इंडस प्रचालन प्रभाग
DAE_RRCAT_INDORE इंडस प्रचालन प्रभाग

स्वास्थ्य भौतिकी इकाई


आरआरकेट में दो इलेक्ट्रॉन सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण स्रोत (एस.आर.एस.) हैं - इंडस-1 और इंडस-2 । इंडस-1 450 MeV पर संचालित होता है जबकि इंडस-2 2500 MeV पर संचालित होता है। इस सुविधा में एक प्री-इंजेक्टर, 20 MeV माइक्रोट्रॉन, एक 450/550 MeV बूस्टर सिंक्रोट्रॉन और भंडारण वलय इंडस-1 और इंडस-2 शामिल हैं। इंडस-1 और इंडस-2 में डिजाइन इलेक्ट्रॉन बीम करंट क्रमशः 125 mA और 200 mA है। जब इलेक्ट्रॉन पुंज भंडारण वलय में परिचालित होता है, वे वलय के झुकने वाले क्षेत्रों में अभिकेंद्रीय त्वरण से गुजरते हैं और इलेक्ट्रॉन प्रक्षेपवक्र की स्पर्शरेखा में, एक संकीर्ण शंकु में, सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण उत्सर्जित करते हैं। उत्सर्जित सिंक्रोट्रॉन का उपयोग विभिन्न वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान और अनुप्रयोगों के लिए किया जाता है। आरआरकेट में सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण स्रोतों के अलावा, अन्य विकिरण सुविधाएं जैसे कि इंफ्रा रेड फ्री इलेक्ट्रॉन लेजर (आईआरएफईएल), औद्योगिक लिनाक्स, गामा चैम्बर, एक्स-रे विवर्तन सुविधाएं, सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण बीम लाइन, उच्च शक्ति लेजर प्लाज्मा सुविधाएं, सुपरकंडक्टिंग आरएफ गुहाओं आदि के परीक्षण के लिए वर्टिकल टेस्ट स्टैंड (वीटीएस) आदि भी हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, सामाजिक अनुप्रयोगों के लिए चोइथराम मंडी, इंदौर के पास एक कृषि विकिरण प्रसंस्करण सुविधा (एआरपीएफ) स्थापित की जा रही है। स्पेलेशन न्यूट्रॉन स्रोत के उद्देश्य से उच्च ऊर्जा प्रोटॉन त्वरक कार्यक्रम भी चलाया जा रहा है। आरआरकेट में प्रस्तावित प्रोटॉन त्वरक कार्यक्रम में उपयोग के लिए क्रायो-मॉड्यूल के परीक्षण के लिए एक क्षैतिज परीक्षण स्टैंड (एचटीएस) भी स्थापित किया जा रहा है।

विकिरण पर्यावरण

सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण स्रोतों का विकिरण वातावरण मुख्य रूप से ब्रेम्सस्ट्राहलंग एक्स-रे हैं, जो निर्वात कक्ष के भीतर, संरचनात्मक सामग्री या गैस अणुओं के साथ उच्च ऊर्जा इलेक्ट्रॉनों की परस्पर क्रिया के परिणामस्वरूप उत्पन्न होते हैं। इन एक्स-रे में, परस्पर क्रिया करने वाले इलेक्ट्रॉनों की ऊर्जा तक विस्तारित, एक निरंतर स्पेक्ट्रम होता है। इंडस-1 में एक्स-रे की ऊर्जा 450 MeV तक जबकि इंडस-2 में 2500 MeV तक जाती है। चूंकि एक्स-रे ऊर्जा अधिक होती है, वे त्वरक की संरचनात्मक सामग्री या परिरक्षण से टकराने पर विद्युत-चुंबकीय कैस्केड उत्पन्न करते हैं। कैस्केड उत्पत्ति के परिणामस्वरूप, विकिरण के संपर्क में आने वाले माध्यम में, चाहे वह संरचनात्मक सामग्री हो या मानव शरीर, विकिरण मात्रा का निर्माण हो सकता है। कैस्केड के कारण, विकिरण क्षेत्र मिश्रित प्रकृति का होता है जिसमें फोटॉन, इलेक्ट्रॉन, पॉज़िट्रॉन आदि होते हैं। एक्स-रे फोटॉन के व्यापक स्पेक्ट्रम के अलावा, ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग फोटॉन स्पंदित होते हैं क्योंकि त्वरक में इलेक्ट्रॉन बीम भी स्पंदित होती है और अत्यधिक कोणीय निर्भरता वाले होते हैं। उच्च ऊर्जा फोटॉन की परस्पर क्रिया के कारण, फोटो-न्यूट्रॉन की उत्पत्ति भी संभव है, जो विकिरण पर्यावरण में योगदान करते हैं। इंडस-2 में सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण बीम लाइनें, विशेष रूप से डिजाइन किए गए, परिरक्षित हच में रखी गई हैं, जहां ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग और फोटो-न्यूट्रॉन के अलावा, सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण, हानिकारक गैस ओजोन आदि अन्य खतरे हैं। इंडस परिसर में आयनकारी विकिरण खतरों के अलावा, आरएफ और माक्रोवेव के कारण गैर-आयनीकरण विकिरण खतरे, चुंबकीय क्षेत्र, उच्च वोल्टेज आदि भी मौजूद हैं।

अनुसंधान एवं विकास गतिविधियां:

परमाणु ईंधन चक्र प्रचालन या रेडियोलॉजिकल प्रयोगशालाओं के विपरीत, इंडस परिसर में त्वरक का विकिरण वातावरण उच्च ऊर्जा, स्पंदित, मिश्रित क्षेत्र और दिशात्मकता के कारण अनन्य प्रकृति का है। ऐसे विकिरण वातावरण में कर्मचारियों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए, केंद्र में पर्याप्त मात्रा में अनुसंधान एवं विकास गतिविधियां की जाती हैं। उनमें से महत्वपूर्ण अध्ययन नीचे सूचीबद्ध हैं:

