Help Desk

NLS Arrival Help Desk

The Local Organizing Committee at Thiruvananthapuram has made arrangements to have reception desks at T'puram Airport, Railway Station and the Bus Stand. At each of these three places, you will find a reception desk manned by NLS volunteers. You may please contact them on your arrival at T'puram. They will inform you about your hotel and make arrangements to take you there.

Just in case you arrive at some odd time and find that the Reception Desk in unmanned, you may contact any of the following persons for help:

  1. Dr. R.Jayasree Mobile # : 9847068221

  2. Dr. Mahadevan Pillai Res : 446909

  3. Dr. U.V.Nayar Phone # : 326961

NLS Organizing Committee looks forward to your participation in NLS-2002 and wishes you a happy journey to Thiruvananthapuram.