Science Day celebrated at RRCAT on 1st March 2008

Students looking at a log of wood being burnt using an invisible CO2 laser beam

In keeping with the tradition, RRCAT observed Science Day on March 1st 2008. Std XI students from 67 schools from Indore and adjoining areas visited RRCAT. The total number of visitors from these schools including students and accompanying teachers was 1103. The day’s programme started with the visitors assembling in the main auditorium of the Central Complex for the Director’s address. Dr. P.D. Gupta, Officiating Director gave a talk entitled, “Remembering Raman: Cheers to Indian Science” in which he described the ingenious experiments of Sir C.V. Raman which led to the Nobel prize winning discovery of Raman Effect. Dr. Gupta also described the growth of Indian science in the decades which followed. He listed various scientific institutions which came up in the country, especially the Department of Atomic Energy, of which RRCAT is a part. He gave an account of the scientific activities of the Centre. Dr. Gupta’s address was delivered in a simple and easy to understand style and had a stimulating effect on the students.

The Director’s address was followed by guided visits of the students to some of the laboratories of RRCAT. There were a total of ten laboratories which were opened to the young visitors. Some of the activities of RRCAT and some items of general scientific interest were displayed in the form of interesting exhibits which enthused the students. Morning snacks and afternoon lunch was served to the visitors from the schools. In the afternoon, the laboratories were open to families of RRCAT employees, who visited the laboratories in a large number and saw the exhibits.

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