  1. उच्च ऊर्जा और स्पंदित फोटॉन विकिरण के लिए विकिरण संसूचक की प्रतिक्रिया।
  2. विभिन्न माध्यमों से विद्युत चुंबकीय कैस्केड का प्रसार और 450 MeV और 2500 MeV इलेक्ट्रॉन/फोटॉन विकिरण के लिए शावर मापदंडों का परिणाम निकालना।
  3. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों और विकिरण संसूचक में आरएफ हस्तक्षेप का अध्ययन
  4. 450 MeV से 3 GeV इलेक्ट्रॉन के लिए थिक टार्गेट ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग सोर्स टर्म निर्धारण।
  5. 450 MeV से 2.5 GeV इलेक्ट्रॉन ऊर्जा के इष्टतम सोर्स टर्म का निर्धारण।
  6. इंडस-1 और इंडस-2 के लिए थिन टार्गेट सोर्स टर्म का अनुमान।
  7. इंडस-2 में डिजाइन बीम क्षय बनाम वास्तविक बीम क्षय और रेडियोलॉजिकल प्रभाव का अध्ययन।
  8. इंडस-2 की एसआर बीम लाइनों में प्रत्यक्ष और बिखरे हुए सिंक्रोट्रॉन और ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग मात्रा दरों का प्रायोगिक निर्धारण।
  9. गैस ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग सिमुलेशन अध्ययन और इलेक्ट्रॉन भंडारण रिंग के लिए इसकी मात्रा दर की गणना के लिए अनुभवजन्य संबंध प्राप्त करना।
  10. टंगस्टन लक्ष्यों से इलेक्ट्रॉन ऊर्जा 20, 450 और 2500 MeV के लिए फोटो-न्यूट्रॉन सिमुलेशन अध्ययन।
  11. आरपीएडी, आरएसएसडी, बीएआरसी के सहयोग से, अप्रतिरोधी डोसीमीटर का उपयोग करके पहुंच के बाहर के क्षेत्रों और सुलभ क्षेत्रों में विकिरण मात्रा मानचित्रण (फोटॉन और न्यूट्रॉन दोनों के लिए)।
  12. एसआर बीम लाइन हच परिरक्षण के लिए कार्यप्रणाली का विकास।
  13. इंडस-2 की सफेद, मोनोक्रोमैटिक और खिड़की रहित बीम लाइनों के फॉल्ट ट्री विश्लेषण के लिए विकिरण मात्रा दर का मूल्यांकन।
  14. सिंक्रोट्रॉन विकिरण के लिए टी एल सामग्री की प्रतिक्रिया का अध्ययन।
  15. इंडस-2 की एसआर बीम लाइनों के लिए आवश्यक ओजोन उत्पादन दर, संतृप्ति एकाग्रता और विलंब समय का अध्ययन।
  16. स्वदेशी रूप से विकसित छोटे आयतन आयन कक्ष (17 सीसी) का उपयोग करके इंडस-1 और इंडस-2 में आकस्मिक बीम क्षय के कारण विकिरण मात्रा का प्रायोगिक निर्धारण।
  17. इंडस-2 में आकस्मिक बीम क्षय का विश्लेषण।
  18. इंडस-1 और इंडस-2 के विकिरण मॉनीटरों के लिए उच्च ऊर्जा प्रतिक्रिया सुधार कारक का परिणाम निकालना।
  19. विकिरण परिवहन गणना के लिए EGSnrc और FLUKA कोड का उपयोग करते हुए मोंटे कार्लो गणना।
  20. आरएसएसडी, ईडी, बीएआरसी के साथ सिंक्रोट्रॉन और ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग विकिरण के लिए विकिरण संसूचकों के विकास, निस्र्पण में सहयोग।
  21. त्वरक सुविधाओं के लिए विकिरण परिरक्षण गणना।
  22. स्पेलेशन न्यूट्रॉन सोर्स (एसएनएस) साइट के लिए मृदा नमूना विश्लेषण अध्ययन।
  23. 450 एमवी और 550 एमवी ब्रेम्सस्ट्रालंग फोटॉन के लिए सीसा, लोहा और कंक्रीट में परिरक्षण क्षीणन अध्ययन

नियमित कार्य:

निम्नलिखित नियमित कार्य केंद्र में निष्पादित किए जाते हैं:
  1. प्रतिदिन एसआरएस सुविधा की विकिरण सुरक्षा निगरानी।
  2. पालीवार क्षेत्र विकिरण मॉनीटरों के संग्रहित डेटा बेस से विकिरण मात्रा डेटा पुनर्प्राप्ति, अलार्म सूचना आदि और उनका विश्लेषण।
  3. लगभग ~100 क्षेत्र विकिरण मॉनिटर और सर्वेक्षण उपकरणों की प्रतिक्रिया जांच।
  4. कार्मिक विकिरण डोसिमेट्री: त्रैमासिक आधार पर ~ 500 विकिरण कर्मियों को टीएलडी, दैनिक आधार पर डीआरडी जारी करना।
  5. विकिरण मात्रा रिकॉर्ड बनाए रखना।
  6. विकिरण कर्मियों/उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्राथमिक विकिरण प्रशिक्षण देना और विकिरण सुरक्षा परीक्षा आयोजित करना।
  7. मासिक और त्रैमासिक स्वास्थ्य भौतिकी रिपोर्ट तैयार करना।
  8. ई ए डी, बीएआरसी के सहयोग से पर्यावरण विकिरण निगरानी।
  9. शट डाउन के दौरान या जब भी आवश्यक हो, प्रेरित गतिविधि माप।
  10. आरआरकेट की अन्य विकिरण सुविधाओं की विकिरण सुरक्षा निगरानी।

मानव संसाधन विकास (एच आर डी)

  1. आरआरकेट प्रशिक्षण स्कूल: विकिरण भौतिकी, स्वास्थ्य भौतिकी, विकिरण परिरक्षण पर हर साल 30 व्याख्यान दिए जाते हैं।
  2. इंडस त्वरक परिसर ऑपरेटरों के लिए प्रशिक्षण, योग्यता, लाइसेंसिंग और योग्यता।
  3. विभिन्न विकिरण भौतिकी, स्वास्थ्य भौतिकी से संबंधित विषयों पर स्वास्थ्य भौतिकी इकाई में प्रशिक्षण / चर्चा।

आपातकालीन प्रतिक्रिया केंद्र (ई आर सी)

सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र में रेडियोलॉजिकल आपात स्थितियों पर प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिए आपातकालीन प्रतिक्रिया केंद्र को तैयार स्थिति में रखा गया है। रेडियोलॉजिकल इमरजेंसी पर प्रतिक्रिया देने हेतु आपातकालीन प्रतिक्रिया दल के सदस्यों के लिये समय-समय पर प्रशिक्षण और आपातकालीन अभ्यास का आयोजन किया जाता है। सर्वेक्षण उपकरण, विभिन्न गैजेट्स, काउंटिंग सेट अप, स्पेक्ट्रोमीटर आदि को तैयार स्थिति में रखा गया है।

एच पी यु के सदस्य

  1. डॉ. हरिदास जी., प्रभारी एचपीयू, आर आर केट
  2. डॉ. प्रशांत कुमार साहनी, वै. अ. एफ
  3. श्रीमती डिंपल वर्मा, वै. अ. ई
  4. डॉ. जोयता टी.के. मुखर्जी, वै. अ. एफ
  5. श्रीमती लवली पालीवाल, वै. अ. ई
  6. श्री दिलीप कुमार गुप्ता, वै. अ. डी
  7. श्री प्रियांगशु धारा, वै. अ. डी
  8. कु. ऋचा शर्मा, वै. अ. सी
  9. श्री तरुणी कुमार साहू, तक.अ. सी
  10. डॉ. एम.के. नायक, वै. सहा. एफ
  11. श्री विपिन देव, वै. सहा. एफ
  12. श्री भानु सिंह ठाकुर, वै. सहा. ई
  13. श्री सुमित कुमार, वै. सहा. सी
  14. श्री दीपक वाघमारे, वै. सहा. सी


