For more detail, please contact:
Dr. C. P. Paul
Convener, Incubation Centre, RRCAT
Phone: +91 731 248 8396
Mobile: +91 94256 66596
Shri Praveen K. Agrawal
Co-convener, Incubation Centre, RRCAT
Phone: +91 731 248 2419
Mobile: +91 94258 31055
Events/ Happenings/ News-items
Inauguration of Certificate Course on "Additive Manufacturing: Principle, Technologies & Applications"
The certificate Course on "Additive Manufacturing: Principle, Technologies & Applications" was inaugurated by Dr. S V Nakhe, Director Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology Indore (RRCAT) and Prof. S S Joshi, Director Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IITI) on 24th September 2022 at 15.00 hours (IST). The inauguration session started by welcoming all the dignitaries, participants, and faculty members to the course. 49 participants (excluding participants from host institutes - IITI and RRCAT) registered for the course. Out of which, 16 are from industries, 12 are faculty members from various academic institutions, and 21 are research scholars/ students/ startup entrepreneurs.
During his inaugural address, Dr. S V Nakhe, Director RRCAT emphasized that Additive Manufacturing is going to play an important role in the Indian industry in a major way and nurturing AM experts is important. At present, unlike conventional manufacturing processes, there is a dearth of trained manpower in AM. Therefore, this certification course on Additive manufacturing by expert teams from RRCAT and IITI is going to contribute in a big way to this AM-evolving ecosystem in India.
Prof S S Joshi, Director IITI appreciated this effort and term this joint effort as its own kind in the country, where a national lab (RRCAT) and IIT come together for a certificate course. He emphasized the importance of additive manufacturing and laser-based manufacturing in the present era. He highlighted the collaborative efforts between RRCAT and IIT Indore in various areas including additive manufacturing. He invited the participants to initiate/ continue a long-lasting relationship with these host intuitions to achieve higher technological goals. Prof. S K Sahu, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Indore shared in brief about the various programs being offered by IITI.
Dr. C P Paul, Convener Incubation Centre-RRCAT and AM Course Coordinator, presented the course structure and evaluation criteria to pass the certificate course. He mentioned that the course will also have interactive sessions with industrial experts/ entrepreneurs discussing the real-life challenges in the AM domain.
The inauguration session was concluded with the vote of thanks by Prof. I A Palani, IITI. He thanked both the directors for providing the support to conduct this course. He further thanked the course faculty members for agreeing to support the course and course participants to join the course.