Authors wishing to present their work are requested to send three copies (one original plus two) of their manuscript, using MS Word 97 or higher version. The length of the manuscript of contributed paper should be restricted to two pages (including figures, references etc) and the thesis summary should be restricted to four pages. The manuscript must be in camera ready form. It should reach the Secretary, National Laser Symposium stationed at CAT (address given below) latest by September 15, 2003
Dr. K.S. Bartwal
Secretary NLS - 2003
Laser Materials Division
Centre for Advanced Technology
PO: CAT, Indore - 452 013
Tel: 0731-2488656 Fax: 0731-2488650
1. Use A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) size white
paper leaving 25-mm margin from all
sides while preparing the
2. Use Times New Roman font for whole text
of the paper. Title of the paper
should be bold in
font size 12 (do not
underline). Authors name with
initials in capital should be
one space below in font
size 10. It should be followed by
the e-mail address
of the corresponding author. All matter should be centered. The
text should start two spaces below
the address (normal font size 10
justified in 1.5 line space). For uniformity please sent the manuscript printed by
laser / Inkjet printer. Figures should be suitably reduced
and pasted / embedded in
the text neatly at
appropriate places Avoid half tone photographs.
3. Tables and
figures should be
identified with numerals
and captions.
4. In the text, references should be given
as superscripts. References should be given at the end, leaving two lines after text and numbered according to
the occurrence in the text(e.g. 1.2.3 etc)
Since manuscript will be
used for direct printing by Xerox or offset,
please adhere strictly to
these guidelines.
For details and enquiry, Please contact :
Dr. A.K. Nath or Dr. P.K. Datta
Convener NLS - 2003 Co-convener NLS - 2003
Head, ICL, Section, B Block Assistant Professor
Centre for Advanced Technology Dept. of Physics & Meteorology
PO. CAT, Indore - 452 013 IIT, Kharagpur-721 302
Email Email
0731-2488385(O), -2487327( R) Tel:03222-283860(O),
-283861,-220168( R)
Fax: 0731-2488380 Fax: 0322-282286,282700,255303