For more detail, please contact:
Dr. C. P. Paul
Convener, Incubation Centre, RRCAT
Phone: +91 731 248 8396
Mobile: +91 94256 66596
Shri Praveen K. Agrawal
Co-convener, Incubation Centre, RRCAT
Phone: +91 731 248 2419
Mobile: +91 94258 31055
Invitation of Expression of Interest for Incubation of "Laser Additive Manufacturing System using Powder-fed Directed Energy Deposition (LAM-PF-DED)"
Prototype of Laser Additive Manufacturing System using Powder-fed Directed Energy Deposition (LAM-PF-DED) developed at RRCAT
About Technology:
Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) has brought a paradigm shift to “feature based design and manufacturing” and is being considered as an integral part of fourth industrial revolution. LAM has paved the way for the fabrication of metallic components with complex shapes and designs that could not previously even be conceived of are now entirely viable. Parts with conformal cooling channels is one of such examples. It is not just the shape and design that became possible, but LAM could also keep the advantages in terms of the structural properties. There is no weakening of the structure and no need to join several parts together, creating failure-prone joint areas. Instead, the LAM can build a complete shape in its entirety, by carefully layering and bonding materials together to create the desired outcome in single step.
In LAM-DED technique, a solid model of the component to be fabricated is made either by 3D imaging system or by designer using computer aided design (CAD) software or by math data as an output of numerical analysis. Thus obtained model is sliced into thin layers along the vertical axis. The thin layers are converted into corresponding numerical controlled (NC) code and are sent to LAM station in suitable format (e.g. G&M code). LAM station employs a laser beam as a heat source to melt a thin layer on the surface of the substrate/deposited material and fed material to deposit a new layer as per shape and dimensions defined in NC code. A number of such layers deposited one over another results in three dimensional (3D) components directly from the solid model.
LAM-DED system provides the following salient advantages for the fabrication of metallic engineering components & for rebuilding /repairing of worn out components:
- Near net shaping of 3D components.
- Repairing/rebuilding of worn out parts.
- Selective deposition with matching/graded chemistry using different materials.
- Low distortions/ residual stresses.
- Good metallurgical bonding at interface.
- Overall short turn-around time.
System Details:
S. No. |
Parameter |
Value |
1 |
Laser |
Multi-mode 2 kW Fiber Laser |
2 |
Built Envelop |
250 mm x 250 mm x 250 mm |
3 |
Manipulation |
5 Axis with CNC Control |
4 |
Environment Control |
Control Atmosphere |
Value Addition:
Successful efforts have been made at laboratory level to develop the prototype model of Laser Additive Manufacturing System using Powder-fed Directed Energy Deposition. It is anticipated that the participating industry will jointly work towards the development & upgradation to more user-friendly and better performing LAM-PF-DED system as incubatee with RRCAT under technology incubation provisions of Atal Innovation Mission/ Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). The incubatee will work in accordance with the user/industry demand. The developed technology, generated experience, and knowhow will be exclusive property of DAE, however, the successful incubatee will be given license to use the developed system as per mutual agreement.
Invitation for Incubation*:
The incubation effort is targeted towards developing a commercially viable and reliable LAM-PF-DED system on fast-track mode. In this proposal, Incubation Centre-RRCAT invites startup/ industrial partner with good engineering capabilities, requisite infrastructure, and domain knowledge to participate in this joint developmental effort of DAE.
Selection Criteria#:
- Established experience in the field of Industrial lasers/ laser material processing/ additive manufacturing/ CNC machine building.
- Safety awareness/ experience for working in laser (Class IV) based systems.
- Technically sound incubatee participation.
- Adequate administrative capability.
- Sound financial commitment for incubation and full cycle business plan.
- Reasonable market presence; marketing and service network in pan-India.##
- Qualified & experience personnel for design and fabrication of CNC machine and vacuum components followed by assembly and testing.##
- Required infrastructure for machine building.##
- Required infrastructure for machine testing.##
- Other than general test instruments the incubatee must be equipped with Helium Mass spectrometer leak detector, laser Interferometer for conducting metrology for CNC machine, Radiographic testing to determine the quality of the weld zone.##
How to apply
Interested industrial partners may Download Form to apply: KYPI.pdf and send the filled form to
The last date for submitting proposal: 20 January 2023.
*The recognition of IC-RRCAT as an Atal Incubation Centre-RRCAT is under stage of approval. This case will be dealt as per the incubation guidelines/ provisions of Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog and DAE.
#All selection criteria have equal weightage.
##Not mandatory for Start Ups.