Graduation Function of 7th batch of RRCAT Training School

Graduating TSOs with Prof. Yash Pal
The graduation function of the 7th batch of RRCAT Training School (RTS) was held on 28th August 2007. Prof. Yash Pal, former Chairman, UGC, and former Secretary, DST, was the chief guest for the occasion.

The function was held in the main auditorium of the Central Complex. Dr. S.V. Deshmukh, Member-Secretary of RRCAT Training School Committee (RTSC) conducted the function, which was presided over by Dr. V.C Sahni, Director, RRCAT.

Welcome address was given by Dr. P.D. Gupta (Chairman, RTSC). In his address, Dr. Gupta gave an outline of the distinguished profile of Prof. Yash Pal and briefly described the activities of the RRCAT Training  School during the academic year 2006-07.

In his presidential remarks, Dr. V.C. Sahni congratulated the graduating trainee scientific officers (TSOs). He also described how the concept of training schools in DAE has grown, starting from the first training school of Atomic Energy Establishment at Trombay and leading to the setting up of similar training schools in several other units of the Department.

The presidential address was followed by distribution of graduation certificates to all the 17 TSOs who successfully completed the one-year orientation course (2006-2007). Ms. Rinki Upadhyay was awarded the prestigious Homi Bhabha Medal and Homi Bhabha Prize for standing first in the batch.

The highlight of the function was the address by the chief guest Prof Yash Pal, which was full of wisdom acquired in the fields of science, technology, and education. He advised the bright young TSOs to take a comprehensive view of nature instead of viewing narrow compartments of knowledge as different disciplines. He emphasized that if the world is viewed from a correct perspective, then its vast diversity can be seen as a manifestation of its richness rather than a basis for conflict and division. He stressed the importance of being able to enjoy what one is doing. Prof. Yash Pal managed to convey such profound thoughts in his characteristic humorous style, adding a number of interesting anecdotes from his own experience. His talk held the audience spell-bound for more than one hour.

At the end of the function, Dr. S.C. Mehendale, Convener, RTS Committee, proposed the vote of thanks.

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