List of Journal Publications from RRCAT in 2007

By Author(A-Z)

A(5) B(14) C(11) D(2) G(25) I(1) J(7) K(19) L(2) M(12) N(5) P(10) R(10) S(32) T(2) U(1) V(5)


1.  Adhi K.P.*, Harchirkar S.*, Jejurikar S.M.*,Koinkar, P.M.*, More,M.A.*, Joag, D.S.* and Kukreja, L.M.     

    Pulsed laser deposited nanostructured InN thin  lms as eld emitters                       

    Solid State Communications 142, 110-113 (2007) 

2.  Ahuja B.L.*, Sharma B.K.*, Mathur S.*, Heda N.L.*, Itou M.*, Andrejczuk A.*, Sakurai Y.*, Chakrabarti A., Banik S.*, Awasthi A.M.*, Barman, S.R.*     

    Magnetic Compton scattering study of Ni2+xMn1-xGa ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys.                       

    Physical Review B 75, 134403-1-9(2007) 

3.  Ajimsha R.*, Vanaja K.*, Jayaraj M.*, Misra P., Dixit V.,  Kukreja L.M.     

    Transparent p-AgCoO2 /n-ZnO diode heterojunction fabricated by pulsed laser deposition                       

    Thin Solid Films 515, 7352-7356 (2007) 

4.   Arora P., Chattopadhyay M.K., Roy S.B.                   

     Magnetocaloric effect in MnSi                           

     Applied Physics Letters 91, 062508-1-3(2007)     


5.   Aziz F.*, Chari R., Oak S.M.                           

     Experimental demonstration of fiber differential spectral technique for monitoring small fluctuations in ultrashort laser pulses                                            

     Optical Engineering 46, 073601-1-6(2007)     


6.	Babu Surendra S.*, Babu P.*, Jayasankar C.K.*, Joshi A.S., Speghini A.*, Bettinelli M.*

	Laser transition characteristics of Nd3+-doped fluorophosphates laser glasses

	Journal Non-Cryst. Solids 353, 1402-(2007)


7.	Banerjee Arup                                                    

	Collective oscillations of a Bose-Fermi mixture: effect of unequal masses of Bose and Fermi particles           

	Physical Review A 76, 023611-1-7(2007)     


8.	Banerjee Arup, Chakrabarti A., Ghanty T.K.*         

	Time-dependent density functional theory calculation of  Van der Waals coefficient of sodium clusters            

	Journal of Chemical Physics 127, p. 134103-1-7(2007)     

9.	Banerjee Arup., Harbola M.K.*

	Comparison of van der Waals coefficient C6 of sodium clusters obtained via  spherical jellium background model and all electron ab intio  method

	Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 5-6(2007)

10.	Banik S.*, Rajan R.*, Chakrabarti A., Bhardwaj S.*, Lalla N.P.*, Awasthi A.M.*, Sathe V.*, Phase D.M.*, Mukhopadhyay P.K.*, Pandey D.*, Barman S.R.*       

	Structural studies of Ni2+xMn1-xGa by powder x-ray diffraction and total energy calculations.               

	Physical Review B 75, 104107-1-9(2007)        


11.	Bansal B.*, Dixit V.K., Venkataraman V.*, Bhat H.L.*       

	Alloying induced degradation of the absorption edge InAsxSb1-X.                                              

	Applied Physics Letters 90, 101905-1-3(2007)  

12.	Barman S.R.*, Banik S.*, Shukla A.K.*, Kamal C., Chakrabarti A.

	Martensitic transition, ferrimagnetism and Fermi surface nesting in Mn2NiGa

	Europhysics Letters 80, 57002(2007)

13.	Bartwal K.S., Kar S., Kaithwas N.*, Deshmukh M.*, Dave M.*, Ryu Ho-Jin*

	Preparation of Y3Al5O12 nanocrystals by a glycol route

	Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 44, 151-154 (2007)

14.	Bartwal K.S., Kar S., Kaithwas N.*, Deshmukh M.*, Dave M.*, Lalla N.P.*, Ryu H.*

	Synthesis and characterization of Y3Al5O12 nanocrystals

	Advanced Materials Research 26-28, 667-670(2007)

15.	Bhalerao G.M., Waugh S., Ingale A., Sinha A.K., Babu M., Tiwari P., Nandedkar R.V.

	SEM and Raman spectroscopy studies of MWCNT grown by novel technique of ash supported catalyst.                                              

	Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 90, 1860-1866(2007)  

16.	Bhatt R., Ganesamoorthy S., Karnal A.K., Wadhawan V.K.*                                                    

	Growth rate anisotropy and absorption studies on B-BaB2O4 single crystals grown by the top-seeded solution growth technique                                              

	Optical Materials 29, 801-5(2007)   

17.	Bhaumik I., Singh G., Ganeshmoorthy S., Karnal A.K., Tiwari M.K., Tiwari V.S.                            

	Compositional variation in 0.65 PbMg2/3Nb1/3O3-035PbTiO single crystals grown by high temperature solution growth technique                                               

	Crystal Research and Technology 42, 356-60(2007)                     

18.	Bindra, K.S., Singh, C.P., Oak S.M.                           

	Direct measurement of free carrier nonlinearity in semiconductor-doped glass with picosecond pump-probe Z-  

     	scan experiment                                        

	Optics Communications 271, 248-52(2007) 

19.	Borage M, Tiwari S., Kotaiah S. 

	LCL-T Resonant Converter With Clamp Diodes: A Novel Constant-Current Power Supply With Inherent Constant- Voltage Limit                                           

	IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54, 741-746(2007)  




20.	Chakera J.A., Kumbhare S.R., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.           

	Narrow band X-ray emission in the water-window spectral region from a laser heated gold copper mix-Z plasma.     

