Stipendiary Trainees CAT-I & II  

List of the Stipendiary Trainees CAT-I & II who have been called for written test.

Discipline Date of written test
CAT-I (Physics) 02.01.2012
CAT-I (Physics) 03.01.2012
CAT-I (Mechanical) 02.01.2012
CAT-I (Mechanical) 03.01.2012
CAT-I (Electronics/ Instrumentation) 04.01.2012
CAT-I (Electronics/ Instrumentation) 05.01.2012
CAT-I (Electronics/ Instrumentation) 06.01.2012
CAT-I (Electronics/ Instrumentation) 07.01.2012
CAT-II (Laboratory) 04.01.2012
CAT-II (Laboratory) 06.01.2012
CAT-II (Turner) 04.01.2012
CAT-II (Turner) 06.01.2012
CAT-II (Mechanist) 04.01.2012
CAT-II (Mechanist) 06.01.2012
CAT-II (Fitter) 05.01.2012
CAT-II (Fitter) 06.01.2012
CAT-II (Electronics/ Instrumentation) 06.01.2012
CAT-II (Electronics/ Instrumentation) 07.01.2012
Specimen of the call letter both in Hindi and English
Call Letter (English)
Call Letter (Hindi)


  1. Those candidates whose name appear in the list and  have not received call letter through Post may take a printout of the call letter and fill particulars such as application number, name, address, category for which applied, date of written test and bring the same for Test/Interview on the stipulated date.

  2. Candidates have to bring all the certificates and testimonials as indicated in the call letter in original, including No Objection Certificate wherever applicable, for verification.

  3. Duly filled up call letter will be checked by the  officer concerned who will be available at Examination Centre and sign on the call letter. The candidates would be allowed to appear in the Test/Interview.

  4. The date which is indicated as interview date should be treated for written test.
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