Superconducting Cavities Development Division

DAE_RRCAT_INDORE होम पेज अतिचालक गुहिकाएँ (कैविटीस) विकास प्रभाग

DAE_RRCAT_INDORE Home Page Superconducting Cavities Development Division

  • Papers in Journals:

    1. A novel method for Lorentz force detuning compensation in multi-cell superconducting RF cavity and its validation at room temperature,
      K.K. Singh, V.K. Jain, D.V. Ghodke, A. Puntambekar,
      Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92(6), 063303

    2. Estimation of Lorentz force detuning and its compensation on 650 MHz βg = 0.92 single cell SCRF cavity,
      M. Rathore, V. K. Jain, K. K. Singh, A. Atulkar, R. Porwal,
      Engineering Research Express, 2021, 3(2), 025025

    3. A novel method to identify and correct asymmetry of dumbbells in a multi-cell elliptical superconducting cavity,
      Praveen Mohania, Avinash Puntambekar, Ashish Mahawar, Adarsh Pratap Singh, Vikas Rajput, Raj Kumar Namdeo, Purushottam Shrivastava, Anand Yadav, Syed Moulali, Tilak Maurya, Manish Bagre, Vijayakumar V., and V. K. Srivastava,
      Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 024702 (2021);

    4. Study of Lorentz force detuning and its compensation in superconducting radiofrequency cavity: A review,
      M. Rathore, V. K. Jain, A. Atulkar, K. K. Singh, R. Porwal,
      Materials Today: Proceedings 2021, 44, pp. 1369–1374

    5. Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Superconducting RF Cavity Fabrication, Processing and 2 K Characterization at RRCAT,
      S C Joshi, S Raghavendra, V. Jain, A Puntambekar, P Khare, J Dwivedi, G Mundra, P K Kush, P Shrivastava, M Lad and P D Gupta,
      IOP Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 (2017) 012114, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012114. Publisher:- IOP Publishing

    6. Study of Weld Joint Qualification as per ASME code; SCRF Cavity, a case study,
      Journal of advances in Science and Technology, Year: Mar, 2017, Volume: 13 / Issue: 1,Pages: 416 - 420 (5)

    7. Indigenous Development of Superconducting Cavities, Cryomodules and Related Infrastructure for High Intensity Proton Linacs,
      S C Joshi, S Raghavendra, V K Jain, A Puntambekar, P Khare, J Dwivedi, G Mundra, P K Kush, P Shrivastava and P D Gupta,
      Indian Nuclear Society News, Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, July-Dec., 2013, pp. 25-34.

    8. Note: matching index technique for avoiding Higher Order Mode resonance in accelerators: INDUS-2 accelerator as a case study, V. Jain, U.V. Bhandarkar, S.C. Joshi, S. Krishnagopal, The Review of scientific instruments, 84:8 2013 Aug, pp. 086101.

    9. Indigenous Development of Superconducting Cavities, Cryomodules and Related Infrastructure for High Intensity Proton Linacs,
      S C Joshi, S Raghavendra, V K Jain, A Puntambekar, P Khare, J Dwivedi, G Mundra, P K Kush, P Shrivastava, and P D Gupta*,
      Indian Nuclear Society News, Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, July-Dec., 2013, pp. 25-34.

    10. Analytical Study of HOMs of Elliptical Shape Cavities Using Oblate Spheroidal Eigen-Value Solution,
      V. Jain, U. V. Bhandarkar, S. C. Joshi, S. Krishnagopal,
      Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 14, 042002 (2011)

    11. Estimation of Higher Order Modes of Indus-2 RF cavity Using Combined Electromagnetic–Thermal–Structural Simulations,
      V. Jain, U.V. Bhandarkar, S. Yadav, S.C. Joshi, A.D. Ghodke, M. Lad and P.R. Hannurkar,
      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (NIM-A) 01/2010; 612(2): pages 225-240.

