Power Converters Division

DAE_RRCAT_INDORE Home Power Converters Division

High Voltage Systems Section

DAE_RRCAT_INDORE Power Converters Developed by HVSS

High voltage power supplies for explosive detector(IMS detector) developed at ECIL

a. 5 kV /250 µA HV DC Supply

The size of the supply is 55 X 105 X 240 mm. It uses a full bridge LC resonant topology with variable frequency control to generate the required DC output. The high and the low output of the HV pulse are settable from -1 kV to -5 kV DC individually. The bridge feeds a step up pulse transformer which uses a Cockcroft Walton multiplier circuit to achieve the required output high voltage. The supply operates in a closed loop control with a output ripple of less than 30 volts peak to peak. The power loss in the supply is within 10 watts. The supply incorporates output over voltage, arcing and short circuit protections. The output is controlled through a pulse reference input and enable signal fed externally to the supply through a D connector. An LED indication provides the HV on or trip status of the supply.

-5kV/250 µA HV DC Power Supply (HVDC) for IMS Detector, ECIL
-5kV/250 µA HV DC Power Supply (HVDC) for IMS Detector, ECIL

b. -5 kV/ 200 µA HV Pulsed Supply

The size of the supply is 55 X 105 X 240 mm. It uses a full bridge LC resonant topology with variable frequency control to generate the required DC output. The high and the low output of the HV pulse are settable from -1 kV to -5 kV DC individually. The bridge feeds a step up pulse transformer which uses a Cockcroft Walton multiplier circuit to achieve the required output high voltage. The supply operates in a closed loop control with a output ripple of less than 30 volts peak to peak. The power loss in the supply is within 10 watts. The supply incorporates output over voltage, arcing and short circuit protections. The output is controlled through a pulse reference input and enable signal fed externally to the supply through a D connector. An LED indication provides the HV on or trip status of the supply.

-5kV/200 µA HV Pulse Power Supply (HVPPS) for IMS Detector, ECIL
-5kV/200 µA HV Pulse Power Supply (HVPPS) for IMS Detector, ECIL

Testing of HVDC & HVPPS with IMS Detector at ECIL and RRCAT
Testing of HVDC & HVPPS with IMS Detector at ECIL and RRCAT
Testing of HVDC & HVPPS with IMS Detector at ECIL and RRCAT
Development of 12 nos of IMS Detector with RRCAT HVDC & HVPS Power supplies at ECIL
Development of 12 nos of IMS Detector with RRCAT HVDC & HVPS Power supplies at ECIL

c. Upgraded -5 kV/ 200 µA HV Pulse Power Supply

The size of the HV pulse supply is 55 X 105 X 240 mm. It is based on HV pulse transformer driven by a pwm source having rise & fall time of less than 10 micro second and pulse width of 1 ms. The 300V pulse is floated at -5 kV dc.

-5kV/200 µA Upgraded HV Pulse Power Supply (HVPPS) for IMS Detector, ECIL
-5kV/200 µA Upgraded HV Pulse Power Supply (HVPPS) for IMS Detector, ECIL

d. Preamplifier

Preamplifier circuit has been developed using three stage using Twin T notch filter. Prototype testing was successfully done. Both TNT and Oxygen Signal were observed.

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