पत्रिकाओं में

  1. Response of monitoring instruments to high energy photon radiation ;
    Haridas.G, Thakkar.K.K, Pradhan.S.D, Nayak.A.R & Bhagwat.A.M
    Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A449, 624-628, (2000)

  2. Study of electromagnetic shower propagation in copper and water at 450 MeV ;
    Haridas G. Nair, M K Nayak, Vipin Dev, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma
    Radiation Protection & Environment 28, No.1-4, 53-55 (2005)

  3. Inter-comparison of neutron detectors in pulsed photo-neutron field,
    Haridas G. Sathian.V, Ponraju.D, M K Nayak, Dhariyawan.M.P, Thakker.K.K, Sarkar.P.K & D NSharma,
    Radiation Protection & Environment 28, No.1-4, 326-328 (2005)

  4. Study of Ozone gas build up and decay in 750 kV DC accelerator.
    M K Nayak, Vipin Dev, Haridas G Nair, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma.
    Radiation Protection & Environment 28, (2005)

  5. Radiological status of electron accelerators at CAT, Indore ;
    Vipin Dev, Dimple Verma, M K Nayak, Haridas G Nair
    Radiation Protection & Environment 28, (2005)

  6. Determination of dose build up thickness for absorbed dose measurement in high energy electron photon radiation at electron storage rings,
    Haridas G. Nair, Vipin Dev, M K Nayak, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma
    Radiation protection dosimetry 121(2) 92-98(2006)

  7. Dose build up correction for radiation monitors in high energy bremsstrahlung photon radiation fields.
    Haridas G. Nair, M K Nayak, Vipin Dev, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma,
    Radiation protection dosimetry, 118, (3), 233-237 (2006)

  8. Preparation and Characterization of CaF2: Mn Phosphor for High Dose Dosimetry,
    Vijay Kumar and A.K. Bakshi,
    Radiation Protection and Environment Volume30, No. 1-4, 2007

  9. Study on TL and OSL characteristics of indigenously developed CaF2:Mn Phosphor,
    A.K.Bakshi, Vijay Kumar et all,
    Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Phys.Res.B (2008)

  10. Estimation of bremmstrahlung photon energy in the environment of high-energy electron accelerator using TLD badge.
    A.K.Bakshi, M.K.Nayak, G.Haridas, S.Chatterjee and R.K.Kher
    Advance access Published in Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 128(1) 43-48(2008)

  11. Experimental Study of Radiation Environment in the Indus-1 Storage Ring using TLD Badges.
    M.K.Nayak, G.Haridas, A.K.Bakshi, Dimple Verma, K.K.Thakkar, P.K.Sarkar and D.N.Sharma,
    Radiation Protection & Environment 31, No.1-4, pp.385-387 (2008)

  12. Simulation of equivalent dose due to accidental electron beam loss in Indus-1 and Indus-2 Synchrotron radiation sources using FLUKA code.
    P. K. Sahani, G. Haridas, Vipin Dev, K. K. Thakkar, Gurnam Singh, P. K. Sarkar, D. N. Sharma,
    Radiation Protection & Environment 31, (January-December 2008)

  13. Applications of Radiation Monitoring System at Indus Accelerator Complex.
    Vipin Dev, P Haridas, A D Kherde, G Haridas, Vimal Bhatnagar, D S Thakur, R K Gupta, P Fatnani , R G Marathe,
    Radiation Protection & Environment 31, (January-December 2008)

  14. Simulation of electron depth dose at 450 MeV and deduction of useful parameters for radiation protection in Indian Synchrotron Radiation Source, Indus-1
    Haridas.G. Nair, Mahendra Kumar Nayak, Vipin DeV, Thakar.K.K, Sarkar.P.K,
    Submitted to Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research- B (November 2009)

  15. Engineering Design and Development of Shielding Door and Safety Shutter for Transfer Line -3 Tunnel of Indus Accelerator Complex.
    S.K .Suhane, G.Haridas, M.K Nayak, Dimple Verma, R.S. Banerjee, Sanjay Chouksey, Gurnam Singh.
    Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 48, Nov (2010) 794 – 797

  16. Experimental determination of Bremsstrahlung dose rate due to accidental beam loss in Indus-1 storage ring.
    Haridas.G, Dimple Verma, P.K.Sahani, Nayak M.K, K.K.Thakkar & Sarkar P.K,
    Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 50, July (2012) 462 - 464

  17. Bremsstrahlung source term determination for 450 MeV electrons.
    M K Nayak, G Haridas, T K Sahu, S Dashora, R V Nandedkar and P K Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 50, July (2012) 494 - 497

  18. Photon and Neutron Dose evaluation in experimental of Indus‐1 Synchrotron Radiation Source.
    Dimple Verma, T K Sahu, Mukesh Khare, S Dashora, Saleem Khan, M K Nayak, P K Sahani, G. Haridas & P K Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 50, July 2012, pp. 505-508

  19. Radiation Safety during the Commissioning trials of Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines of Indus-2.
    Vipin Dev, M.K.Nayak, P.K.Sahani, Dimple Verma, Mukesh Khare, Vijay Kumar, Saleem Khan, T.K.Sahu, S.Dashora, Debasis Sinhamahapatra, Haridas G, A K Bakshi, A K Mahant, R.G.Marathe, Gurnam Singh and P K Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 50, Nov (2012) 808 – 810

  20. Experimental investigation of synchrotron and bremsstrahlung dose at lithography beam line of Indus-2 SRS.
    M K Nayak, P K Sahani, Mukesh Khare, T K Sahu, P Haridas, Vipin Dev, S Dashora, Vishal Dhamgaye, G.Haridas and P K Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 50, Nov (2012) 829 – 831

  21. Residual Radioactivity Measurements at Indus Accelerator Complex.
    Dimple Verma, M.K.Nayak, P.K.Sahani, Vijay Kumar, Vipin Dev, T.K.Sahu, S. Dashora,M.Khare, D.S.Mahapatra, G.Haridas and P.K.Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 50, Nov 2012, pp. 825 - 828

  22. Evaluation of ozone concentration for a white beam line hutch at Indus‐2 Synchrotron Radiation Source.
    Saleem Khan, M K Nayak, G. Haridas and P K Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 50, Nov 2012, pp. 840 - 842

  23. Simulation of absorbed dose rate due to synchrotron radiation and shielding thickness for radiation safety at Indus-2 using FLUKA.
    P. K. Sahani, G Haridas and P. K. Sarkar,
    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 50, Nov 2012, pp.818-820