    12. Principles Developed for the Construction of the High Performance, Low-cost Superconducting LHC corrector Magnets M. Allitt,
      A. Ijspeert, M. Karmarkar, A. Puntambekar.
      17th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-17), Geneva, Switzerland, 24-28 Sep 2001, [IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 12 1; 1 90-93 Mar. 2002]

    13. Further development of Sextupole and Decapole corrector magnets for the LHC,
      M. Allitt, A Ijspeert, M Karmarkar, A Puntambekar, A. Thipsay, K. Ruwali, S. Bapna, et al
      The 16th International Conference on Magnet Technology September 26 - October 2, 1999. [IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity vol.10, no.1, pp.162-5. March 2000]

  • Papers in Conferences:

    1. Toward Qualifications of HB And LB 650MHz Cavities for the Prototype Cryomodules for the PIP-II Project,
      M. Martinello, D. Bice, C. Boffo, S.K. Chandrasekaran, G.V. Eremeev, F. Furuta , T.N. Khabiboulline, K. McGee, A. Netepenko, J.P. Ozelis, A. Sukhanov, G. Wu, S. Kim, P. Ostroumov, M. Bagre, V. Jain, A.M. Puntambekar, S. Raghavendra, P. Shrivastava, M. Bertucci, A. Bosotti, C. Pagani, R. Paparella, P. Bhattacharyya, A. Mandal, S. Ghosh , S. Seth, S. Som , M.P. Kelly, T.C. Reid, K.K. Mistri, P.N. Prakash,
      2021 International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF'21), 28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021, Virtual Conf. hosted by Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University

    2. Status of PIP-II 650 MHz Prototype Dressed Cavity Qualification,
      D. Bice, C. Boffo, S. K. Chandrasekaran, S. Cheban, G. V. Eremeev, F. Furuta, I. Gonin, C. Grimm, S. Kazakov, T. Khabiboulline, M. Martinello, A. Lunin, J. Ozelis, Y. Pischalnikov, K. Premo, O. Prokofiev, O. Pronitchev, G. Romanov, N. Solyak, A. Sukhanov, G. Wu, T. Reid, M. Bagre, V. Jain, N. Nigam, A.M. Puntambekar, S. Raghavendra, P. Shrivastava, R. Kumar, P. Bhattacharyya, S. Ghosh, S. Seth, C. Pagani, R. Paparella, J. Lewis, P. McIntosh, A. Shabalina, A. Wheelhouse,
      presented at the 12th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'21), Campinas, Brazil, May 2021, paper TUPAB333

    3. Progress on Hb650 Superconducting Cavity Dressing and Its Infrastructure,
      Vikas Jain, M. Bagre, S. Moulali, V. Vijayakumar, V. K. Srivastava, T. Maurya, A. Yedle, A. Singh, K. K. Singh, A. Puntambekar, S. Chandrasekharan, C. Grimm,
      In The Proceeding Of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference - 2019 (Inpac2019), 18-21 November 2019, Iuac, New Delhi.

    4. Challenges of Frequency measurement and their control during fabrication of 650 MHz five-cell SCRF cavity,
      Praveen Mohania, Ashish Mahawar, Avinash Puntambekar, Syed Moulali, Anand Yadav, Tilak Maurya, Manish Bagre, P. Shrivastava at al,
      in the proceeding of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference - 2019 (InPAC2019), 18-21 November 2019, IUAC, New Delhi.

    5. Development and Testing of Tuner and Its Subsystems for Superconducting RF Cavity,
      K. K. Singh, A. Yedle, A. Yadav, V. K. Jain, D.V. Ghodke and Avinash Puntambekar,
      Proceeding of Indian Particle Accelerator Conference - 2019 (InPAC2019), 18-21 November 2019, IUAC, New Delhi.

    6. Temperature mapping for 650 MHz SCRF cavity during testing at 2K.
      Anand Yadav, Avinash Puntambekar, Ajay Yedle, et al,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2019 RRCAT Indore, 18-21 November, 2019.

    7. Development of Ti Gr2 components for HB650 dressing.
      V K Srivastva, Avinash Puntambekar, Manish Bagre, Syed Maulali, Vikas Jain, , et al,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2019 RRCAT Indore, 18-21 November, 2019.

    8. FE analysis of SCRF cavity weld joints and its experimental verification,
      Syed Maulali, Vikas Jain, Avinash Puntambekar, Manish Bagre, et al,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2019 RRCAT Indore, 18-21 November, 2019.

    9. Experience on fabrication of 650 MHz five-cell SCRF cavities using Electron Beam Welding,
      Manish Bagre, Avinash Puntambekar, Syed Maulali, et al,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2019 RRCAT Indore, 18-21 November, 2019.

    10. HB650 Tuner Testing Scheme with Single-Cell SCRF Cavity,
      K.K. Singh, A. N. Yedle, S. Mandle, V. K. Jain and S. C. Joshi,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference (InPAC-2018) RRCAT, Indore, January 9-12, 2018.