	Applied Physics B 86, 519-522(2007)            


21.	Chakraborty A.L., Sharma R.K., Saxena M.K., Kher S.        

	Compensation for temperature dependence of Stokes signal and dynamic self-calibration of a Raman distributed temperature sensor.                                      

	Optics Communications 274, 396-402(2007)       

22.	Chandra, K.*, Kain, V.* and Ganesh, P.        

	Controlling End-Grain Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steels.                                      

	Journal of materials Engineering and Performance, 1-10, 2007       

23.	Chandrasekar P.*, Balusamy V.*, Chandran Ravi K.S.*, Kumar H. 

	Laser surface hardening of titanium-titanium boride (Ti-TiB) metal matrix composite. 

	Scripta Materialia 56 641-644(2007)


24.	Chatterjee S., Kumar Pawan Y.                                

	Measurement of residual wedge angle with a reversal shear interferometer                                          

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 662-668(2007)

25.	Chatterjee S., Kumar P.Y.

	Simple technique for the fabrication of Penta prism with high accuracy right angle deviation 

	Applied Optics 46, 6520-6525(2007)

26.	Chatterjee S.,  Kumar Pawan Y.                                

	Simple technique for the generation of plane surface normal to optic axis direction of uniaxial crystal.      

	Applied Optics 46, 1435-1445(2007)             

27.	Chatterjee S., Kumar Pawan Y. Bhaduri B. *         

	Measurement of surface figure of plane optical surfaces with polarization phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer  

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 268-274(2007)    

28.	Chaubey S., Joshi P., Kumar M., Arya R., Nath A.K., Kher S. 

	Development of long period grating sensors for temperature monitoring 

	Sadhana 32, 513-519(2007)     

29.	Choubey R.K.*, Khattak B.Q., Kar S., Ramshankar P., Sen P.*, Bartwal K.S.

	Influence of doping on OH absorption in LiNbO3 crystals

	Crystals Research Technology 42, 718-722(2007)

30.	Chowdhury A., Joshi R.A., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.            

	Optimization of C5+ Balmer-a line intensity at 182 A from laser-produced carbon plasma.                            

	Pramana: Journal of Physics 68, 43-49(2007)    




31.	Dasgupta, R., Ahlawat, S., Gupta, P.K.                         

	Trapping of micron-sized objects at a liquid-air interface

	Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9, 189-95(2007)                                           

32.	Dhanuskodi S.*, Jeyakumari A. Pricilla*, Manivannan S.*,  Philip J.*, Tiwari S.K.                             

	Semiorganic nonlinear optical material for frequency doubling: Preparation and properties of sodium p-nitrophenolate dihydrate (SPNP).                         

	Spectrochimica Acta Part A 66, 318-322(2007)            


33.	Ganeev R.A.*, Naik P.A., Singhal H., Chakravarty U., Arora V., Chakera J.A., Raghuramaiah M., Khan R.A., Kumbhare S.R., Kushwaha R.P., Gupta, P.D.           

	Control of the intensity of the single harmonic generated in laser plasma using the chirp variation in femtosecond pulse.

	Optics & Spectroscopy 102, 949-(2007)                                                  


34.	Ganeev R.A.*, Singhal H., Naik P.A., Chakravarty U., Arora V., Chakera J.A., Khan R.A., Raghuramaiah M., Kumbhare S.R., Kushwaha R.P., Gupta, P.D.           

	Optimization of the high-order harmonics generated from  silver plasma                                           

	Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 87, 243-247(2007)                                                  


35.	Ganeev R.A.*, Chakravarty U., Naik P.A., Srivastava H., Mukherjee C., Tiwari M.K., Nandedkar R.V., Gupta P.D.                                                     

	Pulsed laser deposition of metal films and nanoparticles in vacuum using subnanosecond laser pulses.              

	Applied Optics 46, 1205-1210(2007)             

36.	Ganeev R.A.*, Naik, P.A., Singhal H., Chakera, J.A., Gupta, P.D.                                          

	Strong enhancement and extinction of single harmonic intensity in the mid- and end- plateau regions of the high harmonics generated in low-excited laser plasmas.

	Optics Letters 32, 65-(2007) also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (2007)            

37.	Ganeev R.A.*, Ryasnyansky A.I.*, Chakravarty U.*, Naik, P.A., Srivastava H., Tiwari M.K., Gupta, P.D.                                          

	Structrual, optical and non-linear properties of indium nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation.

