Accelerator Magnet Technology Division |
9. On-going works in AMTD:
Some of the on-going design and development of magnets in AMTD are given below:
- Prototype planer 2.5 m permanent magnet, short period Undulator;
- Prototype superconducting 5 Tesla wave length shifter (SWLS);
- 650 MHz ferrite circulator for proton Linac;
- S band differential phase shifter type circulator;
- Modified 270 Degree achromatic bending magnet for ARPF;
- Water cooled solenoids with steering coils for ARPF;
- Eddy current septum magnet for Indus-2;
- Combined function sextupole magnets for Indus-1;
- Magnets for THz-FEL facility at RRCAT;
- Magnets for Medical proton accelerator at RRCAT;
- Magnets for low emittance storage ring (HBSRS);
- Solenoids for 6 MW indigenous Klystron, NEG coating facility etc.