  24. Assessment of neutron dose in Indus accelerator complex using CR‑39 SSNTD.
    Dimple Verma, G. Haridas, Rupali Pal, Vipin Dev, Tapas Bandopadhyay, M. P. Chougaonkar, R. M. Tripathi, D. A. R. Babu,
    Radiation Protection & Environment 31, January-December 2008,

  25. Radiation safety Aspects of the operation of first three synchrotron beam lines on Indus-2.
    M.K.Nayak, Haridas G. Nair, A. K. Bakshi, P. K. Sahani, Sunil Singh, Saleem Khan, Dimple Verma, Vipin Dev, T. K. Sahu, Mukesh Khare, Vijay Kumar, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R. M. Tripathi and D. N. Sharma,
    Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Oxford Publications, UK, advance access published, (2014) pp 1 -7, doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu273

  26. Bremsstrahlung Photon Dose Measurement inside Indus-2 synchrotron radiation source ring area.
    Saleem Khan, T.K. Sahu, V. Kumar, G. Haridas,
    Published in Radiation Protection and Environment, Vol.38 (Oct-Dec 2015), pp 127-129.

  27. Bremsstrahlung source term estimation for high energy electron accelerators.
    M.K.Nayak, T.K.Sahu, H.G.Nair, R.V.Nandedkar, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M Tripathi, P.R.Hannurkar & D.N.Sharma,
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry113 (2015) 1–5

  28. Gas bremsstrahlung studies for medium energy electron storage rings using FLUKA Monte Carlo code.
    Prasanta Kumar Sahani, Haridas G., Anil K. Sinha & P.R. Hannurkar,
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry 119 (2016) 51–54

  29. Optimum target source term estimation for high energy electron accelerators.
    M.K. Nayak, T.K. Sahu, Haridas.G, R.V. Nandedkar, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M Tripathi & P.R.Hannurkar,
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Elsevier publication, 122 (2016) 77-81

  30. Interaction of electrons with residual gas molecules and its effect on gas bremsstrahlung radiation in electron storage rings.
    P. K. Sahani, G. Haridas, A. K. Sinha, K.V.A.N.P.S. Kumar and T. A. Puntambekar,
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry 156, (2019) pp. 252–258

  31. Application of XANES in gamma dosimetry.
    P. K. Sahani, A. K. Sinha, G. Haridas, M. N. Singh and T. A. Puntambekar,
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes 149, (2019) pp. 48–51

सम्मेलनों में

  1. RF and Microwave radiation safety at CAT, Indore ;
    M K Nayak, Haridas G Nair, Vipin Dev, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma
    in Proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference (2005)

  2. Experiment for dose measurement during beam killing at Indus-1 Synchrotron Radiation Source ;
    M K Nayak, Vipin Dev, G Haridas, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma,
    In proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, 393-394 (2006).

  3. Preliminary results on the estimation of photon energy and dose using TLD in Indus-1 Experimental Hall ;
    A.K.Bakshi, M.K.Nayak, G.Haridas and R.K.Kher,
    In proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, 395-396 (2006).

  4. Experimental Study on response of Scintillation Detectors for Radiation Monitoring in Storage rings.
    G.Haridas, M.K.Nayak, K.K.Thaakkar, P.K.Sarkar, D.N.Sharma ,
    In proc. of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, 387-388 (2006).

  5. Radiation safety considerations of the operation of Indus-1 Synchrotron Radiation Source
    Haridas Nair, Vipin Dev, Mahendra Nayak, Kapil Kumar Thakkar, Dimple Verma, Deva Nand Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Sarkar
    Presented in Asian Particle Accelerator Conference (APAC-2007), 29 Jan – 2 Feb 2007, RRCAT, India.

  6. Beam Loss Detection Technique Using Radiation Detectors in Electron Accelerators at RRCAT, Indore.
    M K Nayak, G. Haridas, Vijay Kumar, P K Sahani, KK Thakkar, PK Sarkar and DN Sharma,
    Conference on Accelerator and Low Level radiation safety, IUAC, Delhi, (2007)

  7. Bremsstrahlung Contribution around X-Ray Diffraction Beam line at Indus-2 Synchrotron Radiation Source.
    M.K.Nayak, Vipin Dev, G.Haridas, Dimple Verma, K.K.Thakkar, P.K.Sarkar and D.N.Sharma,
    Conference on Accelerator and Low Level radiation safety, IUAC Delhi (2007)

  8. Radiation Energy Estimation During Ti-Sapphire Laser Plasma Experiments At RRCAT, Indore.
    M.K. Nayak, Dimple Verma, Vipin Dev, Vijay Kumar, P.K.Sahani, G.Haridas, K.K.Thakkar, Munish Kumar, L.C.Prasad, P.K.Sarkar And D.N.Sharma.
    National Symposium on Radiation Physics-17 (2007)

  9. Effect of storage ring shutdown on radiation level around Indus-1 synchrotron radiation source.
    Vipin Dev, M. K. Nayak, Vijay Kumar, P K Sahani, Dimple Verma, G. Haridas, K K Thakkar, P K Sarkar and D N Sharma,
    National Symposium on Radiation Physics-17, November, 2007

  10. Radiological status during Indus-2 SRS commissioning,
    Dimple Verma, M.K. Nayak, Vipin Dev, Vijay Kumar, P.K.Sahani, G.Haridas, K.K.Thakkar, P.K.Sarkar and D.N.Sharma,
    National Symposium on Radiation Physics-17( 2007)

  11. Electron depth dose - A tool for radiation safety programme in high energy electron accelerators.
    Haridas.G, Nayak.M.K, Vipin DeV, Thakkar.K.K, Sarkar.P.K and Sharma.D.N,
    National Symposium on Radiation Physics-17, (2007)

  12. Response of Neutron Dosimeters to Pulsed Neutron Fields in High Energy Electron Accelerators at Indus Complex, RRCAT,
    Dimple Verma, M.K.Nayak, Vipin Dev, P.K.Sahani, Vijay Kumar, Haridas G., K.K.Thakkar, Kohlekar R., P.K.Sarkar, D.N.Sharma, Rupali R., Jayalakshmi V., G. Chourasia, S.G. Vaijapurkar,
    ¬ National Conference on Indian Association of Radiation Protection, Defence Lab, Jodhpur (2008)

  13. Simulation of equivalent dose due to accidental electron beam loss in Indus-1 and Indus-2 Synchrotron radiation sources using FLUKA code,
    P. K. Sahani, G. Haridas, Vipin Dev, K. K. Thakkar, Gurnam Singh,P. K. Sarkar, D. N. Sharma
    National Conference on Indian Association of Radiation Protection, Defence Lab, Jodhpur (2008)

  14. Applications of Radiation Monitoring System at Indus Accelerator Complex,
    Vipin Dev, P Haridas, A D Kherde, G Haridas, Vimal Bhatnagar, D S Thakur, R K Gupta, P Fatnani , R G Marathe
    National Conference on Indian Association of Radiation Protection, Defence Lab, Jodhpur (2008)

  15. Experimental Evaluation of the Radiological Condition of HRVUV Beam Line of Indus-1 SRS at RRCAT.
    Dimple Verma, M.K.Nayak, Vipin Dev, P.K.Sahani, G. Haridas Nair, K.K.Thakkar, S. Chouksey, G. Singh, P.K.Sarkar and D.N.Sharma,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, RRCAT, Indore (2009).