    11. Progress of HB650 Cavities for PIP-II Project at Fermilab,
      V.K. Jain, C. Grimm, I.V. Gonin, T. N. Khabiboulline, A. Rowe, T. Nicol and V. P. Yakovlev,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference (InPAC-2018) RRCAT, Indore, January 9-12, 2018.

    12. Elliptical Superconducting RF Cavities for PIP-II Project
      V. Jain, E. Borissov, I.V. Gonin, C.J. Grimm, S. Kazakov, T.N. Khabiboulline, V.A. Lebedev, C.S. Mishra, D.V. Mitchell, T.H. Nicol, Y.M. Pischalnikov, A.M. Rowe, N.K. Sharma, and V.P. Yakovlev,
      Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'16), October 9-14, 2016, Chicago, IL, USA, ISBN 978-3-95450-180-9, pp. 859-862.

    13. 650 MHz Elliptical Superconducting RF Cavities for PIP-II Project,
      I.V. Gonin, E. Borissov, V.K. Jain, C. Grimm, A. Grasselino, S.Kazakov, V. Lebedev, A. Lunin, C. S. Mishra, N. Sharma, N. Solyak, Y. Pischalnikov, A. Rowe, D. Mitchel, T. Nicol, V. P. Yakovlev,
      Proceedings of LINAC2016, September 25-30, 2016 East Lansing, MI, USA, pp 943-945.

    14. Room temperature RF characterization of 650 MHz Niobium cavity structures for development of Beta-0.92, 5-Cell SCRF cavity,
      Praveen Mohania, Ashish Mahawar, Anand Yadav, A Puntambekar, Purushottam Shrivastava, et al.
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2018 RRCAT Indore, 09-12 January, 2018.

    15. Design and Fabrication of Insertion Fixture for Dressing of 1.3 GHz 9-cell SCRF Cavities,
      V K Srivastava, T Maurya, A Puntambekar and S C Joshi,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2018 RRCAT Indore, 09-12 January, 2018.

    16. Processing and Testing of First Single-Cell 650 MHz (Beta=0.92) Superconducting RF Cavity,
      S. Raghavendra, S.K.Suhane, A.Puntambekar and S.C.Joshi.
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2018 RRCAT Indore, 09-12 January, 2018.

    17. Development of process parameters for Electron Beam Welding of various parts of a 650 MHz five cell SCRF cavities,
      M Bagre, T Maurya, A Puntambekar, S C Joshi et al.
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2018 RRCAT Indore, 09-12 January, 2018.

    18. An approach for weld joint qualification of Niobium and Niobium –Titanium joint in a SCRF cavity,
      Syed Moulali, Avinash Puntambekar, S C Joshi et al,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – InPAC-2018 RRCAT Indore, 09-12 January, 2018.

    19. Study of weld joint qualification as per ASME code: SCRF cavity a case study,
      Bhushan Y. Dharmik, Syed M. et. al.,
      National Conference on Mechanical Engineering in Next Decade (NC-MEND2017) to be held at Government College of Engineering, Karad (M.S.) during March 10-11, 2017.

    20. Detection of quench location in 1.3 GHz single cell SCRF Cavity during cold testing in LHe bath at 2K,
      Anand Yadav, Avinash Puntambekar, S. C. Joshi et al,
      presented at 26th National Symposium on Cryogenics & Superconductivity at VECC. Kolkata during February 22- 24, 2017.

    21. Study and investigation of issues related to EB Welding Process Simulation Using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD),
      Rahul Kumar Tale, Abhay Kumar, A.M.Puntambekar,
      et al at Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2017, MNNIT Allahabad, 5– 7 July 2017.

    22. Room temperature RF characterization of Nb make super conducting radio frequency cavities at RRCAT,
      Ashish Mahawar, Praveen Mohania, Purushottam Shrivastava, Anand Yadav and Avinash Puntambekar,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – TIFR-BARC, Mumbai, 21-24 December 2015.

    23. Design and Analysis of Magnetic Shield for 650 MHz SCRF Cavity,
      Vanshree Thakur, Vikas Jain, S.Das, R. S. Shinde, S.C.Joshi,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, InPAC-2015, December 21 - 24, 2015, Mumbai.

