Indigenously developed automatic diameter control (ADC) system
Cyberstar ADC pull-head for crystal growth coupled to resistive heated furnace (high gradient and low gradient)
Optical floating zone crystal growth work station (CSC, Japan)
Box and muffle furnaces for the synthesis and sintering of materials
A tungsten heater vacuum furnace up to 1800 oC
Inert atmosphere furnaces & Vacuum ovens.
2. Material characterization:
Physisorption for BET surface area measurement & chemisorption system.
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM).
Potentiostat for electrochemical studies.
Atomic force microscope.
D/H Mass spectrometer.
Refractive index measurement system (Metricon, Prism Coupler-based)
Differential scanning calorimetry (Rigaku)
Thermoluminescence (Nucleonix)
Impedance analyzer (HP4194A Hewlett Packard, USA and Nova control, France) for dielectric and impedance studies in the temperature range (150-800 K) and frequency range 1mHz to 40MHz .
Powder X-ray diffractometer (18kW and 3kW, Rigaku, Japan)
Hystersis loop tracer (Radiant, USA) for Polarization vs. Electric Field and Strain vs Electric Field measurements.
Polarizing Light Microscope (BX60, Olympus, Japan) equipped with hot-stage (Linkam).
Thickness measurement unit (Filmatrics, USA.)
Inductive coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) for trace element detection.
3. Material processing:
String-type cutter (South Bay Tech.)
High energy ball mill (Fritsch, Germany)
Hot-press (Therlek, India) for sintering (Tmax=1250 oC) of ceramic samples under load (Max. 5 Tons).
Cold Isostatic Press (CIP) up to 3000 bar
Dilatometer (Linseis, Germany) up to 1900 oC in Ar-atmosphere and up to 1650 oC in air.