  16. Simulation of electron, positron and bremsstrahlung spectrum generated due to electromagnetic cascade by 2.5GeV electron hitting lead target using FLUKA code.
    P. K. Sahani, G. Haridas, Vipin Dev, K. K. Thakkar, Gurnam Singh, P. K. Sarkar and D. N. Sharma,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, RRCAT, Indore (2009).

  17. Experimental determination of beam loss point in Transport Line-2 of Indus Accelerator Complex.
    M.K.Nayak, Vipin Dev, P.K.Sahani, Dimple Verma, G.Haridas, K.K.Thakkar, P.K.Sarkar, Gurnam Singh and D.N.Sharma,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, RRCAT, Indore (2009).

  18. Radiation Detectors used at Electron Accelerators at RRCAT,
    Vipin Dev, M. K. Nayak, Dimple Verma, G. Haridas, K K Thakkar, P. Haridas, Mukesh Khare, R K Gupta, R G Marathe, Gurnam Singh,
    National Conference on Accelerator and Low Level Radiation Safety, IUAC, New Delhi (2009)

  19. Estimation of Induced Radioactivity at Indus Accelerator Complex,
    Dimple Verma, M.K.Nayak, P.K.Sahani, Vijay Kumar, Vipin Dev, G.Haridas, K.K.Thakkar S.Chouksey and P.K.Sarkar,
    National Conference on Accelerator and Low Level Radiation Safety, IUAC, New Delhi (2009)

  20. Radiological Status of Ti-Sapphire Laser Plasma Chamber at RRCAT, Indore,
    M.K. Nayak, Dimple Verma, Vipin Dev, G.Haridas, K.K.Thakkar, D.N.Sharma and P.K.Sarkar ,
    National Conference on Accelerator and Low Level Radiation Safety, IUAC, New Delhi (2009)

  21. Engineering Design and Development of Shielding Door and Safety Shutter for Transfer Line -3 Tunnel of Indus Accelerator Complex,
    S.K .Suhane, G.Haridas, M.K Nayak, Dimple Verma, R.S. Banerjee, Sanjay Chouksey, Gurnam Singh,
    National Conference on Accelerator and Low Level Radiation Safety, IUAC, New Delhi (2009)

  22. Study of bremsstrahlung spectra by varying incident electron energy, target and target thickness using FLUKA code,
    P. K. Sahani, P. K. Sarkar and Gurnam Singh,
    National Conference on Accelerator and Low Level Radiation Safety, IUAC, New Delhi (2009)

  23. Experimental determination of Bremsstrahlung and Synchrotron radiation dose at SR beam lines of 2.5 GeV Indus-2 SRS,
    National Symposium on Radiation Physics-18, M.S University Udaipur( 2009)

  24. Radiological physics studies at front ends of Indus beam lines.
    Haridas G. Nair, Nayak M.K., Dev Vipin, Sahani P.K., Kumar Vijay, Verma Dimple, Thakkar K.K., Sarkar P.K. and Sharma D.N.
    Abstract, Radiation Safety of Synchrotron Radiation sources (RADSYNCH-09) held at Elettra, Italy on May 2009.

  25. Calculation of ozone production rate for Indus-2 Synchrotron Radiation beam lines.
    M K Nayak, Saleem Khan, Haridas G and P K Sarkar,
    International Symposium on Accelerator and Radiation Physics, ISARP-2011, 16-18 Feb, SINP, Kolkata

  26. Radiological Safety Issues at the Synchrotron Radiation Sources Indus-1 & Indus-2.
    Haridas.G & P.K.Sarkar,
    International Symposium on Accelerator and Radiation Physics, ISARP-2011, 16-18 Feb, SINP, Kolkata

  27. Integrated photon dose mapping in Indus-1 Experimental Hall using ionization chamber based survey meter.
    Vipin Dev, S K Mishra, T K Sahu, Haridas G, K K Thakkar, Gurnam Singh and P K Sarkar,
    International Symposium on Accelerator and Radiation Physics, ISARP-2011, 16-18 Feb, SINP, Kolkata

  28. Simulation of photo neutron spectra due to incident high energy electrons on tungsten target using FLUKA.
    P. K. Sahani, G Haridas and P. K. Sarkar,
    Presented at CARS-2011, 16-18 November, BARC Mumbai

  29. Determination of bremsstrahlung efficiency for 450MeV electrons,
    M.K.Nayak, T.K.Sahu, G.Haridas, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M.Tripathi and D.N.Sharma,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, InPAC-2013-ID-311, 19-22 November, VECC, Kolkata

  30. Radiation shielding evaluation for 35 MeV IR FEL LINAC.
    M.K.Nayak, Saleem Khan, G.Haridas, D.S.Joshi, Sanjay Chouksey, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M.Tripathi and D.N.Sharma,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, InPAC-2013-ID-315, 19-22 November, VECC, Kolkata

  31. Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Experimental Hutch of SEXAFS Beam Line of Indus-2 due to Introduction of a Photon Beam Shutter.
    P K Sahani, M.K.Nayak, Haridas G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay and P R Hannurkar,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, InPAC-2013-ID-317, 19-22 November, VECC, Kolkata

  32. Radiation Protection in accelerator facilities – Challenges.
    Haridas.G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M.Tripathi & D.N.Sharma,
    In proceedings of International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection: Enhancing the Protection of Workers —Gaps, Challenges and Developments at IAEA Vienna during 1-5 Dec 2014

  33. Ambient Radiation level and air borne activity at RRCAT, Indore.
    Vijay Kumar, Mukesh Khare, T K Sahu, G.Haridas, K.S.Pradeepkumar,
    Nineteenth National Symposium on Environment (NSE19), December 11-13, 2014, Mahatama Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

  34. Radiation safety studies at synchrotron radiation beam lines of Indus-2.
    P K Sahani, Haridas G, A. K. Sinha, Tapas Bandyopadhyay and P R Hannurkar.
    Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Conference on Radiation Safety of Synchrotron Radiation Sources (Radsynch-2015), Hamburg, Germany

  35. Radiation dose due to accidental beam loss of stored beam in Indus-2 Storage Ring.
    T K Sahu, Vijay Kumar, Dilip Kumar Gupta, Haridas G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, P.R.Hannurkar,
    Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Conference on Radiation Safety of Synchrotron Radiation Sources (Radsynch-2015), Hamburg, Germany