    24. Tuner Testing with 1.3 GHz Single-Cell SCRF Cavity at Cryogenic Temperature,
      K. K. Singh, V. K. Jain, S. V. Kokil, S. K. Chauhan, S. Raghvendra, P. Mohania, A. P. Singh, P. Shrivastava, P. K. Kush, S. C. Joshi,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, InPAC-2015, December 21 - 24, 2015, Mumbai.

    25. Development of 1.3 GHz Nine-cell SCRF cavity,
      M. Bagre,T Maurya, A. Yedle, A. Puntambekar,S.C. Joshi et al,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – TIFR-BARC, Mumbai, 21-24 December 2015.

    26. Progress on SCRF cavity manufacturing activities at RRCAT,
      A. Puntambekar, S. C. Joshi, J Dwivedi, P Shrivastva, G Mindra, P. D. Gupta et al,
      Proceeding of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference – TIFR-BARC, Mumbai, 21-24 December 2015.

    27. Development of Superconducting Cavities and related infrastructure for high intensity Proton LINAC for Spallation Neutron Sourse”
      S. C. Joshi , S. Raghavendra, V. K. Jain, A. Puntambekar, P. D. Gupta et al,
      Proceeding of the 27th Linear Accelerator Conference - Geneva, Switzerland, 31 August-05 September 2014.

    28. EBW of superconducting niobium cavities at IUAC,
      Mistri K.S., Potukuchi P.N., Sacharias J., Sonti S.S.K., Kanjilal D., Puntambekar A.M., Maurya T, Vaishnav K.G., Bagre M., Yadle,
      A. Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Nov 19-22, 2013. VECC, Kolkata.

    29. Scheme for Temperature mapping of Superconducting radio Frequency cavities,
      Anand Yadav, S K Chouhan, A M Puntambekar and S. C. Joshi,
      National Symposium on Instrumentation-38 Hubli, Karnataka on October 24th to 26th 2013.

    30. Room Temperature RF Characterization of Niobium SCRF cavities and their prototypes,
      Ashish Mahawar, Praveen Mohania, P. Shrivastava, Anand Yadav, A.M. Puntambekar
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Nov 19-22, 2013. VECC, Kolkata.

    31. Development of 1.3 GHz five cell SCRF Cavity,
      T Maurya, M Bagre, V Jain, A Yedle, , A Yadav, A Puntambekar, S G Goswami, R S Choudhary, R S Sandha, J Dwivedi, G V Kane, A Mahawar, P Mohania, P Shrivastava, S Sharma, R Gupta, S D Sharma, , S C Joshi (RRCAT), K K Mistri, P N Prakash (IUAC),
      IndianParticle Accelerator Conference, Nov 19-22, 2013. VECC, Kolkata.

    32. Development of 650 MHz (b=0.9) single-cell SCRF Cavity,
      M Bagre, V Jain, A Yedle, A Puntambekar, J Dwivedi, P Shrivastava, S C Joshi (RRCAT), K K Mistri, P N Prakash (IUAC) et al.
      Proceedings of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Nov 19-22, 2013. VECC, Kolkata

    33. Development of End Group for 1.3 GHz nine cell SCRF Cavity,
      A Yedle, M Bagre, T Maurya, A Yadav, A Puntambekar, SC Joshi .
      Proceedings of the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Nov 19-22, 2013. VECC, Kolkata

    34. R&D activities on High Intensity Superconducting Proton LINAC at RRCAT,
      S C Joshi, A Puntambekar, S B Roy, P Kush, P D Gupta, at el,
      Proceeding of the 26th International Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC12, 9 to 14 September 2012 Tel Aviv, Israel,

    35. Superconducting Cavities Developments efforts at RRCAT,
      2nd International Workshop on Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical system and Thorium Utilization.
      December 11–14, 2011, BARC Mumbai.

    36. Development of 1.3 GHz SRF cavities half cell machining process at RRCAT,
      2nd International Workshop on Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical system and Thorium Utilization.
      December 11–14, 2011, BARC Mumbai.

    37. Technology Developments efforts on fabrication of Superconducting Cavities at RRCAT,
      A. Puntambekar#, M. Bagre, S C Joshi at el
      InPAC 2011, 15-18 Feb, 2011, New Delhi.

