National Laser Symposium
Organized by
Centre for Advanced Technology
Indore - 452013
General Information
The National Laser Symposium covering different aspects of Lasers and their applications is being organized at CAT, Indore, during December 19- 21, 2001. The main objective is to provide a forum for interaction and exchange of views, experience and expertise in the field of lasers.
The technical programme of the symposium will consist of invited talks, poster presentation of contributed papers and oral presentation of thesis work by young researchers who have submitted their synopsis/thesis for Ph.D. during the year 2001.
The Indian Laser Association will also participate in the scientific programme of the symposium. It will organise a few short tutorial courses which will precede the symposium. Details will be announced separately by ILA. The annual general body meeting of ILA will be held on December 20, 2001. ILA will also award prizes for the best thesis and poster presentations.
CAT has major
programmes in the field of Lasers and Accelerators. Visit to some of these
laboratories will be arranged in the forenoon of Dec.22,
Topics to be covered :
1. Physics and Technology of Lasers
2. Laser Materials, Devices & Components
3. Laser based Instrumentation
4. Fibre Optics, Communication & Integrated Optics
5. Quantum Optics & Computation
6. Nonlinear Optics
7. Ultrafast Phenomena
8. Laser Spectroscopy
9. Laser Plasma Interaction
10. Applications of Lasers in Biology & Medicine
11. Applications of lasers in Material Science
12. Applications of lasers in Industry, Defence & Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring etc.
Manuscript for Contributed Papers and Thesis Presentation
Authors wishing to present their work are requested to send three copies (original plus two) of their manuscript and an electronic version (e-mail or floppy) using MS Word 97 or higher version in the format specified in this announcement. The length of the manuscript of contributed paper should be restricted to two pages (including figures, references etc.) and the thesis summary should be restricted to four pages. The manuscript in a camera ready form should reach the Secretary, National Laser Symposium by September 28, 2001.
Guidelines for Preparing Manuscript
Use A4 (210mm x 297mm) size white paper for manuscript leaving 25mm margin from all sides of paper. Use Times New Roman font for whole text of the paper. Title of the paper should be bold in font size 12 (not underlined). Authors name with initials in capital should be two spaces below in normal font size 12. Institution’s address should be one space below in font size 10. It should be followed by e-mail address of the corresponding author. All matter should be centered. The text should start two spaces below the address (normal font of size 10 justified in 1.5 lines spacing). For uniformity, please send the manuscript printed on a Laser/Ink jet printer. Figures should be suitably reduced and pasted/embedded in the text neatly at appropriate places. Avoid half tone photographs. Tables should be identified with numerals and captions. In the text, references should be given as superscripts. References should be given at the end, leaving two lines after text and numbered according to the occurrence in text. (eg. 1. 2. 3. etc.)
Since manuscript will be used for direct printing by Xerox/offset, please adhere strictly to these guidelines.
Checklist for Submitting Manuscript
The proceedings of the symposium will be made available to the participants at the time of registration.
Presentation Facilities
Arrangements will be made for projecting 35mm slides, transparencies and electronic projection. For each poster presentation, 1m x 1m area will be provided.
Accommodation will be arranged mostly in hotels since accommodation in guest houses is limited. Hotel tariffs (per person) range between Rs. 350/- to Rs. 500/- for single occupancy and Rs.250/- to Rs. 350/- on twin share basis.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance towards travel by train (Sleeper Class) through shortest route and local hospitality will be provided to a limited number of deserving students, for whom the sponsoring institution is unable to pay.
Registration Fee
I Category : Student :
II Category : Delegates from Educational Institutions & Government Organisations :
III Category : Delegates from Public Sector/ Pvt. Industry:
Registration fee is payable at the venue of the symposium. However, the form"Intimation of Participation", duly filled should be sent (by post or e.mail) so as to reach the Secretary, NLS-2001 by November 15, 2001
The Symposium will be held at the Centre for Advanced Technology (CAT), Indore. CAT is located at about 2 km from Rajendra Nagar, a southern suburb of Indore and is 13 km away from Airport as well as Indore Railway Station.About :
Indore is located in the western Madhya Pradesh on the Malwa Plateau at a height of 550 mtrs. above sea level. The weather at Indore in December is pleasant with the day time temperature between 18-22oC. Kindly bring warm clothes.
There are several places of touristic interest around Indore like Mandu, Ujjain, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar etc. Excursion to these places will be a pleasant experience.
Important Dates
Acceptance of paper will be conveyed by October 20, 2001.
Address for Correspondence
Sh. T.P.S. Nathan
Convener, DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium
PD & PP Division, CAT, Indore 452 013
Email : c-nls@ rrcat.gov.in
Fax : (0731)-488760, 321343
Telephone : (0731)-488763 (O)
Dr. Ashish Kumar Nath
Secretary, DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium,
Laser R & D Block B, CAT, Indore 452 013
Email : s-nls@ rrcat.gov.in
Fax : (0731)-488380, 321343
Telephone : (0731)-488385 (O), 320744 (R)
National Advisory and Organizing Committee
Agarwal G.S., PRL
Arora B.M., TIFR
Bhawalkar D.D., CAT
Chandrachoodan, P.P., BRNS
Choudhary M., IACS
Dasgupta K., BARC
Gantayat, L.N., BRNS
Gupta P.D., CAT
Gupta P.K., CAT
Kartha V.B., MAHE
Mallik A., LASTEC
Mathur D., TIFR
Mehendale S.C., CAT
Mittal J.P., BARC
Nath A.K., CAT
Nathan T.P.S., CAT
Singh B.P., IITM
Sirohi R.S., IITD
Sood A., IISc
Suranjan P., LASTEC
Thareja R.K., IITK
Tyagarajan K., IITD
Verma A.L., NEHU
Wadhawan V.K., CAT
Local Organising Committee
Ahmed T.
Bartwal K.S.
Barve M.
Bhargava P.
Dixit S.K.
Goswami A.K.
Jathar M.R.
Khare P.
Kohli D.K.
Kukreja L.M.
Mokhariwale A.
Mundra G.
Naik P.A.
Nathan T.P.S., Convener
Nath A.K., Secretary
Nundy U.
Oak S.M.
Paul C.P.
Raja Sendhil
Ranganathan K.
Rawat H.S.
Sathe V.G.
Sharma P.
Sudarsanam L.
Form for sending the intimation of Participation:
National Laser Symposium
(December 19-21, 2001)
Intimation of Participation
(Please strike out whatever is not applicable)
Name (in Capital) :(Last Name)______________ (Initials)______________
Designation :_____________________________
(Prof/Reader/Lecturer/Sci.Off./Res.Asso./Student etc.)
Registration category : I / II / III
Address:_______________________________ _____
Pin :__________________
Tel. :________________________________
Fax :________________________________
Email :________________________________
Proposed contribution: Thesis / Contr. Paper /
Exhibits / Only participation.
Financial Assistance* : Full / Partial/ Not required.
Accommodation: Required (Single / Family) / Not required
Hotel : Single / Twin share
From : ____ Dec. 2001 to: ____ Dec. 2001
My expectation / entitlement for hotel is up to Rs. ___________ /-.per day.
(Unless this column is filled, it will not be possible to arrange the accommodation)
Date : ________ , Signature: ______________
Please mail (by post / e.mail) this form so as to reach the Secretary, National Laser Symposium by Nov.15, 2001.
* Can be provided to a very limited number of deserving students only, for whom the sponsoring institution is unable to pay. Please attach recommendation letter from your guide.