  36. RF & MW Radiation Hazards, Safety and Measurements at RRCAT, Indore.
    M.K.Nayak, Haridas.G, Nitish Tiwari, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, Mahendra Lad, T.A.Puntambekar & R.M.Tripathi,
    32nd DAE occupational professional safety meet at 5-7 Oct 2015, RRCAT, Indore

  37. Ozone generation in synchrotron radiation beamlines of Indus-2 and its safety measures.
    Saleem Khan, Vijay Kumar, Haridas.G, A.K.Sinha &T.A.Puntambekar,
    32nd DAE occupational professional safety meet at 5-7 Oct 2015, RRCAT, Indore

  38. Bremsstrahlung source term for thin, optimum and thick target for 450 MeV electrons,
    M.K.Nayak, T.K. Sahu, Haridas.G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay & R.M. Tripathi,
    NSRP-20 at Mangalore University, Mangalore during 28-30, Oct 2015

  39. Design and Optimization of gas bremsstrahlung stop for insertion device beamline on Indus-2.
    P. K. Sahani, Asim Kumar Das, Haridas G, A. K. Sinha, B. N. Rajasekhar, T. A. Puntambekar, and N.K.Sahoo,
    NSRP-20 at Mangalore University, Mangalore during 28-30, Oct 2015

  40. Measurement of ozone concentration and estimation of delay time at imaging beamline (BL-4) of Indus-2 Synchrotron Radiation Source.
    Vijay Kumar, Saleem Khan, T.K. Sahu, Balwant Singh, Haridas.G & T.A.Puntambekar,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference 2015, 21-24 December, TIFR Mumbai

  41. Dose profile measurement in the Indus-2 ring tunnel using thermoluminescent dosimeters,
    Dilip Kumar Gupta, Dimple Verma, T.K. Sahu1, Haridas.G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M.Tripathi & T.A.Puntambekar,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference 2015, 21-24 December, TIFR Mumbai

  42. Radiation shielding evaluation of Vertical Test Stand facility.
    P. K. Sahani, Haridas G., Hemant Kumar Patel, P.K.Kush, S.C.Joshi & T. A. Puntambekar,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference 2015, 21-24 December, TIFR Mumbai

  43. Feasibility studies on the use of thin window GM tube for low energy X-ray detection in synchrotron radiation beam lines of Indus-2.
    Dilip Kumar Gupta, Vipin Dev , T.K. Sahu , M.K. Nayak, Haridas.G , Tapas Bandyopadhyay, R.M.Tripathi,
    32nd IARP conference, IARPIC-2016, 22-25 Feb, 2016, Anupuram, Tamilnadu, India

  44. Development of a proto-type multi-cavity ion chamber for depth dose measurement in high energy electron accelerator environments.
    M.K.Nayak, T.K.Sahu, Haridas.G R.V.Nandedkar, Tapas Bandyopadhyay & R.M. Tripathi,
    32nd IARP conference, IARPIC-2016, 22-25 Feb, 2016, Anupuram, Tamilnadu, India

  45. Radiological experiences during the commissioning and operation of Indus-2 synchrotron radiation source
    Haridas.G, M.K.Nayak, P.K.Sahani, Vijay Kumar, Saleem Khan, Dimple Verma, T.K.Sahu, Vipin Dev, Mukesh Khare, D. K.Gupta, J .T. K Mukherjee, S.P.Tripathy, D.S.Thakur, Ram Bahadur, R.G.Marathe, T. Bandyopadhyay, T.A.Puntambekar A.C.Thakurta & R.M.Tripathi,
    InPAC-2018, 9-12, Jan. 2018

  46. Probabilistic safety analysis of radiation safety systems for industrial electron accelerator,
    Priyangshu Dhara, Gopika Vinod, Haridas G, Ajay Kumar, M.K Nayak,
    InPAC-2018, 9-12, Jan. 2018

  47. Dose assessment on temperature monitoring units in Indus-2 tunnel,
    Dilip Kumar Gupta, T K Sahu, N.J.Bange, Haridas G, T. Bandyopadhyay,
    InPAC-2018, 9-12, Jan. 2018

  48. Investigation and mitigation of elevated radiation level at equipment gallery of Indus-2, RRCAT
    Dimple Verma, Dilip Gupta, Vipin Dev, T K Sahu, P K Sahani, Saleem Khan, M.K. Nayak, Vijay Kumar, Mukesh Khare, Haridas G, T.A.Puntambekar, Tapas Bandopadhyay, R.M.Tripathi,
    InPAC-2018, 9-12, Jan. 2018

  49. Effect of residual gas molecules on gas bremsstrahlung dose rate in Indus-2,
    P. K. Sahani , T. A. Puntambekar, Haridas G., A. K. Sinha, K.V.A.N.P.S. Kumar,
    InPAC-2018, 9-12, Jan. 2018

  50. Effect on CaSO4:Dy TL material on exposure to high dose,
    P. K. Sahani, Haridas G, A. K. Sinha and T. A. Puntambekar,
    IARPIC-2018, 16-20 January, 2018.

  51. Radiation shielding evaluation for new injector microtron at Indus facility,
    M K Nayak, Dilip K Gupta, Haridas. G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, T A Puntambekar and R.M.Tripathi,
    IARPIC-2018, 16-20 January, 2018.

  52. Radiological status during the operation of multicusp H- ion source at RRCAT.
    Dilip Kumar Gupta, T K Sahu, Haridas G, Rajnish Kumar, Vinod Kumar Senecha, Tapas Bandopadhyay & R M Tripathi,
    Paper ID CP 9.29, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  53. Radiation Safety Challenges at Advanced Radiation Facilities.
    Haridas G,
    Paper ID- IT-20, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  54. Comparative sorption study of Sr (II) and Cs (I) by nano porous manganese oxide for applicability in low level liquid waste management.
    Joyeeta Mukherjee, R M Tripathi,
    Paper ID- CP 4.1, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  55. Measures taken to mitigate the issues detected during the periodic radiation surveillance activity of Indus-2 RF system.
    Narendra Kumar Bharadwaj, Alok Gupta, Akhilesh Jain, Mahendra Lad, M K Nayak, G Haridas,
    Paper ID- CP 9.1, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  56. Radiation safety aspects of 1 MW, 352 MHz RF test stand.
    Manmath Kumar Badapanda, Rinki Upadhyay, Akhilesh Tripathi, Rajeev Tyagi, M K Nayak, P K Sahani & Mahendra Lad,
    Paper ID- CP 9.23, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  57. Radiation shielding evaluation for 3 MeV proton linac at RRCAT, Indore.
    Mahendra Kumar Nayak, P K Sahani, D S Joshi, Haridas G, S K SUhane, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, V K Senecha, G Parchani, T A Puntambekar, R M Tripathi,
    Paper ID- CP 9.24, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  58. Measurement of X-ray and RF leakage from high power klystron.
    T K Sahu, B S Thakur, Haridas G, Umesh Kale, T.Reghu, Y D Wanmode, K K Pant, Tapas Hargovind Singh, P Shrivastava, T Bandyopadhyay, T A Puntambekar & R M Tripathi,
    Paper ID- CP 9.30, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  59. Bremsstrahlung source term for high energy electron accelerators up to 10 GeV.
    M K Nayak, Haridas G, Tapas Bandyopadhyay, T A Puntambekar & R M Tripathi,
    Paper ID- CP 12.1, NSRP-21, 5-7 March 2018, RRCAT, Indore

