08.30 - 09.15: Registration
09.15 - 11.00: Inaugural
11.00 - 11.30: Tea
11.30 - 13.30 : 1st Session: Invited Talks
1. Spectral
Diagnosis of Disease Prof. R R Dasari, MIT, USA
Properties of Terahertz Lasers Prof.
James Kolodzey,
U of Delaware, Newark, DE
Nonlinear Optical Effects in Prof. C P G Vallabhan,
Nanoparticles CUSAT, Cochin
4. Optical Computing Dr. A K Dutta, Calcutta University
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
14.30 - 16.30 1st
Parallel Session: Invited Talks
Parallel Session : 1A Lasers & Applications |
Parallel Session : 1B Quantum & Nonlinear Optics |
1. Laser Material Processing :
Application development at ARCI: Dr. S V Joshi, ARCI, Hyderabad 2.OPO:Advanced Tunable Laser
Sources: Dr. R C Bapna, BARC, Mumbai 3. Development of a
Table-Top-Terawatt Nd:glass Lasersystem & Ultra short pulse
diagnosis: Sri.A K Sharma, CAT,Indore 4. Micromanipulation with Laser: Sri. S K Mohanti, CAT, Indore |
1. Quantum Optics of Bose
condensates: Dr. Bimalendu Deb, PRL, Ahmedabad 2. Dynamic Laser Light Scattering: Recent Advances & Applications in Soft Condense Matter:
Dr. B V R Tata, IGCAR, Kalpakkam 3. Nonlinear Optics in
Quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulators: Dr. Haranath Ghosh, CAT, Indore 4. Ultra slow
light: Dr. TN Dey,
PRL, Ahmedabad |
16.30 – 17.00 Tea Break
17.00 – 19.00 Special Session
Date 23.12.2003
09.00 - 11.00 2nd Session : Invited Talks
Status of Nonlinear
Material Development for 8-16 Micron Region :
Prof. G C Bhar, Burdwan University
2. Novel tunable MID IR sources & their Spectroscopic
applications :
Prof. K Vodopyanov, Stanford University
3. Lasers for Nanotechnology: Pulsed Laser Deposition of
quantum structure:
Dr. L M
Kukreja, CAT, Indore
11.00 - 11.30 Tea Break
11.30 - 13.30 2nd Parallel Session:
Invited Talks
Parallel Session: 2A Laser Plasma Interaction |
Parallel Session: 2B Laser Materials & Processing |
1. Nuclear physics experiments
with ultra intense lasers: Dr. L
Dhareshwar, BARC 2. Hot Plasma from cold
clusters & micro droplets: Dr. M
Krishnamurthy, TIFR. 3.Simulations of hydrodynamics
and energy transport effects in laser driven plasmas: Dr. N K Gupta, BARC. |
1. Laser Materials Processing-Recent activities at BARC: Sri G L Goswami 2. Laser Material Processing: Prof. I Manna, IIT, KGP 3 Laser Assisted Synthesis &
Processing of Semiconductor Materials: Dr. S Basu, IITKGP 4. Near Perfect
Stoichiometric Single
Domain LiNbO3 crystals for Laser
Applications: Dr. R V A Murthy,
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
- 16.30 1nd Poster Session
16.30 - 18.30 Parallel
Ph D Presentation 1st Session |
Session : Lasers Material
Processing |
Munshi : Optoelectronic implementation of a computing system for pattern
identification 2. M. Umadevi,:
Spectroscopic investigations on molecular dynamics in micro-heterogeneous
media 3. P KGupta
: Second and third order optical nonlinearties in doped piezoelectric
semiconductors 4. Sheetal
Kapoor :Coherent transient optical processes in semiconductor quantum
wells and quantum wires with multiple valence subbands 5. Harneet
Kaur Gahir: Squeezed state generation in nonlinear optical materials 6. Jitendra
Kumar: Ultrashort pulse propagation analysis in optical fibers and
semiconductor wave guides |
1. Mathematical modeling of
laser material joining: Dr. S. Chakraborti, IIT KGP 2. Parametric study of Blown Powder Laser Cladding & Alloying Process using Computer Models: Dr. S Roy , IIT KGP 3. Laser Surface Engineering: Dr. J D Mazumdar, IIT KGP 4.
Laser welding of Steel sheets- Current
Status & Issues: Dr. D Bhattacharjee, Tata Steel,
Jamshedpur |
Date 24.12.2003
09.00 - 10.00 3rd Session: Invited Talks
Organic- Semicaraozone Family Crystals for NLO
Applications- A New
Prof. P Ramasamy, Anna
10.00 - 10.30 Tea
10.30 - 1230 Ph. D
Thesis Presentation 2nd Session
1. R. Ganapathy: Studies
on pulse propagation in single mode optical fibers
2. Sanjib
Chatterjee: Optical processing of solid state laser materials, fabrication and
characterization of super smooth optical surfaces
3.M. Ushamani: Studies on photosensitive polymers
4. Om Prakash: A comparative study on second
generation of copper vapor
laser with various types of resonators
5. K. Venkatakrishna:
Optical pathology and proteomics
for early diagnosis of oral cancer
6. J. Ebenezar / Optical biopsy of cancer using native
P. Aruna fluorescence spectroscopy
12.30 -13.30 Lunch
–15.30 2nd
Poster Session
15.30–16.00 Concluding / Valedictory Session