	Applied Physics B 86, 337-(2007)            

38.	Ganeev R.A.*, Naik, P.A., Singhal, H., Chakera, J.A., Gupta, P.D.                                          

	Tuning of the high-order harmonics generated from laser plasma plumes and solid surfaces by varying the laser    spectrum, chirp, and focal position.                     

	Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 24, 1138-42(2007)

39.	Ganeev R.A.*, Singhal H., Naik P.A., Chakravarty U., Arora V., Chakera J.A., Raghuramaiah M., Khan R.A., Kumbhare S.R., Kushwaha R.P., Gupta P.D.

	Generation of high order harmonics of femtosecond radiation from the surface of various media

	Optics & Spectroscopy 103, 795(2007)

40.	Ganeev R.A.*, Naik P.A., Singhal H., Chakravarty U., Arora V., Chakera J.A., Khan R.A., Raghuramaiah M., Kumbhare S.R., Kushwaha R.P., Gupta P.D.

	Generation of high harmonic laser plasma formed on the surface of a silver target

	Optics and Spectroscopy 103, 831(2007)

41.	Ganeev R.A.*, Singhal H., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.

	Single harmonic enhancement at high harmonic generation in GaAs plasma

	Quantum Electronics 37, 827(2007)

42.	Ganguli T., Porwal S., Sharma T., Ingale A., Kumar S., Tiwar P., Balamurugan A.K.*, Rajagopalan S.*, Tyagi  A.K.*, Chandrasekaran K.S.*, Arora B.M.*, Rustagi  K.C.*                                                    

	Growth of strained ZnSe layers on GaAs substrates by pulsed laser deposition carried out in an off-axis deposition geometry                                     

	Thin Solid Films 515, 7834-7842(2007)                 

43.	Gardelis S.*, Androulakis J.*, Viskadourakis Z.*, Papadopoulou E.L.*, Giapintzakis J.*, Rai S., Lodha G.S., Roy S.B.

	Magneto-transport properties of NiMnSb thin films on InSb single crystal: netagive giant magnetoresistence

	Physica Status Solidi A 204, 92-98(2007)              

44.	Gaur Arun*, Sharma D.K.*, Ahlawat D.S.*, Singh N. 

	Multiphoton photoconductivity and optical nonlinearities in ZnSe and CdSe direct band gap crystals.               

	Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9, 260-264(2007)                                          


45.	Gaur A.*, Sharma D.K.*, Ashlawat D.K.*, Singh N. 

	Optical nonlinearities in direct and indirect band gap crystals on the Z-scan technique with nanosecond laser

	Solid State Communications 141, 445-448(2007)  


46.	George Jogy, Ranganathan K., Nathan T.P.S.                  

	An alternative method to specify the degree of resonator stability                                               

	Pramana: Journal of Physics 68, 4, 571-580(2007)  


47.	George, J., Mehandale, S.C., Sigh, B.P.*, Nathan, T.P.S.*                                                  

	A study of the effect of axial mode spacing on the single longitudinal mode performance in end pumped solid-state lasers                                                  

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 1193-8(2007)         

48.	Ghosh H.

	Excited state nonlinear optics of quasi-one-dimensional Mott-Hubbard insulators

	Phys. Rev. B 75, 235127-(2007)

49.	Gilankar, S.G. and Kush, P.K.

	Status of indigenously developed closed cycle refrigerator based cryopump of 1000 Lit/S pumping speed.

	Indian Journal of Cryogenics 32, 1-4, 121-124(2007)

50.	Gupta P., Tenka T.P., Rai S., Nayak M., Lodha G.S.

	Interface smoothing of soft x-ray Mo/Y multilayer mirror by thermal treatment                   

	Cryogenics 47, 322-332(2007)             

51.	Gupta P.K., Kush P.K., Tiwari A. 

	Design and optimization of coil finned-tube heat exchangers for cryogenic applications.                   

	Cryogenics 47, 322-332(2007)             

55.	Gupta Prabhat K., Kush, P.K. and Tiwari, Ashesh

	Some critical aspects of designing the J-T heat exchangers for

	helliumm liquefier/refrigerator.

	Indian Journal of Cryogenics 32, 1-4, 142-44(2007)

56.	Gupta P.K., Kush P.K., Tiwari A.*                     

	Second law analysis of counter flow cryogenic heat exchangers in presence of ambient heat-in-leak and longitudinal conduction

	International Journal of heat and Mass Transfer 50, 4754-476(2007)                                    


57.	Gupta, S.K., Niranjan, M.S.*, Kak A.                          

	A study on the effect of brazing time on element  diffusion silver diffusion into the base metal was examined for different brazing times                    

	Welding Journal 86, 47-50(2007)                   




58.	Ingale A., Pal S., Dixit V.K., Tiwari P. 

	Micro Raman and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Nano-Porous n and p Type GaN/Sapphire(0001).

	Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7, 2186-(2007)  


59.	Jagdheesh R.*, Mudali U.K.*,  Nath A.K.       

	Laser processed CrSiC coatings on AISI type 316L stainless steel                                                  

	Surface engineering 23, 93-98 (2007))                                               

60.	Jain S.K., Jain A., Hannurkar P.R., Kotaiah S.       

	Characterization of plasma parameters, first beam results, and status of electron cyclotron resonance source                                                  

	Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 053301-1-6(2007)                                               


61.	Jaiswal A., Rai S., Tiwari M.K., Reddy V.R.*, Lodha G.S., Nandedkar R.V.                           

	Effect of Si layer thickness on the structural properties of a Co/Si multilayer system.                            

	Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 016001-1-12(2007)                                              

62.	Jayabalan J., Singh A., Chari R., Oak S.M.            

	Ultrafast third-order nonlinearity of silver nanospheres and nanodiscs                                           

	Nanotechnology 18, 315704-1-6(2007)               

63.	Jejurikar S.M.*, Koinkar P.M.*, More M.A.*, Joag D.S.*, Adhi K.P.*, Kukreja L.M.

	Field emission studies of nano structured c-axis oriented GaN film on SiOx/Si(100) by pulsed laser deposition

	Solid State Communications 144, 296-299(2007)

64.	Jejurikar S.M.*, Banpurkar A.G.*, Bankar D.N.*, Adhi K.P.*, Kukreja L.M., Sathe V.G.

	Growth temperature and N2 ambient pressure dependent crystalline orientations and band-gaps of pulsed laser deposited AlN / (0001) sapphire thin films

	Journal of Crystal Growth 304, 257-263(2007)


65.	Joshi P., Sharma R.K., Kishore J., Kher S.                 

	Fabrication of photonic crystal fibre                   

	Current Science 93, 1214-1215(2007)                 



66	Kadir A. *, Ganguli T., Gokhale M.R.*, Shah A.P.*, Chandvankar S.S.*, Arora B.M.*, Bhattacharya A.*

	Growth and characterization of InN layers by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy in a close-coupled showerhead reactor

	Journal of Crystal Growth 298, 403-408 (2007) 

67.	Kadir A.*, Ganguli T., Kumar R., Gokhale M.R.*, Shah A.P.*, Ghosh S.*, Arora B.M.*,  Bhattacharya A.*    

	The role of hydrostatic stress in determining the bandgap of InN epilayers                                        

	Applied Physics Letters 91, 111913-1-3(2007)    


68.	Kaithwas N.*, Deshmukh M.*, Kar S., Dave M.*, Lalla N.P.*, Ryu H.*, Bartwal K.S.

	Preparation of Y3Al5O12 nanocrystals by low temperature glycol route

	Crystal Research Technology 42, 991-994(2007)

69.	Kamal C., Chakrabarti A.

	Comparison of electronic and geometric structures of nanotubes with subnanometer diameters: A density functional theory study

	Physical Review B 76, 075113-(2007)

70.	Kar S., Choubey R.K., Sen P.*, Bhagavannarayana G.*, Bartwal K.S.                                            

	Studies on codoping behavior of Nd:Mg:LiNbO3 crystals.   

	Physica B: Condensed Matter 1-2, 37-42(2007)      

71.	Kar S., Bartwal K.S.

	Growth optimization of Li2B4O7 crystals and their characterization

	Crystal Growth & Design 7, 2522-2525(2007)

72.	Karmakar S.*, Kulkarni N.V.*, Sathe V.G.*, Srivastava A.K., Shinde M.D.*, Bhoraskar S.V.*  Das A.K.*     

	A new approach towards improving the quality and yield of arc-generated carbon nanotubes                          

	Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 4829-4835(2007)                                               

73.	Karnal A.K., Bhaumik I., Ganesamoorthy S., Bhatt R., Saxena A., Wadhawan V.K.*, Bhat H.L.*              

	Growth and calorimetric measurements on CsLiB6O10       

	Materials Letters 61, 600-604(2007)                     

74.	Kaul R., Ganesh P., Singh N., Jagdheesh R., Bhagat M.S., Kumar H., Tiwari P., Vora H. S. Nath A.K. 

	Effect of Active Flux Addition on Laser Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel

	Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 12, 127-137(2007)     

75.	Khare J., Kaul R., Ganesh P., Kumar H., Jagdhees R., Nath A.K.

	Laser beam shaping for microstructural control during laser surface melting.                                   

	Journal of Laser Applications 19, 1-7(2007)    

76.	Kher S., Joshi P., Sharma R.K.         

	Radiation effects on pure silica core multimode fibres: radiation hardness issues forfibre optic sensors for particle ac: celerators and nuclear power stations       

	Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research: Section A 378, 345-347(2007)                        

77.	Kheraj V.*, Panchal C.J.*, Patel P.K.*, Arora B.M.* Sharma T.K.                                         

	Optimization of facet coating for highly strained InGaAs quantum lasers operating at 1200nm                      

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 1395-1399(2007)       


78.	Kim Kwang-Je* , Kumar V.                                   

	Electron beam requirements for a three-dimensional Smith-Purcell backward-wave oscillator for intense terahertz radiation                                              

	Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators And Beams 10, 080702-1-8(2007)     

79.	Kothari D., Reddy V.R., Gupta Ajay, Sathe V., Banerjee A., GuptaS.M., Awasthi A.M.

	Multiferroic properties of polycrystalline Bi1-xCaxFeO3

	Applied Physics Letters 91, 20, 202505-1-3(2007)

80.	Kumar M., Khare J., Gupta C., Nath A.K.                    

	Theoretical and experimental study of V-I characteristics of UV pre-ionized TEA CO2 laser for variety of laser gas 


	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 129-3(2007)

81.	Kumar M. Khare J., Nath A.K.                           

	Numerical solution of Boltzmann tranport equation for TEA CO2 laser having nitrogen-lean gas mixtures to predict laser characteristics and gas lifetime.                  

