Laser Plasma Division
High Power Laser Optics Laboratory
This laboratory of the Laser Plasma Division is involved in the research and development
of the Two-beam Nd:glass high power laser system (shown below) and its sub-systems like large
diameter amplifiers, spatial filters, Faraday isolators etc. The laboratory also is
involved in the development of sol-gel based high laser damage threshold, large diameter optics.
A view of the Two Beam High Power Nd:glass Laser Chain
Here are the details of the laboratory:
For more details, please contact:
Shri A. S. Joshi
Head, HPL Optics Laboratory Room # 203, Laser R&D Block
Phone : 91-731-248-8463
Fax : 91-731-248-8430
E.mail :asjoshi (at)
Laser Plasma Division