  60. Design, Development and Characterization of a Free Air Ion Chamber for Radiation Dosimetry at Synchrotron Beamlines,
    P. K. Sahani, Haridas G., A. K. Sinha, R. Bahadur, T. K. Sahu, B. S. Thakur, A. K. Agrawal, A. Meena and R. K. Sahu,
    22nd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-22), 8-10 November 2019, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

  61. Radiation shielding evaluation for HTS-2 facility at RRCAT, Indore,
    V. Dev, M. K. Nayak, P. K. Sahani, Haridas G,
    22nd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-22), 8-10 November 2019, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

  62. FLUKA simulation of angular bremsstrahlung source term for electron energies up to 2.5 GeV,
    T. Routh, P. K. Sahani, Haridas G,
    22nd National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-22), 8-10 November 2019, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

  63. Study of shielding adequacy around Indus-1 for accidental beam loss conditions in transport lines,
    M K Nayak, Ritu Rani, T K Sahu, Haridas G, R.K.Sahu, M.S.Kulkarni,
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – 2019 (InPAC2019), 18 – 21 November 2019, Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, India.

  64. Radiation protection at synchrotron radiation beamlines-challenges,
    P. K. Sahani, Haridas G, M.S. Kulkarni and R.K. Sahu,
    IAEA International conference on “Occupational Radiation Protection: Strengthening Radiation Protection of Workers -Twenty Years of Progress and the Way Forward", 5–9 September 2022, Geneva, Switzerland.

  65. Particle accelerator facilities & regulatory aspects- Indian scenario,
    Haridas G.
    IAEA workshop on Radiation Safety of Accelerators, Seoul, South Korea, 14-17 November, 2022.

  66. Radiological safety & research at Indus synchrotron facility,
    Haridas G,
    IAEA workshop on Radiation Safety of Accelerators, Seoul, South Korea, 14-17 November, 2022.

  67. Experimental assessment of radiation level during commissioning of insertion device synchrotron beamline at Indus-2,
    P.K. Sahani, B. S. Thakur, D. Waghmare, Haridas G., A. Agrawal, A. Dwivedi and R. K. Sahu,
    Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP6), 7-11 February 2023, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, India.

  68. Experimental determination of radiation source term during the operation of 150TW Laser Plasma Accelerator Facility,
    Dilip Kumar Gupta, Aritra Mandal, Haridas G., M. S. Kulkarni, Tirtha Mandal, Vipul Arora and Anand Moorti,
    Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP6), 7-11 February 2023, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, India.

  69. Radiation dose assessment for postulated initiating events of white beam line on Indus-2,
    M.K.Nayak, Haridas G. and M.S.Kulkarni,
    Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP6), 7-11 February 2023, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, India.

  70. Experimental determination of broad beam attenuation coefficient of ordinary concrete, iron and lead for bremsstrahlung X-ray from 450 MeV electrons,
    T.K.Sahu, P.K.Sahani, M.K.Nayak, R.Sharma, A.Mondal, Haridas G. and M.S.Kulkarni,
    Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP6), 7-11 February 2023, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, India.

  71. Induced radioactivity in common structural material of proton accelerator in the range, 100-1000MeV,
    R. Sharma, P.K. Sahani, G. Haridas and M.S. Kulkarni,
    Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP6), 7-11 February 2023, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, India.

आंतरिक रिपोर्ट

  1. Shielding Evaluation of the upgraded version of Indus-2, Synchrotron Radiation Facility at Cat, Indore,
    A.R.Nayak, Haridas. G, K.K.Thakkar, D.N.Sharma,
    BARC, (2003)

  2. Catalogue of radiation generating facilities at CAT Indore,
    HPU, RRCAT, (2003)

  3. Photon spectrum measurements at Indus-1 Synchrotron Radiation Source Facility, CAT, Indore, ,
    Haridas.G, Krishnamachari.G, Anilkumar.S, Kale.M.S, Nayak.M.K, Thaker.K.K, Nayak.A, Sharma.D.N and Abani.M.C,
    BARC Report, BARC/2003/I/001 (2003)

  4. Comparative study of radiation instrumentation used in electron accelerator at CAT, Indore,
    Dimple Verma,
    CAT/2005-18, (2005)

  5. Experiment to determine Bremsstrahlung component in synchrotron radiation at XRD beam line 12, Indus-2 experimental hall,
    G.Haridas, M.K.Nayak, Dimple Verma, Vipin Dev,
    RRCAT/AP/HPU/2006/399 (2006)

  6. Development of prototype ambient synchrotron radiation monitors fot Indus-2 SRS Beam lines,
    Vipin dev, P.Haridas, Azakuvelvan, R.K.Gupta, M.K.Nayak, Dimple Verma, P K Sahani, Vijay Kumar, K.K.Thakkar, A.K.Mahant, Sudhir Singh, S M Tripathi, P K Sarkar, D N Sharma, Mary Alex, P M Dighe, Sadhna Bhattacharya, C G Panchal, R Karpagam, P Y Bansode, R K Jakati and P.K. Mukhopadhyay,
    Report no.- RRCAT/2007-04 (2007)

  7. Effect of kickers on electron beam loss in booster synchrotron,
    M K Nayak, Vijay Kumar, P K Sahani, G Haridas, K K Thakkar, A C Thakurta,
    RRCAT, (Feb 2007)

  8. Radiation Survey for photon/neutron dose rate in Indus-1 experimental hall for different operating conditions, Technical Report.
    RRCAT/HPU/07 (2007)

  9. Beam loss detection in TL-2 in Indus-1 hall,
    Technical note: RRCAT/HPU/07/TR-02 (August 2007)

  10. Radiation levels in Indus-1 Experimental hall during beam transport from booster to Indus-1/Indus-2,
    Technical note: RRCAT/HPU/07/TR-01 (August 2007)

  11. Radiation measurement around X-ray inspection set at Indore Airport,
    HPU, RRCAT, (Dec 2007)

  12. Draft report on compilation of induced activity measurement data in components of Indus Accelerator Complex, (2007)

  13. Study on electron beam loss due to variation in steering coil current in Booster Synchrotron,
    M K Nayak, Vijay Kumar, P K Sahani, Vipn Dev, Dimple Verma & G.Haridas,
    HPU, RRCAT, Indore, (Jan 2008)