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 86-93(2007)      

82.	Kumar P.*, Moorthy B.S.*, Ganesamoorthy S., Karnal A.K., Kanjilal D.*

	Influence of swift ions and proton implantation on the formation of optical waveguides in lithium niobate

	Journal of Applied Physics 102, 084905(1-6) (2007)   

83.	Kumar S., Phase D.M.*, Porwal S., Sharma T.K.       

	Surface photovoltage and photoelectron spectra of GaP.   

	Solid State Communications 141, 5, 284-287(2007)                                                  

84.	Kumar U.K.*, Prathyusha V.A.*, Babu P.*, Jayasankar C.K.*, Joshi A.S., Speghini A.*, Bettinelli, M.*                                          

	Fluorescence properties of Nd3+-doped tellurite glasses. 

	Spectrochimica Acta Part A 67, 702-708(2007)            


85.	Late D.J.*, More M.A.*, Misra P., Singh B.N., Kukreja L.M., Joag D.S.*

	Field emission studies of pulsed laser deposited LaB6 films on W and Re

	Ultramicroscopy 107, 825-832(2007)

86.	Lodha G.S., Nayak M., Modi M.H., Sinha A.K., Nandedkar R.V.

	Study of optical response near the absorption edge using vacuum ultra violet/soft X-ray reflectivity beamline on Indus-1

	Journal of Physics: Conference Series 80, p.12031 (2007)



87.	Majumdar J.D.*, Chandra B.R.*, Biswas D.*, Nath A.K., Manna I.*

	Laser composite surfacing of copper for improved tribological properties

	Surface Engineering 23, 120-122 (2007)

88.	Manekar M., Mukherjee C., Roy S.B.                          

	Imaging of time evolution of the first-order magneto-structural transition in Fe-Rh alloy using magnetic force microscopy                                              

	Europhysics Letters 80, 17004-1-8(2007)                

89.	Markna, J.H.*, Parmar R.N.*, Rana D.S.*, Kumar Ravi*,Misra P., Kukreja L.M., Kuberkar D.G.*,Malik S.K.*

	Effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on La0.5Pr0.2Sr0.3MnO epitaxial thin lms grown by pulsed laser deposition

	Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 256, 693-697 (2007)  

90.	Markna J.H.*, Parmar R.N.*, Vachhani P.S.*, Kuberkar D.G.*, Misra P., Singh B.N., Kukreja L.M.

	Enhancement of electronic transport and magnetoresistance of Al2O3 impregnated (La0.5Pr0.2)Sr0.3MnO3 thin films

	Europhysics Letters 79, 17005: 1 - 5(2007) 

91.	Mishra S.*, Ingale A., Roy U.N.*, Gupta A.*

	Study of annealing-induced changes in CdS thin films using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

	Thin Solid Films 516, 91-(2007)

92.	Mishra S.R., Ram S.P., Banerjee Arup                        

	Collective modes of a quasi-two-dimensional Bose condensate in large gas parameter regime                

	Pramana: Journal of Physics 68, 913-924(2007)

93.	Mishra S.R., Tiwari S.K., Ram, S.P., Mehendale S.C.          

	Generation of hollow conic beams using a metal axicon mirror                                                  

	Optical Engineering 46, 084002-1-5(2007)           

94.     Misra P., Ranganathan K., Muthukumaran N., Nathan T.P.S.                         

        Edge-pumped, folded zig-zag Nd:YAG slab laser  

        Optics & Laser Technology 39, 1269-1272(2007)      

95.     Misra P., Sharma T.K., Kukreja L.M.                         

        Temperature dependent photoluminescence from ZnO/MgZnO multiple quantum wells grown by pulsed laser deposition  

        Superlattices & Microstructures 42, 212-217(2007)      

96.     Mohanty S.K., Gupta P.K.

	Optical micromanipulation methods for controlled rotation, transportation, and microinjection of biological objects

	Methods in Cell Biology 82, 563-599 (2007) 


97.     Mohanty S.K., Verma R.S., Gupta P.K.                         

	Trapping and controlled rotation of low-refractive-index particles using dual line optical tweezers            

	Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 87, 211-215(2007)                                                  

98.     Mohanty S.K., Gupta P.K., Verma R.S.                        

	Self-rotation of an assembly of two or more cylindrical objects in optical tweezers: a simple approach for realization of optically driven micromotors            

	Current Science 93, 695-698(2007)     






99.     Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.

	Studies planned at RRCAT, Indore on laser-plasma based electron acceleration

	International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 3-4(2007)

100.    Nanda D., Oak M.S., Pravin Kumar M.                         

	Acrylic acid grafted PVC membrane based ion selective electrode for calcium and hardness measurement of water. 

	Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A 46, 258-262(2007)    


101.    Nayak M.K., Haridas G., Kumar V., Sahani P.K., Thakkar K.K., Sarkar P.K., Sharma D.N 

	Beam loss detection technique using radiation detectors in electron accelerators at RRCAT, Indore

	Radiation Protection and Environment 30, 25-28 (2007)

102.    Nayak M.K., Dev V., Haridas G., Verma D., Thakkar K.K., Sarkar P.K., Sharma D.N.

	Bremsstrahlung contribution around x-ray diffraction beam line at INDUS-2 synchrotron  radiation source

	Radiation Protection and Environment 30, 47-49 (2007)


103.    Nayak M., Gowrisankar B., Verma A., Lodha G.S.                         

	Electron beam evaporation system for depositing x-ray multilayer mirrors 

	Asian Journal of Physics 16, 395-405(2007)                                                  




104.	Pal S., Ingale A., Dixit V.K., Sharma T.K., Porwal S., Tiwari P., Nath A.K.                             

	A comparative study on nanotextured high density Mg-doped and undoped GaN.                                         

	Journal of Applied Physics 101, 4, 044311-1-7(2007)                                               

105.	Pande S.K.*, Kumar Ravi D.*, Kumar H., Nath A.K. 

	Characterization of tensile properties of tailor welded IF steel sheets and their formability in stretch forming. 

	Journal of Materials Processing Technology 183, 321-332(2007)


106.	Pandit P., Gupta S.M., Wadhawan V.K.*                             

	Inverse correlation between maximum shape-memory strain and the relaxor ferroelectric character of lead magnesium niobate lead titanate martensite

	Smart Materials and Structures 16, 1246-1251 (2007)                                               

107.	Patro P.K.*,  Kulkarni A.R.* , Gupta S.M., Harendranath, C.S.*

	Effect of homogeniety on microstructure, dielectric, and ferroelectric properties of strontium barium niobate 

	Defence Science Journal 2007 Jan, 57(1): 79-87 

108.	Patro P.K.*, Kulkarni A.R.*, Gupta S.M., Harendranath C.S.*                                      

	Improved microstructure, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of microwave-sintered Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb02O6        

	Physica B: Condensed Matter 400, 237-242(2007)     

109.	Paul C.P., Ganesh P., Mishra S.K., Bhargava P., Negi J.*, Nath A.K.                                       

	Investigating laser rapid manufacturing for Inconel-625  components.                                              

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 800-805(2007)    

110.	Pavan Kumar Y., Chatterjee S. 

	Noncontact thickness measurement of plane-parallel transparent plates with a lateral shearing interferometer

	Optical Engineering 46, 035602-1-5(2007)     


111.	Petwal V.C., Senecha V.K., Subbaiah K.V.*, Soni H.C., Kotaiah, S.                                          

	Optimization studies of photo-neutron production in high-Z metallic targets using high energy electron beam for ADS and transmutation.                                   

	Pramana: Journal of Physics 68, 235-241(2007)  

112.	Prakash O., Mahakud R., Biswal R., Shrikanth G., Vora H.S., Dixit S.K.             

	Study on the quality of interference fringes from a  pulsed UV source for application in a biprism based fiber Bragg grating writing                                   

	Applied Optics 46, 6210-1-8(2007)                 

113.	Prasad N.V.* , Karmakar S., Gupta S. M.             

	Impedance measurements on a and B site modified bismuth layered structure ferroelectric ceramics                                  

	International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 1875-1890 (2007)                 



114.	Raj Mohan S., Joshi M.P., Tiwari S.K., Dixit V.K., Dhami T.S.                                              

	Electrical and optical characterization of photooxidized TPD                                                     

	Journal of materials chemistry 17, 343-8(2007) 


115.	Rajendiran P., Bhushan Indu                                  

	Automated Current Awareness Service Using RSS Web Feed. Knowgenesis International Journal for Technical        

	Communication (IJTC) 2, 44-47(2007)            


116.	Rajendiran P., Parihar Y. S., Deshpande A.U.            

	Automated bibliographic record capturing from web OPAC and online bibliographic database for library cataloguing in LibSys                                                

	Annals of Library and Information Studies 54, 140-145(2007)     


117.	Rajendiran P., Parihar Y.S.                                  

	A Bibliometric Study of Laser Literature in India, 1995- 2005                                                    

	Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) 54, 112-118(2007)                                      

118.	Ranganathan K., Misra P., Nath A.K.                         

	Thin Nd:YAG slab laser pumped by lens duct coupled diode laser stacks.                                            

	Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 86, 215-217(2007)                                                  

119.	Rao B.S., Naik P.A., Arora V., Khan R.A., Gupta P.D.                                                     

		Angular distribution and dose measurements of hard x-ray emission from intense laser-plasma interaction          

	Journal of Applied Physics 102, 063307-1-4(2007)                                                                       

