Accelerator Controls & Beam Diagnostics Division

Software Developments

The software development is also divided layer wise. The lower layer software of Indus-1 is developed directly in assembly language of 68000 microprocessor. The higher level software for user interactions was initially developed in C on DOS platform and later on in VC++ and Labview to provide more sophisticated and user friendly GUIs. A client server architecture is selected for higher-level software and for it socket programming, TCP/IP programming and Remote Procedure Calls are used. Database is maintained to log important data.

The middle and lower layer software for Indus-2 has been developed using Ultra C running on OS9 platform. OS9, a real time operating system is selected for these layers, as it is modular and Rommable. OS9 is ported on Motorola 68000-based CPU developed in-house. OS9 Device drivers and file manger are also developed for various VMEbus based cards.

The communication between the layer-2 and layer-3 is governed by Profi bus protocols on RS-485 multidrop link, which are implemented using assembly language of microcontroller DS80320 and the C-cross compiler. The layer-1 software has been developed using the SCADA tool PVSS2. Communication between Layer-1 and Layer-2 is done on Ethernet using TCP/IP and Socket programming. Databases for all the sub systems have been designed and are used for storing the operational data of the machines. Web based software have also been developed & operational to provide the live, historical, statistical and faults data of the machines to users through intranet. In addition the parallel developments are also going on in VC++, VB, Java, Labview, MatLAB and OPC tool Kit.

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