November 24th - 26th, 1999 at Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
Organised by INDIAN VACUUM SOCIETY in collaboration with Centre for Advanced Technology
The National Symposium on Vacuum Science and Technology will be organised by the Indian Vacuum Society in Collaboration with Centre for Advanced Technology during 24 - 26th November, 1999 at Indore. The themeof the symposium will be
Production and Measurement of Vacuum in Industries and R & D Institutes. The Symposium will provide a forum for exchange of information among vacuum scientists, technologist and Industrialist on recent advances in the related areas. It is expected that the symposium will be attended by a large number of engineers, scientists and technologists working in the field both in R & D laboratories and industries.About CAT
Centre for Advanced Technology is a research centre under the Department of Atomic Energy. The centre was established in 1987 to undertake R&D in front line areas of lasers and accelerators. A 450MeV Synchrotron Radiation Source Indus-1 is under commissioning and a 2.5GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source INDUS-2 is now under construction. An ultra high vacuum of 10-10 torr is necessary in the storage rings for long beam lifetime. CAT is constructing in -house a variety of UHV components. CAT has also pioneered indigenous development of Turbomolecular Pumps.
Ambasankaran Award
The best paper presented will receive the C. Ambasankaran award. Only papers presented by one of the authors and for which the final manuscript had been received in time shall be eligible for consideration of this award.
Technical Sessions
Technical Session shall consist of invited talks and contributed papers/poster session on the following topics.
1. Production of vacuum and ultra high vacuum
2. Measurement of vacuum
3. Application of vacuum in industry
4. Use of vacuum in Metal Industry
5. Vacuum Degassing
6. Vacuum Sintering and Heat Treatment
7. Vacuum Coating
8. Vacuum Melting and Casting
Last date of receiving abstracts :
August 24, 1999Intimation of acceptance :
September 10, 1999Last date of receiving full paper :
October 24, 1999
For Registration, Souvenir and Exhibition, please contact
Shri S.N. Bagchi (Convenor),
BARC, MumbaiTelephone Office: 91-22-5505050 ext.4104, Residence: 91-22-5571457
Fax: 91-22-5505151, Email:
Shri S.C. Joshi (Co-Convenor),
CAT, IndoreTelephone Office: 91-731-488566, Residence: 91- 731-487341
Fax: 91-731-488852 E-mail: scjoshi@rrcat.gov.in