120.	Rao Subba R.V.*, Parvathavarthini N.*, Pujar M.G.*, Dayal R.K.*, Khatak H.S.*, Kaul R., Ganesh P., Nath A.K. 

	Improved Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Cold Worked and Thermally Aged AISI Type 316L(N) SS by Laser Surface Modification 

	Surface Engineering 23, 83-92(2007)

121.	Rawat A., Vyavahare P.D.*, Ramani A.K.*

	Enhanced DSR for MANET with improved secured route discovery and QoS

	International Journal on Network Security 5, 158-166(2007)

122.	Roy S.B., Chattopadhyay M.K., Banerjee A.*, Chddah P.*, Moore J.D.*, Perkins G.K.*, Cohen L.F.*, Gschneidner K.A.*, Pecharsky V.K.*                               

	Devitrification of the low temperature magnetic-glass state in Gd5Ge4.                                         

	Physical Review B 75, 18, 184410-1-7(2007)         

123.	Roy S. B., Chattopadhyay M. K. 

	Low temperature magnetic response of MnSi: Thermomagnetic history effects, metamagnetic transition and the kinetic arrest of the reverse transition.

	Europhysics Letters 79, 47007(2007)



124.	Sailaja R. *, Bisht P.B.*, Singh C.P., Bindra K.S., Oak S.M.                                       

	Influence of multiphoton events in measurement of two-photon absorption cross-sections and optical nonlinear parameters under femtosecond pumping                    

	Optics Communications 277, 433-39(2007)     

125.	Satapathy S., Gupta P.K., Srivastava H., Srivastava A.K., Wadhawan V.K.*, Varma K.B.R.*, Sathe V.G.

	Effect of capping ligands on the synthesis and on the physical properties of the nanoparticles of LiTaO3

	Journal of Crystal Growth 307, 1, 185-192(2007)

126.	Sharma, A.K., Mishra, K.K., Raghuramaiah, M., Naik P.A., Gupta, P.D.                                         

	Design and performance characteristics of an  electromagnetic interference shielded enclosure for high voltage Pockels cell switching system.                   

	Sadhana 32, 235-242(2007)                      


127.	Sharma A.K., Naik P.A.,Gupta, P.D.                          

	Real-time autocorrelator with enhanced temporal scan range for measurements of ultrashort laser pulses

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 465-469(2007)     

128.	Sharma A.K., Joshi R.A., Patidar R.K., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.

	A simple highly stable and temporally synchronizable Nd:glass laser delivering laser pulses of variable pulse: duration from sub-nanosecond to few      


	Optics Communications 272, 455-60(2007)       


129.	Sharma A.K., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.                          

	Simultaneous visual detection of pulse chirp and temporal asymmetry in ultrashort laser pulses using analysis of unbalanced interferometric correlation envelope (ICE) functions.                                               

	Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 87, 655-663(2007)                                                  


130.	Sharma A.K., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.                          

	A study on polarization dependence of quadratic photocurrent in light emitting diodes using real time cross-polarized autocorrelation signals.                 

	Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 88, 67-73(2007)                                                    

131.    Sharma, D.K., Jain, A. and Hannurkar, P.R.                              

        Supervisory-Control System for 10MeV Electron LINAC.                  

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132.	Sharma M., Verma Y., Rao K.D., Nair R.*, Gupta P.K.

	Imaging growth dynamics of tumor spheroids using optical coherence tomography

	Biotechnology Letters 29, 273-278 (2007) 


133.	Sharma S., Jajoo A.*, Dube A.

	5-Aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin-IX accumulation and associated phototoxicity in macrophages and oral cancer cell lines. Journal of Photochemistry and

	Photobiology B: Biology 88, 156-162(2007)

134.	Sharma T.K., Singh S.D., Porwal S., Nath A.K.

	Spectroscopic investigations of MOVPE-grown InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells with low and high built-in strain

	Journal of Crystal Growth 298, 527-530 (2007) 


135.	Sharma V.K., Chattopadhyay M.K., Roy S.B.                   

	Large inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni50Mn34In16     

	Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 40, 1869-1873(2007)                                                


136.	Sharma V.K., Chattopadhyay M.K., Kumar Ravi, Ganguli T., Kaul R., Majumdar S.* Roy S.B.                    

	Magnetic and calorimetric investigations of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni54Fe19Ga27                         

	Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 11, 3292-3299(2007)                                          

137.	Sharma V. K., Chattopadhyay M. K., Kumar R., Ganguli T. Tiwari P., Roy S. B.

	Magnetocaloric effect in Heusler alloys Ni50Mn34In16 and Ni50Mn34Sn16

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138.	Sharma V. K., Chattopadhyay M. K., Roy S.B. 

	Kinetic arrest of the first order austenite to martensite phase transition in Ni50Mn34In16: dc magnetization studies

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139.    Singh, B., Subramaniam, V.V., Ghodke, D.V., Daultabad, S.R. and Chakraborty, A.                                                       

        Vacuum design for high voltage gas discharge plasma in high power copper vapour laser and its performance.                              

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140.	Singh C.P., Bindra K.S., Oak S.M.                           