  14. Radiation level study near SIP-5 of TL-2 using beam loss detectors during Indus-1/ Indus-2 Injection,
    M.K.Nayak, Vipin Dev & G.Haridas,
    HPU, RRCAT (Oct 2008)

  15. Source term and Shielding calculation for Indus-2 SR beam lines,
    HPU, RRCAT (Apr 2008)

  16. Preliminary Report on Synchrotron and Bremsstrahlung Radiation Dose Measurement in Beam Lines of Indus-2,
    Health Physics Unit, RRCAT (March 2009)

  17. Shielding Calculation for FEL LINAC, M.K.Nayak & G.Haridas,
    HPU, RRCAT (Sep 2009)

  18. Report on shielding calculation for the radiation calibration cell at RRCAT,
    M K Nayak, G.Haridas,
    HPU, RRCAT (Oct 2009)

  19. Ozone measurement and radiolytic yield estimation for air in Synchrotron Radiation beamlines.
    Saleem Khan, Vijay Kumar, Haridas G., B.S.Thakur, V. P. Dhamgaye.
    RRCAT Internal Report (RRCAT/2015-10)

  20. Radiation shielding evaluation report of HTS-2 facility at RRCAT, Indore,
    Vipin Dev, M. K. Nayak, P. K. Sahani,
    Health Physics Unit , RRCAT (June 2017)

  21. Review note on radiological safety and energy limit for processing of food by electron/X-ray irradiation,
    Haridas G,
    Health Physics Unit, RRCAT (August 2018)

  22. Radiation Shielding and safety of high energy synchrotron radiation sources,
    Haridas G, A. Mondal, Kulkarni M S,
    HS&EG report (April 2020)

  23. Review of neutron dose measurements due to bremsstrahlung at the 7 GeV APS.
    Dimple Verma, Haridas G,
    HS&EG report (April 2020)

  24. Review of Radiation Safety Simulations for Synchrotron Radiation Sources Operated at or above 6 GeV,
    P.K.Sahani, Haridas G,
    HS&EG report (April 2020)

  25. Review of radiation damage of electrical insulation material,
    Dilip Kumar Gupta, Haridas G,
    HS&EG report (April 2020)

  26. Draft technical note on the radio-nuclides produced by energetic protons,
    Haridas G, Nayak M.K
    (HPU Tech. report (Sep. 2020)

  27. Radiological measurements during the operation of Ultra short Laser Plasma Facilities at RRCAT-Draft
    HPU Tech-report (November 2021)

  28. Evaluation of radiation hazard potential from Al, Cu & Fe on proton bombardment,
    Richa Sharma, P.K.Sahani & Haridas G,
    HPU Tech. report(November 2022)

  29. Radiological status of HTS facility during commissioning trials,
    Vipin Dev, Haridas G,
    HPU Tech.report (May 2022)

  30. Draft report on the experimental investigation of brown patches on insulation on quadrupoles bus bar at Indus-2,
    P.K.Sahani, Haridas G, Subrat Das (March 2023)

  31. Shielding adequacy evaluation and assessment of induced radioactivity at 1 PW laser plasma facility
    HPU Tech. report (May 2023)

  32. Radiation dose measurement in RF based H- ion source
    M.K.Nayak, Richa Sharma, T K Sahu, P.K.Sahani & Haridas G ,
    HPU Tech-report (August 2023)


  1. Radiation Safety Guidelines for Indus Accelerator Complex (August 2009)
  2. Radiation Safety Manual for Indus Accelerator Complex (Rev.05, August 2021)
  3. Radiation Safety Manual for commissioning of IRFEL facility (Rev.0, December 2020)
  4. Radiation Safety Manual for 1 PW laser plasma facility (Rev.0, May 2023)


  1. Vikiran Suraksha,
    An article in Hindi in “PRAGATI”, in house magazine published by CAT, (1997)

  2. Indus-1 Mein Vikiran Suraksha Ke Upay,
    An article in Hindi in “PRAGATI”, in house magazine published by CAT, (2002)

  3. Radio Frequency Aevam Microwave Suraksha,
    An article in Hindi in “PRAGATI”, in house magazine published by CAT, (2005)

  4. Radiation Physics studies at Indus-1 synchrotron radiation source for radiation protection in high energy electron accelerators,
    Haridas G.,
    RRCAT newsletter, Volume 21 (1), 34-39 (2008)

  5. Study of scattered synchrotron radiation dose at SR beamline hutches of Indus-2.
    P K Sahani and Haridas.G,
    RRCAT newletter, Vol. 25, Issue 1 page 17 (2012)

  6. Bremsstrahlung source term measurement for 450 MeV electrons.
    M.K.Nayak and Haridas.G,
    RRCAT newsletter, Vol. 25, Issue 1 page 18 (2012)

  7. Bremsstrahlung source term from optimum targets.
    M.K.Nayak and Haridas.G,
    RRCAT newsletter, Volume 29, Issue, page 15 (2016)

पुरस्कार और मान्यता

  1. Letter of appreciation to Dr. Haridas.G by Dr. John Hubbell, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) “Emiretus”, U.S.A & Vice-president, International Society for Radiation Physics, for research in high energy bremsstrahlung radiation dosimetry at Synchrotron Radiation Source, Indus-1 (2006)

  2. Dr. A.K.Ganguly Felicitation Prize -2010 was awarded to Dr. Haridas.G for outstanding contribution in radiation protection in low, medium & high energy accelerators by Indian Association for Radiation Protection (IARP) (2010).

  3. 1st best technical paper ISRP award to Dr. M K Nayak for paper on radiation shielding evaluation for 3 MeV proton linac at RRCAT, Indore during 21st NSRP conference (2018)

  4. DAE Group Achievement Awards – 18 Nos.

पीएच.डी. / एम.टेक थीसिस

  1. Bremsstrahlung X-ray dosimetry studies at high energy electron accelerators for personnel protection.
    Ph.D Thesis,Devi Ahilya Viswa Vidyalaya, Indore, India (Dec. 2006)

  2. Development of methodology for estimation of low energy synchrotron and high energy bremsstrahlung radiation dose.
    Debasis Sinha Mahapatra,
    M. Tech Thesis (Sep. 2012)

  3. Application of depth dose studies for radiation protection in high energy electron accelerator.
    Ph.D Thesis, Devi Ahilya Viswa Vidyalaya, Indore, India (Jun 2016)

  4. Development of framework for probabilistic safety analysis of radiation safety systems of industrial accelerators,
    Priyangshu Dhara,
    M.Tech Thesis (Jan. 2017).

  5. Radiation dosimetry studies for synchrotron radiation beamlines,
    P. K. Sahani,
    Ph.D. Thesis, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai (July 2019)

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