Proton Linac Development Division DAE_RRCAT_INDORE
Linac Components Development Section

The Linac Components Development Section (LCDS) of Proton Linac Development Division, is involved in indigenous development of components and technologies related to Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ), Drift Tube Linac (DTL), Spoke Resonator, Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities, Spallation target, Beam dump, Cryostats for superconducting magnets etc. for 1 GeV pulsed proton accelerator based Indian Facility for Spallation Research (IFSR).

352.2 MHz prototype RFQ structure assembled on a bead pull test stand

For more details about activities of LCDS, please contact:

Shri G. V. Kane
Head, Linac Components Development Section
Phone.: +91-731-244-2247 (O)
Email: gvkane (at) rrcat.gov.in

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