RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2004

  Director's desk…
  Editorial desk…

 Laser Program
  L.1: Efficient laser energy absorption in gas cluster plasmas irradiated by high instensity multi-picosecond laser pulses
  L.2: Enhancement of soft x-ray conversion in laser produced plasma of gold-copper mix-Z targets
  L.3: Enhanced zone plate coded microscopy of large size objects
  L.4: Fabrication of nano structured velvet targets for sub-picosecond lasers
  L.5: Photodynamic inactivation of antibiotic resistant bacteria - Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  L.6: Depolarization of light in tissue phantoms - effect of a distribution in the size of scatterers
  L.7: Growth of large size KDP crystals and device fabrication
  L.8: Laser produces better quality colmonoy cladding than GTAW
  L.9: All solid-state exciter based on magnetic pulse compression technique replaces thyratron in a high repetition rate TEA CO2 laser
  L.10: Diffusion colled V-fold CW CO2 laser
  L.11: Diode laser pumped high power Nd: YAG laser in side-pumping geometry
  L.12: High average power intra-cavity frequency doubled green laser
  L.13: DPSS single mode IR laser (1064nm) with 100Mw output power
  L.14: Hand operated laser manipulator for cutting of coolant channel of feeder coupling bolts in PHWR
  L.15: Laser cutting tool for steam generation tubes in PHWR
  L.16: Silicon nano particles with blue - UV photoluminescence
  L.17: MOVPE system for epitaxy growth of III-V semiconductor heterostructure

 Theme Article 1
  T.1: CAT Table Top Terawatt Nd: glass laser system

 Theme Article 2
  T.2: Laser micromanipulation of microscopic objects

 Accelerator Program
  A.1: Solid State RF Amplifier Development
  A.2: Test set-up for measurement of conducted EMI
  A.3: Development of power supplies for Indus-2 quadrupole magnets
  A.4: Laser profile cutting for quadrupole magnets of Indus-2
  A.5: Open-type quadrupole magnets for Indus-2
  A.6: Beam profile monitor for Indus-2
  A.7: Precision magnet positioning system jacks for large hadron collider project of CERN
  A.8: Compound motion precision jacks for Indus-2
  A.9: High-resolution powder diffraction beamline design on Indus-2
  A.10: Radiation safety in Indsu-1
  A.11: Gas phase multiple ionization experiments at Indus-1
  A.12: Valence bands offset measurement between two semiconductors using Indus -1
  A.13: W/CX-ray multilayer mirror
  A.14: Use of DC accelerator for radiation processing
  A.15: Injector control unit for 750kV DC Accelerator
  A.16: Growth of CuO nanorods
  A.17: Pulsed power supply for electroforming
  A.18: Four channel ADC board for Indus-2 beam position indicator (BPI) interface
  A.19: Reed RGA, the partial pressure analyzer for Indus-2 vacuum control
  A.20: 10MeV, 10k W Electron linac for food irradiation applications
  A.21: Radiotherapy machine operational

 Infrastructure Facilities


 Other News

RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2004

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