	Analysis of effect of excitation pulse characteristics on numerical simulation of reverse saturable absorption    

	Optics Communications 269, 223-29(2007)        


141.	Singh G., Bhaumik I., Ganesahmoorthy S., Karnal A.K., Tiwari V.S.                                         

	Domain structure and birefringence studies on a 0.91Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.09PbTiO3 single crystal          

	Crystal Research and Technology 42, 378-83(2007)                                                   


142.	Singh, Gurvinderjit and Tiwari V.S.                                         

	Critical slowing down in lead magnesium niobate zirconate ceramic     

	Journal of Materials Science 42, 9429-9433 (2007)                                                   

143.	Singh G., Tiwari V.S.                              

	Crystallographic phase change in relaxor to ferroelectric behavior in (1-X)PMP-xPZ ceramics                       

	Journal of Applied Physics 101, 014115-1-7(2007)                                               


144.	Singh N.                                                  

	Single mode operation of a narrow bandwidth dye laser using a single prism, grazing incidence grating long cavity                                                  

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 1140-1143(2007)      

145.	Singh N., Vora H.S.                                               

	The spectral measurement of a high repetition rate tunable dye laser output using Fabry--Pero fringe.       

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 733-737(2007)   


146.	Singh P.*, Rao S.V.L.S.*, Pande R.*, Basak T.*, Roy S.*, Aslam M.*, Jain P.*, Srivastava S.C.L.*, Kumar  R.*, Nema P.K.*, Kailas S.*, Sahni V.C.                                               

	Accelerator development in India for ADS programme

	Pramana Journal of Physics 68, 331-342 (2007)   

147.	Singh Rasmi., Khardekar R.K., Kumar A., Kohli D.K.       

	Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline Nd-YAG powder                                              

	Materials Letters 61, 921-924(2007)     

148.	Soni R.K., Mandloie V.K., Pote M.B., Nath A.K.              

	Spinning cone water film power meter for high-power CO2  lasers                                                  

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 196-201(2007)    

149.	Sridhar R., Shukla S.K.                                      

	Design of the vacuum system for the LHC beam dump lines 

	Bulletin of Indian Vacuum Society 10, 15-18(2007)                                                        


150.	Srikanth G.                                                      

	Measurement of period of interference patterns with sub-micron period                                           

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 918-921(2007)       

151.	Srikanth G., Nath A.K.

	Analysis of tuning of Bragg wavelength of photowritten fiber Bragg gratings during inscription process using a biprism

	Applied Optics 46, 2197-2204(2007) 

152.	Srivastava A., Patel H.S., Gupta P.K.                     

	A view-based approach for the reconstruction of optical  properties of turbid media                              

	Current Science 93, 359-65(2007)     

153.	Srivastava A., Muralidhar K.*, Panigrahi P.K.*                     

	Measurement of three dimensional concentration gradients around a crystal growing from its aqueous solution using laser schlieren                              

	Crystal Research and Technology 42, 778-790 (2007)     


154.	Srivastava H., Tiwari P., Srivastava A.K., Nandedkar R.V.                                                     

	Growth and characterization of a-Fe2O3 nanowires        

	Journal of Applied Physics 102, 054303-1-5(2007)          


155.	Sundar R., Ranganathan K., Nath A.K.                        

	Performance studies of diode-side-pumped CW Nd:YAG laser in copper coated optical pump cavity                    

	Optics & Laser Technology 39, 1426-1431(2007)     




156.	Tiwari A.K., Poddar D.R.*, Das B.N.*                        

	On the equivalent radius of a radiating slot in impedance calculations                                            

	Progress In Electromagnetics Research 74, 47-56(2007)       

157.	Tiwari M.K., Nayak M., Lodha G.S., Nandedkar R.V.          

	Determination of X-ray compression efficiency of a thin film X-ray waveguide structure using marker layer fluorescence                                            

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158.	Upadhyaya B.N., Chakravarty U., Kuruvilla A., Thyagarajan K., Shenoy M.R., Oak S.M. 

	Mechanisms of generation of multi-peak and mode-locked resembling pulses in Q-switched Yb-doped fiber lasers

	Optics Express 15, 11576-11588(2007)


159.	Verma D., Nayak M.K., Dev V., Haridas G., Thakkar K.K., Sarkar P.K.*, Sharma D.N.*                                                      

	Safety provisions in electron accelerators at RRCAT, Indore

	Radiation Protection and Environment 30, 20 (2007)                                                  

160.	Verma Y., Rao K.D., Suresh M.K., Patel H.S., Gupta P.K.                                                     

	Measurement of gradient refractive index profile of crystalline lens of fisheye in vivo using optical        

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161.	Verma Y., Rao K.D., Mohanty S.K.*, Gupta P.K.              

	Optical coherence tomography using a tapered single mode fiber tip                                               

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162.	Viswanathan A.*, Sastikumar D.*,  Rajarajan P.*, Kumar H., Nath A.K. 

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163.	Viswanathan A.*, Sastikumar D.*,  Kamachimudali U.*, Kumar H., Nath A.K. 

	TiC reinforced composite layer formation on Al-Si alloy by laser processing 

	Surface Engineering 23, 123-128(2007)

Note: ‘*’ indicates author affiliation other than RRCAT, Indore.

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