV synchrotron radiation source, is operating at Berlin, Germany. Several beamlines are operational and state-of art research in diverse disciplines is being conducted there.



The school will have pedagogical lectures of introductory to advanced level as well as presentation on the work of current research interests. Scientists from Germany involved in the development of synchrotron sources, insertion devices, beamlines and some applications will be participating in this school and give lectures. From Indian side, faculty members have been drawn from BARC, IUC, CAT and some universities. Details of the Indian synchrotron radiation sources can be obtained from the web site and details of BESSY-II from


The participants for the school will be selected from the Indian scientific community working or interested to work in this area. Preferences will be given to junior and middle level faculty members or senior research students. Interested persons should apply to the Convener or Co-convener giving their bio-data including academic record and detailed information about their field of work.  Research students should attach a letter of recommendation with whom they are working.


Selected participants will be paid to- and fro- AC/III-tier train fare and dearness allowance to cover local expenses.


LAST DATE for receiving applications: October 10, 2002



Dr. R.V. Nandedkar, Convener, Synchrotron Utilisation Division, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore-452 013

Phone: 0731-488141, Fax: 0731-488130/488000; email:


Dr. S.M. Sharma, Co-Convener, Synchrotron Radiation Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai – 400 085

Phone: 022-5595476, Fax: 022-550 5151; email:

Programme Schedule of the School (Timetable) (in doc format) (in pdf format)