
One Week Exposure Program

RRCAT organized, for the first time, a One Week Exposure Program (OWEP-2009) from 20th – 24th July 2009. This program was initiated by Dr. V.C. Sahni, the then Director, RRCAT to give an exposure to the students on different activities of science and technology being carried out at RRCAT. The aim of this program was to stimulate the young and bright students of B.Sc/BE (Ist year) towards fascinating and rewarding career in science and technology. For this program, invitations were sent to all the science and engineering colleges of Indore. On special request some students from Miranda House, Delhi were also invited. In all, 30 students participated in OWEP-2009. All the students were provided free boarding and lodging at RRCAT guest house.

The programme was inaugurated by Dr. P. D. Gupta, the then Officiating Director, RRCAT on 20th July morning. As a part of his inauguration address, Dr. P. D. Gupta gave an extensive and lucid description of the various activities of research and development that were being carried out at RRCAT. Dr. L. M. Kukreja co-chairman of the OWEP organizing committee welcomed all the guests and students to the programme.

 Following the inauguration, the lecture series commenced. The lectures delivered at the programme, covered nearly all the aspects of lasers, accelerators and some other interesting contemporary research topics that are pursued at RRCAT. A total of 16 lectures were delivered by various senior scientists and engineers from RRCAT. Special efforts had been made to make the lectures simple so that B.Sc/BE Ist year students could follow and appreciate the contents. Beside these lectures, interactive lab visits were also a part of the daily schedule. During some of the lab visits, students were also allowed to work on some of the laboratory systems. A special visit was also organized in the Indus complex on the morning of the last day of the programme..

The programme ended with a concluding and feedback session, chaired by Dr. G. S. Lodha. The feedback from the students was very positive and most of the students found this exposure very stimulating and useful. After the program, some students expressed their desire to choose a career in science and technology. Overall, the program was very successful.

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