Synchrotron Utilization Section

The major activity of Synchrotrons Utilization Section (SUS) is related to the development of frontends and beamlines for Indus-1 and Indus-2 synchrotron sources and utilization of the beamlines in Indus-1 and Indus-2. The section is providing continuous and uninterrupted support to beamline users from universities/ national institutes to carry out their experiments on Indus beamlines. The section is in parallel, actively engaged in various research activities related to materials science and has developed and commissioned different facilities for growth and characterizations of bulk and thin films.

SUS has developed, installed and commissioned six beamlines on Indus-2 and one on Indus-1, which are being used by researchers from universities and national institutes. One more beamline is in process of installation on Indus-2 synchrotron source and will be available soon for user experiments. These are as follows:

RRCAT beamlines on Indus-1

1.Reflectivity (10-300 eV)BL-04

RRCAT beamlines on Indus-2

1.Engineering Application (5-20 keV)BL-02
2.Soft X-ray Reflectivity (0.1 -1.5 keV) BL-03
3. Lithography (4 - 20 keV, pink beam )BL-07
4.ARPES (0.03 - 1.0 k eV) BL-10
5.Angle Dispersive XRD (5 - 20 keV)BL-12
6.Microprobe XRF (4- 20 keV)BL-16


Major Activities related to beamlines and frontends
  1. Support beamline users from universities and national institutes to carry out their experiments on Indus-1 and Indus-2 beamlines
  2. Design and development of Frontends and its control and interlocking systems
  3. Beamline related Instrumentation
  4. Software development for beamline control and experimental setups
  5. Synchrotron optics refurbishment using UV/O3 and RF plasma technique

Major Activities on materials science
  1. Transition Metal based Oxides (TMO) that includes, Perovskites (ABO3) as well as Delafossites (ABO2). Hybrid organic-inorganic Lead halide-based Perovskite materials for solar cell applications
  2. Synthesis, characterization and applications of Si nano-particles
  3. Determination of x-ray optical properties of various oxides and compound materials
  4. Estimation of x-ray elastic constants of engineering materials
  5. Research and development of diffractive and refractive x-ray optical elements
  6. Large bandgap oxide semiconductor thin films
  7. Transition metal based intermetallics
  8. Thin films and multilayers for x-ray and other applications
  9. Nano-particles for bio and environmental applications

Organization of activities
  1. Beamline Control & Instrumentation Lab
  2. Beamline Mechanical Engineering Lab
  3. Engineering Applications Lab (EAL)
  4. Electron Spectroscopy & Materials Lab
  5. Hard X-ray Applications Lab
  6. Lithography & Microscopy Lab
  7. Soft X-ray Applications Lab
  8. Thin Films Lab

Content Manager (Synchrotrons Utilization Section): Dr. Mohammed Hussein Modi Email: modimh (at)
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