Ph.D Programme  |   OCAL  |   YSRP 
YSRP 2014


Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore is a premier unit of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, engaged in R & D activities in front line research areas of Accelerator science, Laser science, related technologies and applications.

The research activities of the Centre includes:

  • The Centre has indigenously designed, developed, and commissioned two synchrotron radiation sources Indus-1 and Indus-2, serving as national facility in which several beam lines have been installed and operational.

  • The Centre is pursuing several other key accelerator activities viz., development of high energy proton accelerator for a Spallation Neutron Source, electron accelerators for food irradiation and industrial applications, free electron lasers (FEL) in terahertz (THz) and infrared (IR) spectral region, superconducting and magnetic materials required for accelerators, development of advanced technologies such as superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) cavities and cryomodule, high power radiofrequency and microwave (RF and Microwave) systems, cryogenics, magnets, precision power supplies, ultrahigh vacuum systems, precision fabrication and control instrumentation.

  • Scientific Computing & programming, Software Development, Computer Network Infrastructure to support various R & D programs.

  • Development and use of copper-vapour lasers, dye lasers, Nd:YAG lasers, high-power CO2 lasers, Ti:sapphire lasers, diode lasers etc.

  • Experimental programmes in semiconductors, ultra-fast studies, nonlinear optics, laser cooling of atoms, laser-plasma interaction, laser materials (ceramics and single crystal), applications of synchrotron radiation and biomedical applications of lasers.

  • Theoretical research on nonlinear and quantum optics, nonlinear dynamics in accelerators, free-electron lasers, materials science, studies on light propagation in turbid media and its applications in biomedicine.

For more information, please visit our web page:

In order to expose young students to these frontiers in science and technology, the Centre runs a Young Scientist Research Program during the summer.

Students who are presently in the first year of M.Sc. (Physics), or in the fourth year of integrated M.Sc. (Physics) or in the third year of B.E./B.Tech. (Engineering Physics/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/ Metallurgy/ Computer Science/ Information Technology) are eligible to apply.

Nationality : The applicant must be an Indian citizen.

Selected candidates will be paid round-trip train fare by II class (sleeper) and a stipend of Rupees 2,500 per month. In addition, free accommodation will be provided at the RRCAT Guest House. Those selected for the programme will work on a project during their 8 weeks stay at the Centre from May 12, 2014 to July 04, 2014. At the end of the research programme, the participating students are required to give a presentation on their project/ research work and submit a project report.

How to apply:
Applications should be submitted only by email at the following address:

The application for YSRP 14 should be submitted only in the format provided on this webpage.

The candidate should arrange for one letter of recommendation which should be sent by email (scanned signed copy) along with the application.


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