    38. Development of 1.3 GHz Prototype Niobium Single Cell Superconducting Cavity Under IIFC Collaboration,
      A. Puntambekar, M. Bagre, S C Joshi at el,
      Particle Accelerator Conference, New York USA, March 28 - April 1, 2011

    39. SRF Main Linac Cryomodule design at Fermilab,
      D. Mitchell, J. Kerby, P. Khare at el,
      Proceedings of SRF2009, Berlin, Germany.

    40. Initial work on the electron Beam welding of 1.3 GHz Single cell Prototype cavity and their process validation efforts,
      M Bagre, A M Puntambekar, P Shrivastava at el, InPAC 2009.

    41. Testing and evaluation of High Temperature Superconductor Current Leads,
      Anand Yadav, A M Puntambekar, M A Manekar,
      InPAC 2009.

    42. Residual resistivity ratio measurement of Niobium,
      Anand Yadav, A M Puntambekar, M A Manekar,
      InPAC 2009.

    43. Indian Participation in LHC, SPL and CTF-3 projects at CERN, Switzerland,
      Sahni V.C, Shrivastava P, Bhanage V., P Khare P at el
      Asian Particle Accelerator Conference - 2007 (APAC-07) , RRCAT, Indore , Jan. 29 - Feb. 2, 2007.

    44. Preliminary design, analysis & manufacturing aspects of 350 MHz SC RF cavity,
      D Mishra, A. Puntambekar at el
      APAC 2007, RRCAT.

    45. Feasibility study & related issues for Technology development of 350 MHz bulk Niobium SCRF Cavities, A. Puntambekar at el InPAC 2006, BARC.

    46. Design performance and series production of SC Trim QP magnet for LHC, Mikko Karpinen at el CERN,
      A. Puntambekar at el RRCAT,
      EPAC 2006.

    47. Design Manufacturing & Implementation of SC Switch for Contact resistance measurement of SC magnets,
      Manish Bagre, A. Puntambekar at el
      InPAC 2006 BARC.

    48. 350 mm dia LHe Cryostat for testing of Superconducting Corrector Magnets for LHC, CERN,
      S.C.Bapna, C.K.Ramachandran, S.V.Venkateswaran and A M Puntambekar
      Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-InPAC-2003.

    49. Shrink fir analysis of MCS magnet to study the effect interference with modified design of shrink cylinder,
      V. Jain, A. Puntambekar, M. G. Karmarkar,
      Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-InPAC-2003.

    50. Measurement of contact resistance of superconducting corrector magnet for the Main Dipole of Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
      A.M. Puntambekar, M.G. Karmarkar, H. Ashoka, Ajith Amban, M Karmarkar, A Pagare, A. Puntambekar, A Thipsay, A Yadav
      Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-InPAC-2003 - 631-633.

    51. Development of special machines for production of large number of superconducting coils for the spool correctors for the main dipole of LHC,
      A.M Puntambekar, M. G. Karmarkar,
      Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-InPAC-2003 - 634-636.

    52. Modified Series’ testing Scheme for testing of large number of SC corrector magnets,
      H. Ashoka, M. Bagre, V. Jain, P. Khare, A. Puntambekar, A. Yadav,
      Indian Particle Accelerator Conference 2005, VECC Kolkata, March 1-5, 2005.

    53. Approach towards development of 350MHz bulk Nb SCRF Cavities for 100MeV LINAC,
      A M Puntambekar, M G Karmarkar
      11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity SRF2003, 8 – 12 September –2003.

    54. Field quality and hysteresis of LHC superconducting corrector magnets,
      M. Allitt, R. Wolf, A. Puntambekar,
      Indore, India, at el European Particle Acclerator Conference EPAC-2004.

    55. Development of cryogenic test facility and associated instruments for the testing of large number of superconducting spool corrector magnets at CAT,
      M Bagre, S Bapna, H. Ashoka, M G Karmarkar, P. Khare, T.Maurya, A Puntambekar, CK Ramachandran, A Yadav, A Yedle,
      Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Acclerator Conference-2003 - 624-626.

    56. Development of superconducting Sextupole and Decapole Spool Corrector Magnets at CAT for the main dipole of the LHC.
      A. M. Puntambekar, M Karmarkar
      Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference-InPAC-2003 - 637-39.

    57. Experience with the fabrication & testing of the sextupole Superconducting corrector magnets for the LHC,
      Salminen J. Ijspeert A., Ang Z, BillanJ, Walckiers I., CERN Geneva, Bapna S., Karmarkar M., Puntambekar A., Thipsay
      AInternational Conference on Magnet Technology MT15, China 1997.

    58. Superconducting sextupole corrector magnet for LHC main dipole,
      A.Ijspeert, J.Salminen, A.M.Puntambekar,
      - European Partical Acclerator Conference, EPAC-96, 10-14th June 1996, Sitges, Barcelona - 2252.

    59. Cryogenic Test setup for Superconducting Sextupole Corrector Magnets,
      S.C.Bapna, C.K.Ramchandran, A.M.Puntambekar, Anil Thipsay and M.G.Karmarkar,
      16th National Symposium on CRYOGENICS, IIT Kharagpur (Dec. 1997).

    60. Impregnation of Saddle Shaped Superconducting Cost using filled Epoxy,
      S.C.Bapna, C.K.Ramchandran, A.M.Puntambekar and S.S.Ramamurthi,
      Physics & Technology of Particle Accelerators and their Applications Calcutta Nov. 1996.

    61. INDUS-1 storage ring magnet fabrication,
      S. S. Prabhu, J. Singh, A. M. Puntambekar, V. K. Shrivastava, T. Veerbhadraiah & S. S. Rammurthy,
      Proceedings of the International conference on Synchrotron Radiation Source - 216-219.

    62. Synchrotron magnet fabrication technique,
      S. S. Prabhu, A. M. Puntambekar, K. Shreeramulu, K. A. Hussain & S. S. Rammurthy,
      Proceedings of the International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Sources - 220-223.

Technical report:
  1. “SCRF cavity static and transient analysis uing coupled-field approach for studying various cavity parameters”
    M. Tech. Project of Shri M. Rathore, 2019-20.

  2. “Design, Development and Testing of SCRF Cavity Tuner Qualification Setup with Control and DAQ System”,
    V. K. Jain, K. K. Singh, D. V. Ghodke and Avinash Puntambekar,
    : RRCAT Library report: RRCAT/2019-13

  3. “Study of Weld Parameters for Electron Beam Welding Process for SCRF Cavity using Simufact Weld Simulation Software”,
    M. Tech. project report of Vinay Namdev, Year 2018-19

  4. "Development of Niobium and Stainless Steel Transition Brazing Joint and Process Qualification",
    V. K. Srivastava, Tilak Mourya, Ashish Singh, Avinash Puntambekar et al,

  5. "Study and investigation of issues related to Electron Beam Welding Process Simulation Using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). M. Tech project report of Shri Rahul Kumar Tale, 2016-17

  6. “Engineering Design Note for Helium Vessel of 650 MHz SCRF”,
    V. K. Jain, T. Nicol,
    FNAL Team Centre (TC) no. ED0005130, 2016-17

  7. “Engineering Analysis of Beta 0.92 650 MHz 5 Cell SRF Cavity Assembly”,
    V. K. Jain, I. Gonin,
    C. Grimm. - FNAL TC No. ED0004923, 2016

  8. “Fabrication specification of bare cavity of 650MHz”,
    C. Grimm, V. K. Jain,
    FNAL TC no. ED0000693, 2015-16

  9. “Fabrication specification of Helium Vessel”,
    V. K. Jain , C. Grimm,
    TC No. ED0005059, 2015-16

  10. “Engineering Risk Assessment for Cavity Fabrication”,
    V. K. Jain, D. Mitchell,
    FNAL TC No. ED0004946, 2015-16

  11. “Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) for tuner”,
    V. K. Jain,
    FNAL TC No. ED0004407, 2015-16

  12. "Study and investigation of the issues related to simulation of Electron Beam Welding for optimization of weld parameters",
    M Tech project report of Shri Abhijeet Naik 2015-16.

  13. "Study of weld joint qualification as per ASME code: SCRF cavity a case study”.
    M. Tech. Project report of Bhushan Y. Dharmik, 2015-16

  14. "Design and Analysis of β = 0.9; 650MHz Superconducting RF Cavity",
    M.Tech. project report of Shri Vivek Zolekar, 2014-15

  15. “Effect of nickel plating on stainless steel interface during brazing of niobium and stainless steel using oxygen free electronic copper braze filler material”,
    Kumar, Abhay Ganesh, P.Kaul, R.Shrivastava, V.K., Ram Sankar, P.Singh, M.K.Rai, Sanjay Kumar, Puntambekar, Avinash Puntambekar,

  16. "Design, Analysis and Testing of Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavity Tuner” Project report of Mr. Harshad Sonar, 2013-14

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